Installation of window slopes: step-by-step instructions, necessary materials, tips from the masters

Installation of window slopes: step-by-step instructions, necessary materials, tips from the masters
Installation of window slopes: step-by-step instructions, necessary materials, tips from the masters

After installing the windows, ugly joints remain between the opening and the frame. If they are not finished with a suitable material, then over time the mounting foam will collapse, heat loss will increase. And the view of the window itself without finishing will be unaesthetic. This will spoil the overall impression of the design. Therefore, it is necessary to install window slopes. This procedure will be covered in the article below.

Varieties of materials

To install window slopes with your own hands, you must first select the type of finish. Today, many materials are used for this. They have certain advantages and disadvantages.

do-it-yourself installation of window slopes
do-it-yourself installation of window slopes

It is also worth noting that the slopes will need to be done both inside and outside the premises. In this case, higher requirements are put forward for materials. There are the following types of slopes:

  • Plaster. To create themcement mortar is used. Such slopes can be mounted both inside and outside the premises. But their disadvantage is the duration of work, as well as the need for certain skills.
  • Gypsum board. They can be mounted on a profile frame or directly on the surface of the opening. The choice depends on the degree of unevenness of the base. Drywall is used only for creating slopes indoors, as it does not tolerate high humidity and other adverse weather conditions.
  • Plastic. This is the most popular type of slope. You can purchase PVC panels and mount them on the opening using a frame or frameless method. Also one of the popular options is the use of sandwich panels. This is a construction that is completely ready for installation, in which a heater is provided. Installation is carried out in the shortest possible time. PVC siding is used for external slopes. It withstands weather. Installation of siding for window slopes is carried out quickly, and the appearance of the opening is very aesthetic.

To make the right choice of technique, you need to consider the features of each option.


Installation of slopes on a window opening can be done using different materials. One option is plaster. This is a cement mortar, which is most often used in the restoration of finishes during major repairs. The advantage of this technique is the reasonable cost. But this is a rather lengthy way to create slopes. Plaster will definitely stain the decorativewall decoration. Therefore, during cosmetic repairs, this technique is not used.

siding installation of window slopes
siding installation of window slopes

If the edge of the slope crumbled, it must be strengthened with a metal corner. It is necessary to prepare the surface by cleaning it of construction debris, old finishes. It is advisable to treat the substrate with a primer of the appropriate type.

Then install beacons. These are devices made of metal or wood, along which the solution layer is leveled. It is best to purchase ready-made plaster beacons in specialized stores. The first of them is mounted directly near the window block. The layer of plaster must be at least 5 cm.

When installing beacons, the distance is measured with a building level. The second beacon is installed at the corner of the opening. Along the entire perimeter, the distance between the first and second beacons should be the same. When the preparation is completed, you can start plastering.

Creating slopes from mortar

Installation of window slopes from plaster indoors involves the use of a gypsum mixture, and outside - cement. The preparation of the solution is best done with a construction mixer. You need to purchase a dry mix that can be laid in a thick layer (finishing gypsum composition is not suitable).

For cement mortar, it is desirable to purchase a plasticizer. Sand is added to the mixture in a ratio of 1:2. This will make the layer larger than 3 cm. You can purchase a special dry mix in which all the ingredients will be correlated in the requiredproportions. First you need to install a layer of thermal insulation. Otherwise, the windows will be covered with condensation in winter.

The solution is applied in several layers. Each of them should dry well (time indicated by the manufacturer of the solution). At the end, the final layer is applied. A primer is applied between the layers. The top layer is sanded and painted.

At the junction of the putty layer with the window block, it is necessary to cover it with sealant before painting. It is necessary to cut the joint by 2-3 mm with a sharp clerical knife. It is led at an angle of 45º. The recess is primed, and then treated with a sealant. On both sides it must be pasted over with masking tape. The surface of the seam should be as even as possible. This must be done before the composition hardens.


Installation of drywall window slopes has many advantages.

installation of slopes on the window opening
installation of slopes on the window opening

For a beginner, applying putty is quite difficult. It is especially difficult to align the corners. Therefore, drywall is often used for interior installation. This material has a number of advantages:

  • Drywall is environmentally friendly, does not emit toxic, harmful substances to the body. It can be mounted even in the children's room, bedroom.
  • Ready-made slopes look aesthetically pleasing, cozy at home.
  • The material is durable. It will not require repair and restoration for many years.
  • Slope assembly is fast. Even a novice master will cope with this task.
  • Insulation can be used to reduce heat loss in the room.

You need to use moisture-resistant drywall. The surface of the base must be prepared by cutting off the mounting foam, cleaning the surfaces of debris. You can install GKL sheets on the frame or fix them directly to the opening with glue. There is also a mixed method.

We need to remove the protective film from the window frames. Otherwise, it will be difficult to do it in the future without damaging the slopes.

Mounting on frame

The method of installing plasterboard window slopes on the frame is used in cases where walls are sheathed with the same material. In this case, a common frame is assembled. The window opening is reduced. Therefore, for openings with small dimensions, this method is not applicable.

installation of pvc window slopes
installation of pvc window slopes

Voids under the frame can be filled with insulation. This will avoid heat loss in the cold season, reduce the likelihood of condensation on the windows. The frame here must be assembled from the smallest profile. This will allow more rational use of free space.

