Features of the gas filter for the boiler and replacement of the car

Features of the gas filter for the boiler and replacement of the car
Features of the gas filter for the boiler and replacement of the car

A gas filter is a device that is needed in order to clean the gas supplied through the pipeline from various contaminants: rust, dust, tar and other harmful inclusions. By cleaning the gas, the tightness of the locking devices can be improved. In addition, the service life is increased. Wear resistance and accuracy of counters and other measuring instruments become many times better. The most commonly used gas filter for gas equipment. Car models are also available.

gas filter
gas filter

Filter for boiler

The gas filter for the boiler is a small structure that is located in the gas pipeline. What is this device for? It collects dust and other debris that should not enter the boiler.

The filter is considered an integral part of the device, although there are some models that are supplied without it. It will be able to protect the components of the device from wear during active use. If aif you want the boiler to last more than 8 years, then you will have to install the gas filter without fail.

What does this device collect? Natural gas contains many harmful and unnecessary particles. We are talking about resins, sand and small particles of corrosion. By using a filter, you can completely clean the gas system. In addition, the counters will be as objective as possible, accurately calculating the amount of raw materials used. The boiler will wear out less, its components will be in order longer, and corrosion will not appear soon after the installation of the appliance.

gas filter gas equipment
gas filter gas equipment

Selecting a filter for the boiler

Choosing a filter is a rather serious issue that needs to be approached with all responsibility. Thanks to him, the gas supply system will be as safe and reliable as possible, of course, if you choose the right model. At the moment, there are a large number of interesting options that can be classified. Direct-flow and rotary models are available. How do they differ from each other? Filters have a different direction of gas in the tank. If we consider the design, then the models may differ in that they have a linear or angular body. Filter housings are mainly made of steel or aluminum. In the event that the buyer decides to purchase this part, he needs to familiarize himself with the main types of filter materials - hair or mesh. The first option is characterized by what looks like a cassette. It includes pressed horsehair or nylon thread. Both materials are impregnated with viscin oil. Secondvariant is made using woven type metal mesh.

gas filter replacement
gas filter replacement

Differences between mesh and hair filters

As mentioned above, the material filters are divided into mesh and hair. The former work with a woven metal mesh, while the latter are small thread cassettes.

Mesh devices, especially if they have two layers, impress buyers with their thinness and maximum degree of cleaning. During the filtration process, all excess particles are removed from the gas.

Hair filters lose their filtering feature during their operation, so they will have to be changed much more often.

filters for gas boilers
filters for gas boilers

Automotive gas filter replacement

Used gas filters for fine cleaning of car fuel systems are disposable, for coarse cleaning they are used several times. For the latter, it is regularly necessary to change the cartridge and dismantle it. Often the liquid phase device is located under the hood. The list of its functions also includes catching small fractions from metal.

The filter should be replaced either once a year or every 10 thousand km - less often it is not worth it. How does this process take place?

First you need to shut off the balloon. Next, you need to remove the nuts from the gas line, inlet and outlet. The filter should be left for a while to allow the gas to escape from it. After that, the “backcloth” of the device is removed. It is usually mounted on a bracket.

Now followsdisassemble the filter. This is done as carefully as possible, since there are many elastic bands and magnets in the case. After the space in the filter has been cleaned, a new cartridge should be installed. Now it remains to assemble the device and install it in place.

This completes the replacement of the gas filter. This process, as is already clear, can be done quickly and without any effort. The only caveat: you should eliminate the elastic bands that have already lost their elasticity.
