Seedlings in January. What seedlings are planted in January: expert advice

Seedlings in January. What seedlings are planted in January: expert advice
Seedlings in January. What seedlings are planted in January: expert advice

To the question of what seedlings are planted in January, professionals answer that the one with a long growing season. During the period from January to March, the plants will not only sprout, but will also form a root system and a powerful stem.

Vegetables: what seedlings are planted in January?

In any garden, next to vegetables sown directly into the ground (beets, carrots, turnips, turnips), plants obtained by seedlings are necessarily adjacent. For root and petiole celery, late peppers, seed potatoes, seedlings are needed in January. Tomatoes, even with a long ripening period, are best planted from the second half of February, depending on the variety. Celery does not require special care, but with seed potatoes, as with onions, there is a lot of work to be done. Each gardener often has his own technology for growing late peppers, although the principles of preparation are the same: soaking and pickling.

Celery (root and petiole) through seedlings

seedlings in January
seedlings in January

From mid-January, it is necessary to sow root and petiole celery: their growing season is up to 160 days. For sowing, you need a container with a depth of at least 5 cm, with nutritious moist soil. To prepare it, you need to mix inproportions 1: 1 purchased universal (or vegetable) soil with sand. Fill the container by 4 cm.

The method of sowing on a snowball is recognized as the most effective. Pour the seeds onto the snow spread out and lightly compacted on the surface of the seedling container. When the snow melts, the seeds will be evenly distributed over the surface and melt water will be drawn into the soil to the desired depth. Place the container on a tray, pour some water into it. Place in a plastic bag or cover with glass. Put next to the heating radiator (but not on it). Celery seedlings in January will germinate in 3-7 days.

In order to prevent mold from appearing in the container, it must be ventilated: remove the glass or take it out of the bag for 10-15 minutes. When sprouts appear, the glass (package) is removed, the seedlings are placed on the windowsill, preferably on a window facing south, southwest. A month later, when real leaves appear, the plants should be placed in separate deep (up to 10-15 centimeters) containers. Seedlings develop well, do not require additional illumination.

Potatoes from seeds

You can get a fairly good harvest (no less than from planting tubers) from potato seeds sold in stores. It is only necessary to take into account that the development of the plant is quite long, and the resulting seedlings in January are an obligatory stage. This requirement applies to gardens in the middle zone of the Russian Federation and in the north-west.

what seedlings are planted in january
what seedlings are planted in january

For seed germination, it is better to use individual containers or peat tablets. The seed is placed onshallow depth (slightly pressed into the container or slightly deepened into the tablet). The containers are covered with glass. Peat tablets are placed after swelling in a deep bowl and are also closed with glass or placed in a bag.

When maintaining the temperature from 20 to 25 degrees, the seeds germinate on the seventh day maximum. Pills with sprouted sprouts are buried in individual containers.

Potatoes grow quickly and can stretch if there is a lack of light. To stabilize growth, illumination is needed in January and February. Plants develop well already in March with sufficient sunlight. If the soil is too fertilized, the potatoes begin to grow upwards, laying new buds. Such plants require transplanting into large containers, it is difficult to transport them over long distances. A greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate, in which the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees at night (electric or gas heating during manure overheating), solves the problem of excessive plant growth. In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Late Peppers

In the conditions of the central zone of the Russian Federation, when August temperatures cannot ensure full flowering and pollination of plants, seedlings obtained in January are an outlet for amateur gardeners. The preparation of seeds must be approached carefully: dressing is necessary to get rid of fungal and viral diseases. Soaked (preferably already hatched) seeds are planted in common containers up to 5 centimeters high. When two true leaves appear on the plants, peppers should be planted inindividual containers up to 10-15 centimeters deep. The root system develops slowly in peppers, so plants do not need an extra transplant.

Peppers are well-known for demanding lighting: in January, February and in the first half of March, seedlings require additional lighting. Over-fertilization can lead to over-stretching of seedlings, so it's best to follow the recommendations given in the instructions.

Growing turnips in one season

Onions can be grown from seeds of such varieties as Russian size, Exhibition, Chalcedony and Globo. With proper planting and compliance with all agricultural practices in mid-August, you can get large bulbs: Russian size grows to 1.5-2 kg. Naturally, it is impossible to store these varieties until the end of spring.

what seedlings are planted in january
what seedlings are planted in january

In deep containers (up to 10 cm) with moist soil, consisting of a mixture of universal soil and sand (1: 1), you need to sow the seeds, lightly sprinkle with soil and cover with glass. Seeds at a sufficient temperature (20-25 degrees) germinate on the seventh to tenth day. Onion seedlings in January are demanding of light. Thickening of plantings is unacceptable, ruthless removal of weak and superfluous plants is necessary.