Pieces of the appropriate size are cut out of drywall. They are attached to the profile using special screws. Their hats are a little recessed into the material. The empty space under the plasterboard must be filled with mineral wool. Bas alt insulation is non-combustible, which meets the fire safety requirements for residential premises. This material does not emit harmful substances. It has high thermal insulation properties.

The joints of the plates are pasted over with a sickle, and then the installation sites of the self-tapping screws are puttied. You can use a building corner for these purposes. This way the seams will be even. This will make the job easier for the beginner. Having leveled the surface, slopes are treated with gypsum mortar (finishing). When it hardens, the plaster is polished. Then it can be painted.

Adhesive mounting

In the process of installing window slopes from GKL, a different technique can be used. In this case, glue is used. The size of the opening is reduced slightly. Drywall sheets can be fixed with putty or special glue. Such formulations are sold in dry form. They are kneaded with water using a construction mixer.

Slopes must be treated with a primer before finishing. Previously, the surface of the base must be cleaned of old building materials. You need to prime the back side of the drywall. When this composition dries, the glue is kneaded. It is applied with a spatula to the back surface of the drywall sheet.

slope window sandwich installation
slope window sandwich installation

It is best to glue the material from the top slope. If necessary, you can level the slope surfaces. To do this, use the same glue. If the height differences are very large, small strips can be cut out of drywall. They are placed in the appropriate places.

Further, a perforated corner is glued to the corners. The slopes are puttied with a finishing solution. This will hide the metal corners. Putty is applied in two layers. The bottom one should dry well. If the surface of the slope is planned to be painted, before that, the hardened plaster is sanded with sandpaper. You can stick wallpaper on the surface of the slopes. In this case, grindingneeded.

Mixed way

It is possible to install plasterboard window slopes using an L-profile. This method is called mixed. An L-shaped profile is attached along the edge of the slope. An acrylic-based sealant is poured inside. Before it hardens, you need to insert drywall strips into the grooves.

installation of window slopes when sheathing a house with siding
installation of window slopes when sheathing a house with siding

This allows you to fix the sheet on one side. The side that is perpendicular to the window is glued. Further, in the remaining sections, the sheet is fixed with self-tapping screws. The presence of an adhesive during installation greatly simplifies the procedure. This method is applicable for beginners. It is the L-shaped profile that ensures that the sheet is installed exactly at a right angle.

The cavity formed under the GKL is filled with bas alt wool by 2/3. It needs to be installed closer to the window. The remaining space is filled with glue. You can use putty for these purposes.

Further, the slopes are primed and covered with a layer of putty. When it dries, the top coat is sanded and painted.


There are many types of plastic slopes. They differ in performance and installation process. Recently, the installation of window slopes from sandwich panels has been popular. They are very easy to install by hand. This can be done almost on the day of installation of the window. There are many types of similar finishes on sale.

installation of window slopes from sandwich panels
installation of window slopes from sandwich panels

Installation of window slopes from sandwich panels haslots of benefits. Condensation does not form on the glass and frame during the cold period (with properly equipped ventilation). The structure of such a product provides insulation, which reduces heat loss in the room.

To mount such a slope, first a wooden rail is installed around the perimeter of the base. The slope load will act on it. Therefore, you need to fix the rail very firmly.

The starting profile is inserted into the grooves. A slope is mounted to it. The outer edge is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or brackets. You need to screw them deeper into the material. From above, the hats are closed with special plugs.

Installation of window slopes from sandwich panels is very fast. This is the advantage of the presented method.

Foamed PVC

A popular method is the installation of PVC window slopes. This material has a smooth surface, easy to cut with a grinder. PVC foam panels are easy to bend. Therefore, if the window has a rounded top shape, it will not be possible to find a better material. Small incisions are made at the bends. Furrows should be frequent, but should not exceed 1/3 of the sheet thickness. The cuts are treated with special glue.

Grooves need to be prepared in the mounting foam. An adhesive is added to them. A panel is installed in the prepared seat. A metal profile is attached to the slope. It has plastic in it. Foam must be blown between the wall and the PVC panel. Be sure to leave room for expansion of the mounting solution.

The profile is also fixed to the outer corner. Placesjoints are treated with silicone (preferably sanitary) sealant. It is smoothed with a spatula or a damp cloth. Joints can be closed with special plastic corners. Plastic is best used when installing window slopes indoors. Outdoors, under the influence of weather and climatic adverse factors, the material may turn yellow.

Outer slopes

Not every type of material is used in the construction of external slopes. It is important to consider what kind of finish is used for the facade. It is best to schedule the installation of external slopes during the repair of the walls of the building.

A popular type of finish in this case is the installation of window slopes when sheathing a house with siding. This material can be vinyl or metal. To do this, a J-profile is installed near the frame on the outside of the window. Siding is installed in it. The joint is closed with a special corner. It will hide the junction of the panel on the window and the facade material.

If the window on the outside has practically no slope, it is framed with a special casing. Its width may vary. You can also use siding. It is framed with a J-profile.

You can make external slopes of cement putty. This option would be appropriate if the facade is finished with a similar material. The technology for applying the solution is the same as for interior work. But in this case, gypsum mixtures cannot be used. The composition of the cement slurry must include appropriate plasticizers. After the solution hardens, it is painted in the same color as the facade.
