Hammock is a convenient and practical thing. He has already entered the everyday life of a modern summer resident so much that it is difficult to imagine a suburban area without him. You can sunbathe, take a nap or read a book in it, besides, it can be turned into an original design object. You will learn how to make a hammock with your own hands in this article.
Types of hammocks
Now there are several varieties of hammocks. They differ in technical characteristics and some other qualities.
This design is very popular, these products can often be seen on the sites. The indisputable advantage of such a hammock is independence from the place. That is, no brackets or trees are needed, it can be installed almost anywhere, and if necessary, it is just as easy to transfer to another.
The frame hammock can be stationary or prefabricated. Stationary is more reliable and stable, but less convenient to transport. Prefabricated hammocks do not differ in good reliability, becausemore fragile materials are used in their production, but this design is easy to disassemble and transport from place to place.

This model can be called a classic, because the very first hammocks were just like that. The design is universal, and the synthetic basis does not pass moisture. Now, for convenience, a hammock can be equipped with a mosquito net, which will save you from mosquitoes in the evening.
It is quite easy to build a hanging hammock with your own hands. It is necessary to find only two strong trees, standing close to each other, and fix the base on their trunks. Most often, carabiners or tension elements are used as fasteners. If there are no trees nearby, it doesn't matter, because you can always put a couple of poles.
Hammock chair
Now these models are in great demand in stores, and all because of their versatility and practicality. The hammock chair will bring additional comfort, coziness and romance to outdoor recreation. This design is not necessarily small, there are chairs large enough to accommodate several people. It's nice to chat, swaying slightly, and drink something refreshing. They are slightly higher in price than other models, but making a hammock chair with your own hands is almost as easy as other varieties.
Swing hammocks are an unusual design that immediately brings a special touch to the design of any suburban area. Support for swing hammocks can be trees, poles orown frame, the main thing is that the possibility of free swing remains. The stores offer models of the most bizarre forms. To make a DIY hammock swing, follow the instructions for regular hammocks, and then install such a hammock on a suitable frame. For example, it can be a frame from an ordinary swing.

Hammock Rules
There are a lot of models of hammocks, but the same rules of use are relevant for all. This will secure your holiday and save you from negative situations.
Stability of bindings
Before installing the hammock, be sure to check the reliability and stability of the mounts. The poles or trees on which the structure will be supported must have a diameter of at least twenty centimeters. If poles are used, they must be dug to a depth of at least one meter. If the product sags a lot, do not use it to avoid damage to the base of the hammock.
Between the supports of the hammock, the distance should be at least three meters, and the mounts should be at a height of one and a half meters from the ground. If it is assumed that a very large person will use the hammock, foresee this in advance and strengthen the structure, as well as place the mounts a little higher.
Also, hammocks can be conditionally divided into two types according to the presence or absence of a crossbar. In most of the photos of hammocks made by hand and presented in this article, there will be exactly hammocks with a crossbar. It would seem, what's the difference, because it's just one element. What could change?
In fact, both "subspecies" have several of their own characteristics. A hammock without a crossbar "hugs" a person lying in it, forming a kind of cocoon. So you can sleep without fear of tipping over. It is most convenient to add a mosquito net to such a hammock. However, getting out of such a cocoon will be more difficult. In addition, it may not be suitable for people who have any problems with the spine, because it doesn’t matter if the product was bought in a store or this hammock is a successful do-it-yourself project. If he does not have a crossbar, the back of the rester has no support and can take an uncomfortable position.
Hammock with a bar is less suitable for sleeping, but it has its own rigidity. Yes, if you start tossing and turning during sleep, you can fall off it, but this design supports your back. In addition, a mattress can be used on it. This will provide additional comfort. If desired, such a hammock can be turned into a full-fledged bed, the main thing is when spending the night outdoors, make sure that a sudden rain does not spoil all the fun.
You can protect yourself from the rain with the help of an awning installed on top of a hammock. It is easy to make with ordinary film, which is sure to be found in any suburban area.
For hiking
Some tourists also liked the hammock. And indeed, if you plan to hike in the forest, this is a great option. For such purposes, as a rule, a hammock without a crossbar is used.
The benefits of a hammock on a hikeseveral, and they are significant. For example, you do not need to take a tent, it is enough to take a film or an awning. Also, you won't need travel foam or even a sleeping bag if you hike in the warm season.
There are also disadvantages. This option is not suitable for people suffering from back pain. You will always have to look for a place to install a hammock, so you can only use it in the forest. If you are camping in a group, it may be more beneficial in terms of weight to take a large tent. On long hikes, constant sleep in a hammock without crossbars can get boring, and there will be no opportunity to get a sleeping bag somewhere.
But to take a hammock on a short hike or a trip by car, there are no obstacles at all. You just need to know in advance whether it will be where to put it.
Mounting cables
The load carrying cables must be at least eight millimeters in diameter.
If the hammock model allows, use eyelets. This will help achieve a greater level of security.
The base of the hammock should be made from a dense, durable fabric such as camouflage or canvas. Don't skimp on fabric! In the future, this will not only protect you from injuries and falls, but also help the hammock last longer. But even such a dense material needs to be replaced every two to three years. Only in this way can you be sure of your safety.
Below in the photo is a successful homemade hammock, not only made with your own hands, but also beautifully decorated.

