When choosing a control unit for underfloor heating, you should study the parameters of the controller and the functioning system. Proper installation and appropriate adjustment of the device will significantly save energy, as well as improve indoor comfort, while adjusting the performance in the required range. The system under consideration can be corrected in several ways. Consider these methods and their features.

General information
Underfloor heating control units are somewhat cheaper than analogues associated with liquid heating systems. On average, the cost of the node in question costs between 4-6 thousand rubles. Automatic variations require more significant investments (about 20 thousand rubles).
Regular mechanical versions are much cheaper, designed for manual adjustment of the underfloor heating. The control unit in this case serves to maintain the desired temperature according to its own feelings - “hot” or “cold”. In accordance with the indicators, the tap is unscrewed to the maximum orscrewed in until it stops.
Features of automation
The control unit for underfloor heating servo drives on the "machine" contributes to the control of several devices at the same time:
- circulation pump;
- thermostat heads;
- gas burner (if needed);
- servo;
- special valves.
Controlling the circulation pump is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to adjust the underfloor heating in a residential building. The device makes it possible to activate or deactivate the device, depending on the temperature in the pipes. However, such a system is not focused on apartment buildings, where there is one pump, which, in case of interruptions, turns off the power to all rooms.
Another common type of control for electric underfloor heating units is semi-automatic controllers. They are adjusted by means of thermal heads, make it possible to turn off the heating when certain conditions occur. For example, in this design, the three-way valve is closed immediately after reaching a high temperature of the water in the pipeline. An underestimated indicator, on the contrary, opens a valve through which a liquid with an elevated temperature is supplied.

Other details
If the water floor heating control unit aggregates with server drives, a special device is mounted on the collector, which corrects the flow of water into several working circuits. This controller is optimal for adjusting the temperature at the same timein several rooms.
The weather-dependent regulator operates with a complex design that includes a mass of indicators and switches that operate depending on climatic conditions. Some of the devices are mounted directly in the room, other devices are placed on the street. This approach allows you to save at least 15% or 30% on heating (on gas or wood, respectively). Private small houses and cottages are successfully heated by elementary systems that use a circulation pump or a mechanical valve.

How to connect the floor heating control unit?
The location of the regulator is chosen by the homeowner, depending on individual preferences and the characteristics of the premises. The height of the device does not affect its operation. It is usually mounted near a light switch, close to the floor surface.
Recommendation, which should be strictly adhered to, is a ban on installing the device in rooms with a high level of humidity. When equipping a bathroom with this system, the underfloor heating control unit should be taken out into the corridor, arranging the wiring to the heating elements through the wall partitions.
The connection of the structure for all modifications is carried out according to a similar scheme. Each version has connection terminals, heaters, power supplies and sensors. Some options are equipped with a connected cable, the length of which ranges from 200 to 300 centimeters. Thisindicator is enough to connect to the switchboard.

Group collector operation principle
The instruction for controlling this type of underfloor heating unit is practically the same as automatic analogues or semiautomatic devices. The whole process can be divided into several stages, namely:
- Submitting a signal from the group collector to the servo.
- Moving the control valve.
- Correction of the heat transfer fluid in the pipes.
- Group of mixing parts responsible for adjusting the circulating water in several collector compartments.
It is worth noting that the connection of individual mixing blocks is carried out by means of a group connection, when separate points for adjusting the operation of underfloor heating by compartments or rooms are developed and installed. The branched system makes it possible to regulate the operation of the structure using a thermostatic head or a three-position valve.

Zone Mounting
This kind of control is implemented through the installation of room automation. It is aimed at adjusting thermal indicators through a node with sensors responsible for the temperature in each room according to the specified characteristics.
Zonal distribution of the degree of floor heating provides for automatic adjustment of indicators. The device itself is mounted in such premises where it is requiredmaintaining constant climatic comfort (pools, saunas, baths, etc.). The adjustment process is carried out through the user entering specific parameters into the thermostat program. The reaction to such actions is appropriate - the device turns off or turns on with a difference in the characteristics that are set by the consumer.
Pros and cons
Controllers for controlling the operation of a warm floor with a wired design are installed in the interior of rooms at a height of 1000-1500 millimeters above the floor. The advantages of such a system include the possibility of its installation in the place where it is required to establish an accurate indicator of the current temperature. The disadvantages of such equipment include the impossibility of their installation from the outside of the building, or at a point that is subject to direct sunlight. In addition, wired regulators are not recommended to be placed near household appliances.
The advantages of wireless controllers include the possibility of their installation in apartments and houses where repairs have already been made, or there is no need for it. Similar modifications are mounted next to gas or electric boilers.

Faults and repair of the underfloor heating control unit
Judging by the feedback from users, most often these systems fail for two reasons. The first of these includes incorrect functioning of the device or a complete failure to work. In this case, the device can be diagnosed independently. For this you need a tester. Current is supplied tothe receiving terminal, and the parameter is checked on the neighboring analogue, which supplies energy to the heating part of the device. If voltage is not observed, the sensor must be carried to a specialized workshop, since this defect cannot be eliminated on its own.
The second "trouble" is a malfunction of the temperature indicator. To check it, use a multimeter, with which the resistance of the sensor is measured. Permissible indicators are indicated in the instruction manual, they are about 5-45 kOhm. If these parameters do not match, the indicators must be replaced.

In closing
The underfloor heating control unit is often an almost indispensable thing in a house or apartment. These designs make it possible not only to adjust the temperature regime, but also save on the consumption of electrical energy. The ideal option is programmable panels, however, not everyone can afford their price. It is worth emphasizing that the savings occur due to the direction of the temperature on the heating elements, and not on heating the "air".