Working with drywall literally created a revolution in building technology. After all, the finish that previously had to be done manually can now be replaced with drywall. It is relatively fast, but of the highest quality, creates a smooth surface that is difficult to achieve in other ways.
Preparatory work
Before you start working with drywall, you need to draw diagrams or drawings and make calculations. If time is limited, you can sketch on the sketch. Next, you need to decide on which surface you want to install the frame. It can be mounted on both ceilings and walls in a residential area. What is the frame in the house for?

It is used for various purposes - to create a double ceiling or to fix a chandelier on it, as well as lamps. Its bases allow you to both level the surface and create separate niches, if necessary.
Where is the frame mounted?
Bhow to work with drywall, it is important to understand that the material has a wide scope of use. With it, you can not only correct the surface of the ceiling or create niches, but also create arches, make decorative shelves and greenhouses.
Ceiling mount
In case of proper planning of processes, when it comes to how to work with drywall, you need to start from the ceiling.
The markup on it is made from the lowest place, which is usually determined according to a pre-prepared scheme. If the measurements are inaccurate, you can also check them with a laser level. It is important to note that the wiring must be carried out before the installation of the frame. After all, after that, the work will be much more difficult to do.
After making measurements, the structure is mounted on the ceiling:
- First, hangers for mounts are installed. If it is planned to install a two-level ceiling, two rows of suspensions are made. The distance should be approximately 60 centimeters.
- The marks that were made earlier are needed to secure the guides.
- It is necessary to fix the threads on the profiles and thus break the ceiling into squares.
- By marking with threads, the load-bearing elements of the structure are installed. They must be screwed to the suspension and inserted into the rails.
- Crab connectors are used to fasten the profiles crosswise. For two-level ceilings - special two-level connectors.
When the frame is ready after completing all these steps, you can attachdrywall to construction.

When it comes to how to work with drywall, when the frame is not metal, but wooden, then the steps are practically the same as the previous ones. Below we will consider the stages of work:
- Initially, metal hangers are attached to the ceiling.
- In advance, you need to prepare wooden slats. They are also recommended to be treated from moisture so that later the whole structure does not suffer because of this.
- Rails are attached according to pre-made marks.
- Threads must be stretched between the slats. What are they needed for? The threads will be used to mount the batten.
- The crate of the rails is installed using self-tapping screws. In this case, the bars are laid out between the rails.

In the process of installing the structure, you must first install wooden blocks along the edges, and only then move on to the middle of the structure. Only after the complete readiness of the structure is the installation on drywall.
Wall mounting
In the process of how to work with drywall, the next stage of installation is the walls. They do not differ too much in technology, materials and tools from ceiling mounting. For example, to install a metal frame, the following scheme is used:
- First, guides are attached. On the one hand - to the floor, and on the other - to the ceiling.
- In the process of marking with a thread, it must be taken into account that the distance differs fromwhat was needed for the ceiling. Thus, for walls, the distance should be at least 60 centimeters.
- The bottom guide profile must be fitted with brackets at the top and bottom. The design is thus attached to the wall. The brackets should be spaced at the same spacing as the thread markings.
If there are windows
If the wall has a hole for the front door or for a window, then the process of how to work with drywall at home is a little different. For this, an additional profile for the frame for drywall should be used. Guides are mounted around the hole. Further, the profile is separately attached below and above under the hole. The finished structure can then be finished with drywall. Experts say that it is imperative to use a profile near the window, otherwise this may later lead to deformation of the entire structure.
Partitions and niches
In the question of how to work with a drywall profile, it is imperative to take into account the installation of partitions and niches.

This stage begins with the selection of profiles. However, it must be borne in mind that the guides must be larger in size than those chosen for wall mounting. This is due to the fact that this design will be attached exclusively to the ceiling and floor. The frame must be strong and stable. Otherwise, it will serve an extremely short period.
Installation of the partition follows the following steps:
- Metal rails must be fixed to the ceiling andgender.
- At the next stage, vertical load-bearing elements are installed.
- Next, wooden blocks should be mounted exactly around the perimeter of the door opening. This is done in order to secure it securely.
After completing all these steps, you can safely say that the partition is ready.
As for the base for niches, it involves the use of the same guides and carriers that are used for wall mounting. But the process is not as simple as it seems. Here you have to connect the fantasy. In order to create shelves or niches in the wall, you will have to use guides. They must be adjacent to each other. How to do it? Jumpers are used for this.
If we are talking about curved corners, you will have to use twisted guides here. For shelves, they must be connected by load-bearing elements.
During the entire process of mounting the structure under the frame, it is necessary to carefully monitor the strength of the structure, and also make sure that the structure can withstand the entire load that will be placed on it.
How to use a drywall cutter?
The principle of operation of this device is in many respects similar to the algorithm of the stapler. It is necessary in order to connect profiles to each other. The cutter is widely used in cases where it is necessary to make sure that the structure will be strong enough and will withstand high loads.
The tool can be used not only in its basic configuration. Some models are equipped with an additional set of parts. They are used when it is necessary to make holes of different sizes on a certain sheet.

However, the use of additional components is not recommended too often. Otherwise, the tool will quickly wear out and have to be replaced. As a rule, only the cutting element changes in the cutter. After all, over time it wears out and starts to cut badly.
How to work with vetonite on drywall? It is used if the surface is covered before wallpapering. This material is considered one of the most widely used and most reliable.
Vetonit is used for puttying the entire surface under drywall. It has pretty good properties. So, the prepared mixture does not change its appearance and characteristics over time. The composition can be stored up to 24 hours without changing the shape.
Putty, which was not used during the repair process, must be tightly covered with a film. Moreover, so that a crust does not form on it subsequently. It is this factor that will indicate that the top layer has not dried out, and the material is still usable.
How does the Butterfly Drywall Plug work?
This tool is often used in the construction industry. The butterfly dowel is used to hang relatively light structures on plasterboard walls. It applies in the following cases:
- When it comes to hanging electricalwiring.
- Fix lights if necessary.
- For fixing switches.

The butterfly is also widely used for attaching skirting boards and cornices. A strict condition is that the thickness of the structure should not exceed twelve millimeters. That is, the use of this type of dowel is limited to certain parameters that cannot be exceeded. The advantage of this fastening is that the fastening screw is easily screwed in and can be removed. However, there are also disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of this tool? It cannot be used if rear space is strictly limited.
Instead of a conclusion
As you can see, working with drywall is quite easy. However, the operation has many of its own nuances and requires the strictest fulfillment of all conditions. This is the only way the structure will last for a long time, and will not deform in the shortest possible time.

As far as how drywall works in Germany, the technology is absolutely no different from those used by specialists in any other country. The only difference is that in Germany they pay special attention to details, and therefore they try to make the most accurate calculations and measurements in order to prevent the slightest error. Tools and methods for working with drywall are different. However, each of them is aimed at speeding up the work and making the material easier to use.