How to deal with aphids on currants: practical advice

How to deal with aphids on currants: practical advice
How to deal with aphids on currants: practical advice

Aphid is a rather voracious insect that can destroy a lot of plants in a short time. In addition to flowers, it also harms berry bushes, such as currants. However, not everyone knows how to fix this problem. If you have an aphid on a currant, our advice will tell you how to deal with it.

how to deal with aphids on currants
how to deal with aphids on currants

This pest is a natural food for many insects: ants, ladybugs, wasps, but even they are not able to cope with a large number of these parasites. Therefore, a person has to use various mechanical, chemical and folk remedies. It should be noted that currants are already damaged in early spring, so various artificial preparations or herbicides can harm the crop. At this time, you can use mechanical methods.

Before you deal with aphids on currants, you should carefully examine the bushes. If the situation allows, then it is better to cut off the damaged shoots on which they are located.insects. In principle, they can also be washed off the leaves with a strong water jet, however, in this case, the pests can return to their place. Soapy water kills aphids very effectively. For its preparation, it is better to take a liquid potash agent, which has good solubility. As a last resort, you can always use laundry soap. For the mixture, you need to take about 30 g of the product per 1 liter of water. After spraying, insects stick together, cannot move and eat, and therefore die.

aphids on currants how to fight
aphids on currants how to fight

If you don't know how to deal with aphids on currants, you can still make traps for these pests. For example, take a container of small size and a light yellow tint, pour soapy water into it. The color is attractive to aphids. Insects willingly climb into the container and drown. If you don’t have time to bother with the preparation of mixtures, you can spread pieces of aluminum foil between the bushes. In this way, the spread of insects can be prevented.

Before you deal with aphids on currants, determine the degree of damage to the bushes. Perhaps mechanical solutions to the problem will not help. However, there are a large number of different decoctions that will help both destroy pests and protect the bushes from their further appearance. For example, you can prepare a decoction of potato tops. To do this, you need about 1200 g of green mass to insist for several hours in water. Then the mixture should be filtered and you can spray the bushes. Alternatively, you can use dried raw materials.

how to treat currants from aphids
how to treat currants from aphids

If you do not know how to treat currants from aphids, or if you do not have tops, then you can use onion peel. To do this, the scales should be infused in 10 liters of water. About 200 g of raw materials should be taken for this amount of liquid. A decoction of bitter wormwood helps well. For its preparation, the green mass of the plant is needed in the amount of 1 kg (the raw materials must be dried). It should be boiled in a small amount of water for about 15 minutes. Next, the mixture must be cooled and filtered. In addition, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water (10 l) and soap (40 g). Now she is ready to use. That's all the answers to the question of how to deal with aphids on currants.