If you dodo-it-yourself mesh hammock, then use cotton threads. They are less prone to chafing, slipping and tighten quite tightly.
A hammock, either store-bought or homemade, is already a great piece of decor, but it can be improved upon. Use canopies made of thick or transparent fabrics. They are not only beautiful, but also protect your skin from the sun and wind. Also, for extra comfort, you can use bright soft pillows or mattresses. Decorate your hammock with ribbons to make it bright, light and airy. And now let's move on to the question of how to make a hammock with your own hands.
First way
If you want to make a hanging hammock, you must first purchase strong ropes, as well as reliable dense matter of the desired color. A sewing machine will not be superfluous either, and special skills will not be required here.
Preparing the base
If you decide to make a hammock with your own hands, its dimensions can be precisely adjusted to your own needs. As a rule, they should be determined by the height of a person. To allow for this indicator, you need to add sixty centimeters on both sides. Then cut off the uneven edges of the fabric, and mark the places for the drawstring on the two narrow sides. To do this, make cuts thirty centimeters at a distance of eighteen centimeters from each other.
The drawstrings should be located at the edges of the fabric on two narrow sides. Here the ropes are stretched. The cuts made are folded in two layers and stitched with double seams. Do not forgetsecurely fasten the ends of the seams. If you are making a hammock chair with your own hands, you can use large loops instead of drawstrings.
The weaving method can be used not only to make a hammock, but also to simply make beautiful and reliable loops for mounting. The first step will be to thread the rope into the previously prepared drawstrings, while it is necessary to make a margin of about 180 centimeters. The rope is pulled through the cuts for one meter. Remember: to weave a hammock with your own hands, you will need about forty meters of rope.

Then tie the ends of the rope two at a time. In the middle, pull out four loops, which are gathered together and wrapped. A good winding requires about ten meters of rope. Before connecting the loops, straighten them and tie at the top of the bend. Start the transverse winding only after you have laid all the longitudinal loops and fastened the rope. Longitudinal loops are made from a less thick rope, it will take about half a meter. The longitudinal loop securely fixes the ends of the winding. The remaining winding threads can be crossed among themselves and pressed tightly. Then pull the rope through the fixing loop and wrap the longitudinal part. When the carrier loop is complete, join the two remaining loose ends together and wrap them around. After two such turns, tie the remaining ends tightly.
It has already been said above that the easiest method of mounting for a hammock, made by hand or bought, is to fix it on two poles or nearby trees. The main thing is that the mount isreliable and durable.
To make relaxing in a wicker or fabric hammock pleasant, it is better to use soft pillows or a mattress. They can also be sewn on their own, and use fluff, holofiber or synthetic winterizer as a filler. Synthetic fillers can be purchased at sewing stores or give new life to old mattresses. Pillows in a contrasting color with a hammock look spectacular.
You can find a drawing and photo of hand-made hammocks in our review.

