Aphids appeared on pepper seedlings, how to deal with it?

Aphids appeared on pepper seedlings, how to deal with it?
Aphids appeared on pepper seedlings, how to deal with it?
aphids on pepper seedlings how to fight
aphids on pepper seedlings how to fight

There are several varieties of aphids, but the green and black midge aphids are considered the most harmful to garden and garden plants. An aphid is an insect that reaches half a centimeter in length and feeds on the juice of plants, which die in the process. It spoils cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and many other vegetable crops. Such a tiny insect reproduces very quickly and also in large quantities. Not only do aphids feed on plants, they also secrete a sticky liquid in which sooty fungi grow, leading to the death of plants.

When growing seedlings of pepper, aphids are very dangerous, because, like peppers, they love heat very much and multiply very quickly in greenhouses, where they usually grow seedlings.

If an aphid appears on pepper seedlings, then you should immediately start fighting it.

So, aphids on pepper seedlings, how to deal with this small but very dangerous pest?

There are a large number of different methods of dealing with these parasites.

These pepper sucking pests are killed by soapywater. You need to make a solution of soap and liquid dishwashing detergent, and then spray the plants. This is a very reliable aphid control.

aphids on pepper seedlings
aphids on pepper seedlings

When aphids are on pepper seedlings, how to deal with such an insatiable parasite?

There is a plant from the species of chamomile - pyrethrum. It helps a lot to get rid of aphids. It is enough to put this flower near the seedlings, and all the aphids will disappear, because this plant produces a substance that has a deadly effect on such insects.

You still don't know what to do when aphids are on pepper seedlings, how to deal with them?

There are other insects that are predators of aphids, they eat them. Ladybugs love to feast on aphids, they eat it with pleasure. But in order to attract ladybugs to your garden, you need to grow a yarrow or find a more convenient way for you to attract these insects.

Destroy aphids and flower girls. To make them settle in you, it is enough to grow chamomile or marigolds or parsley and buckwheat.

pepper pests
pepper pests

If aphids are on pepper seedlings, how to deal with them? No desire to attract other insects to your garden? There are other ways to fight.

An effective remedy is to spray plants infected with aphids, but the desired result will only be if the solutions are prepared correctly:

1. Take 250 grams of finely chopped garlic and pour two liters of boiling water. Insist for a day, then squeeze out and add 20-30 grams of soaked householdsoap, and then pour everything with water in the amount of 8 liters. For spraying, take 10 liters of water and 2 liters of infusion.

2. One tablespoon of soda plus 40 grams of households. soap and 1 liter of water. Do not insist, but immediately spray.

3. Brew about 30 grams of dry mustard powder in half a liter of water, leave for three days with the lid closed. Then add water so that the total amount of liquid is ten liters.

You still have aphids on pepper seedlings, but you already know how to deal with it! If these methods do not suit you, then there are others.