Seedlings in a common container should grow until the second (preferably third) feathers appear. When the first feather grows above 2 centimeters, it must be cut with thin sharp scissors. Sometimes this procedure has to be carried out 3-4 times.

It is necessary to transplant into an individual container according to the followingreasons: the plant builds up the root system, and damage to it when planting in open ground can damage the development of the bulb.

Berries: what seedlings are planted in January?

Garden remontant strawberries (not strawberries) can produce a steady harvest from July if planted in January. Small seeds germinate perfectly, all you need is sufficient temperature and humidity.

planting seedlings in January
planting seedlings in January

Planting seedlings in January is needed so that the plants not only grow, but also get stronger by May. Grains (seeds) can be bought in almost all agricultural companies in Russia. The number of seeds in a bag is less than 10 pieces. A maximum of 60% will grow. Amateur gardeners have long known that you can dry your favorite berries in the summer (buying a glass of them on the market). By November, the future seed is ready. It remains to save the dried berries, and in January the seeds themselves crumble with light friction. Planting material will be enough. From three berries you can grow up to 50-70 bushes.

On prepared moist soil (universal soil mixed with sand (1:1) and preheated in the oven), seeds are evenly scattered. Requirements for the container are special: height no more than 3 centimeters, dimensions - 20x20 centimeters. The container must be closed with glass or placed in a transparent bag, placed next to a heating radiator (the temperature must be at least 25 degrees). Already on the third (maximum on the fifth) day, the bulk of the seeds will germinate. In two weeks, the first real corrugated leaves will appear. At this time, seedlings require a minimumdaylight, she has enough space on a warm windowsill. At night, it is better to close the container with glass and place it next to the radiator.

In March, small plants can be transplanted into individual small containers no more than 5 centimeters deep. After transplanting, plants need a lot of light, they will develop the root system and build up green mass. By the end of April, they can be transplanted into large pots if desired, if a cold May is expected.

Usually by mid-May, when the soil temperature does not drop below 10 degrees at night, strawberries can be planted in a permanent place. To get earlier harvests, gardeners cover the seedlings with a thick film. By the beginning of July (more often by the middle), the first large, unusually tasty berries will please not only kids, but also adults.

Double petunias: how to get flowering plants by the beginning of June?

flowers for seedlings in January
flowers for seedlings in January

In order for petunias to bloom in late May - early June, you need a planted seedling of flowers in January. Varietal seeds are sold in the form of small dragees (granules) in closed plastic containers. Each dragee can be planted in a peat tablet, or all seeds can be scattered evenly in a low, fairly wide container. For seed germination, constant humidity and a temperature of at least 25 degrees are needed. The container is covered with glass or placed in a plastic bag, periodically ventilated. Already on the third (maximum on the fifth) day, seeds of good quality germinate. They grow the root system for a long time, after three weeks the first realleaflet. During the day, the containers are put on a warm windowsill, at night they are cleaned under glass, put in a warm place. And so on until large leaves appear.

flower seedlings in january
flower seedlings in january

When the seedling resembles a formed small plant (3-4 real leaves), it can be safely planted in an individual container. In early May, it may even bloom.

Petunia ampelous - surfinia

Prepared seedlings of flowers in January will give strong plants in April. Surfinia, unlike conventional hybrid petunias and fringed ones, develops into more powerful bushes, it can immediately be distinguished from its fellows. When growing seedlings, you should follow the same methods as for petunias. But for individual planting, a slightly larger container is required. Ampelous plants need constant pinching to create the desired shape, although this delays flowering by 2 weeks.

seedlings in January tomatoes
seedlings in January tomatoes

Whitefly control

Planted flowers for seedlings in January require very carefully prepared soil. Universal primer from the manufacturer must be combined only with calcined sand and garden soil. In recent years, the whitefly (warm winters and the unwillingness of many gardeners to deal with it) has been a real scourge of petunia, frillitunia and surfinia crops. When the first true leaves appear, each plant must be carefully examined: if at least one of these flying insects appears, the struggle will be long.

Use as preventive measuresrepeated watering with available pesticides.