Second way
If the first option did not suit you for some reason, then we continue to tell you how to make a hammock with your own hands at home. The second method is no more complicated than the first. So, for this you will need:
- 20 eyelets and installation tool;
- 2.5 meters of durable material (tarpaulin, camouflage);
- two large metal rings 35 meters of rope (diameter 6 mm);
- sewing machine;
- 12mm drill and drill;
- pair of bars (you need to choose hardwood bars), the size is 30x50, and the length of the bars should be equal to the width of the hammock you have chosen.
Preparing the base
So, let's start making a fabric hammock with our own hands. When the material is selected, you need to cut a piece about three meters long. If the hammock is located under a canopy, you can not worry about protecting the material from moisture, and if not, then think in advance whether you are ready to constantly cover the hammock or wait for it to dry after rain.
Howsew a hammock with your own hands? To begin, fold the edges of the fabric by six centimeters and sew with a sewing machine. For convenience, you can iron the wrapped tip with an iron, then turn it up again and iron it again. Or use pins.
In the process of work, make sure that the stitched collar is on the underside of the hammock, because this will make it almost invisible. In thicker fabrics, side seams can be omitted, so you can do as you please.
Insert eyelets
Before installing eyelets, it is necessary to mark the places of their installation with chalk or a marker. Each narrow side should accommodate eleven elements at an equal distance from each other. Then a hole is cut in the designated place. It does not have to be even, the main thing is the right size.

Wooden brace
The spacers for the hammock will be hardwood bars with holes made in them. Through these holes you will need to stretch the ropes. The struts keep the hammock from collapsing so that it stays stretched when a person lies down in it. The length of the bars should correspond to the width of the hammock. Holes in the bars must be made according to the location of the eyelets. The thickness of the bars must be at least twenty-five millimeters, and the width can be any, from 50 to 120 mm. Once the spacers are ready, sand and varnish them.
First, the hammock lines are mounted. To make this process easier, you canmake a special frame, but you can do without it. A metal ring is fixed on the hook, but the canvas must be laid out on the floor and secured in place with something heavy. After that, start installing the spacer. Each sling must be threaded through a specific grommet, and then threaded through a hole in the spacer. Then both the ring and the rope return to their original positions. After you are done with the slings, tie the ends of the rope. For decoration, you can braid the ends of the lines around the entire metal ring, so your hammock will be even more beautiful.
The same actions are performed with the second end of the hammock, and you can hang it on any suitable support.

Hammock stand
Since not every yard has a pair of trees of the right size, besides, they must be in a cozy corner and at a certain distance from each other, many simply build hammock stands with their own hands.
This option has many advantages. The design is compact, lightweight, so it can be installed anywhere on the site and transferred at any time. The rack does not have to be bought, it is easy to make at home, you only need wooden bars, tools and a little time. The cost of a homemade rack is several times lower than the price of analogues from the store, moreover, this is an unusual item that will become a wonderful element of decor.
To make a hammock stand with your own hands, you will need wooden bars (80x80), a board 100x30, fastening washers, nuts, studs, a circular saw,drill, grinder and hooks for attaching the canvas. Also choose your favorite wood varnish or stain.
The supporting part of the structure consists of a pair of longitudinal bars three meters long and two transverse bars one and a half meters long. The side part consists of two fastening beams and a two-meter beam, as well as two stops from beams of 1.45 m each.
The first stage of manufacturing will be the so-called jib - the side part of the rack. On it by means of hooks the canvas will be fixed. The stop and the beam must be rigidly fastened together and cut off at the bottom in such a way as to obtain a sheer but stable structure, and the collapse at the upper points must be at least four meters. Then install the side parts and fix them vertically between two bars located longitudinally. Mount the side parts mirrored to each other.
The crossbar is two pieces of board 1.3 and 1.5 meters each. They should be fixed one on top of the other for better stability.
The final step will be the fastening of the longitudinal bars and crossbars, and the distance from each edge should be sixty centimeters.
At the end, sand and cover with your chosen varnish or stain, and the hammock stand is ready. Now it remains only to fix the canvas.

Why are there so many types of hammocks? Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are a little more difficult to manufacture, in some it is convenient to relax in a horizontal position.position, and some, like chairs or swings, are not designed for this. From a variety of designs, everyone can choose what suits him best. And you can not stop at one thing, especially if the family is large and there are many who want to relax, swaying measuredly in a hammock. In any case, making a hammock with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance. And, especially when it comes to chairs or swings, it is many times cheaper than buying an analogue in a store.
In this article, we looked at several ways to make a hammock with your own hands. Photos of products have already been presented in the review, and finally we bring to your attention one more short video on this topic.

We hope that our article will be useful to readers.