How to deal with aphids: options

How to deal with aphids: options
How to deal with aphids: options

Aphids can settle absolutely on any plants, it is especially not indifferent to fruit trees and berries, cabbage and cucumbers, chrysanthemums, roses and peonies. Therefore, many gardeners have a question about how to deal with aphids and what to do to make this fight as effective as possible.

how to deal with aphids
how to deal with aphids

When an aphid has chosen a particular plant, it begins to actively draw useful juices from it and dry up young shoots. In addition, it causes significant harm - wilted buds, twisted leaves, unripe fruits. Due to such massive attacks, the affected plant may not survive the winter period, and seasonal fruit and vegetable plantations may not bear any fruit at all. As soon as you find insects on plants, you must immediately begin to exterminate them, otherwise the consequences can be very sad.

how to deal with aphids on cucumbers
how to deal with aphids on cucumbers

Peak activity of aphids usually occurs in the month of June. During this period, insects with wings appear, moving from plant to plant. Be sure to look at the toppart of the plants and the reverse side of the leaves, since it is in these places that the first groups of pests appear. Aphids secrete a sweetish substance - honeydew, which ants adore. They carry the aphids to other plants, so the ants in the area also need to be disposed of and done better before the aphids are controlled using various chemicals.

from aphids
from aphids

Fight against aphids can be different. The main thing is that the funds should be as effective as possible.

Mechanical method of getting rid of aphids involves removing insects manually. You can also try washing insect colonies off the plant with cold water.

There is also a biological way to destroy insatiable insects. Before you fight aphids with chemicals, you can try to settle insect predators in the garden or in the garden, for which aphids are a real delicacy. Beneficial insects are naturally attracted to the garden. To do this, crops such as buckwheat, lovage, mustard, dandelion, violet are planted in the garden or garden - these plants attract beneficial insects with their aroma.

Many gardeners are concerned about how to deal with aphids on cucumbers. Colonies usually appear in July-August. The leaves of plants attacked by insects curl, and the ovaries and flowers fall off. Insect colonies can capture all plantings of cucumbers, and the plants simply die. Insects such as ladybugs help to reduce the number of aphids. Cows are attracted to dill and mustard greens, which are best planted near cucumber beds.

Temwho thinks about the question of how to deal with aphids, it can be advised to treat plants with wood ash infusion with a small addition of ordinary laundry soap, tobacco infusion also helps well.

Infusions based on garlic and onions also help to cope with the invasion of aphids. About seventy grams of garlic or onion must be finely crushed and poured with a bucket of warm water. The resulting solution should be left for a day so that it is properly infused. After the expiration of the prescribed period, plants can be treated with infusion.
