Little red ants in the apartment: how to get rid of?

Little red ants in the apartment: how to get rid of?
Little red ants in the apartment: how to get rid of?

Red ants are uninvited guests, which many owners of houses and apartments face with an invasion. These household pests are not at all harmless, as it might seem at first glance. Insects are capable of carrying dangerous infections and viruses. In addition, they settle in whole colonies, multiply rapidly. Effective methods of dealing with them are discussed in the article.

What you need to know about red ants?

What information about intruders will be useful in the fight against them? Red ants tend to houses and apartments due to the fact that food can be quickly and easily found there. As a rule, these insects feed on ordinary food waste. They look for them in trash cans, on the kitchen table, on the floor, and so on.

red ants
red ants

The nest of pests is located in places that are inaccessible to humans. A free gap between tiles or wallpaper and a wall, skirting boards, floor coverings - there are many options. Red ants can settle outside the apartment. In thatcase they visit only for provisions.

Killing individual individuals is an ineffective way to control pests. It is necessary to destroy the nest of intruders.

Why is it hard to get rid of them?

Red ants are a scourge that is not easy to get rid of. What are the reasons why they are difficult to deal with?

  1. Ants are very tenacious insects. These individuals are even able to develop immunity to certain types of poison.
  2. Pests multiply very quickly, so the fight against them should not be put off for a long time.
  3. Ants are able to feel the danger of staying in a habitable place. In this case, they choose another site.
  4. The main colony is located in a secluded place. A person sees only a small part of the pests scurrying around the house or apartment.

Methods of struggle

So, what to do when red ants are found in an apartment or house? What pest control methods are available? For homeowners with intruders, the following options are available:

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • crayons and dusty;
  • ant traps;
  • folk remedies;
  • physical destruction of nests.


How to get rid of red ants in the apartment? Special aerosols will help to cope with this task. They are among the most effective means of pest control. When the aerosol is sprayed, it spreads throughout the room, as a result of which the insects cannot avoid contact with the poison. Remedy welland the fact that it easily penetrates hard-to-reach places.

poison bait for red ants
poison bait for red ants

There are rules to follow when using aerosols. They are listed below.

  1. The room must be properly prepared for processing. Furniture should be moved away from the walls, carpets and paintings should be removed from them. You also need to close aquariums with glasses, remove people and pets from the room.
  2. All available surfaces should be treated with an aerosol. There is a high probability that one bottle will not be enough.
  3. After processing, you need to wait a few hours.
  4. The final part is wet cleaning. If necessary, the whole procedure is repeated several times.

Which aerosols to choose?

Which aerosols show excellent results in the fight against red ants in an apartment or house? The following brands have gained the greatest popularity:

  1. Combat. The aerosol has a pleasant fruity aroma, the smell quickly disappears from the room. Close the room for a few hours after spraying.
  2. "Raptor". The spray emits a mint aroma, quickly kills pests. The manufacturing company claims that the product is absolutely safe for people and animals.
  3. "Reid". Aerosol is great for use in hard-to-reach places. It must not be sprayed with closed windows, it is dangerous for people and animals.

We must not forget that the bottle must be protected from fire, not kept near heating appliances. When spraying, it is important to ensure thatthe substance did not get on the mucous membranes and skin.


How to get rid of red ants in an apartment or house using gels? The principle of operation of such funds is to attract pests. Insects eat them, try to deliver them to the colony. As a rule, such drugs are characterized by delayed action.

aerosols against red ants
aerosols against red ants

The use of gels does not allow you to achieve an instant effect. However, with their help, even colonies that are located in other parts of a multi-storey building can be eliminated. The big advantage of such funds is their viscosity. The pest bait is easy to apply even on vertical surfaces.

Which gels do you prefer?

The means discussed below will help to bring out small red ants.

  1. "Raptor". Its main advantage is a convenient spout that allows you to apply the gel in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Fas. A remedy that is characterized by an enteric-contact action.
  3. "Anteater". This gel is affordable in terms of cost, so it is very popular. Its use entails paralysis and death of pests.
  4. "Adamant". This tool begins to act on the second day.

It is better to refuse the use of gels for parents who have small children. Also, these products are not suitable for pet owners.

Crayons and dusts

Crayons and dusts (powders) will also come to the rescue of those who have small red ants in their apartment. howget rid of pests with their help?

red ants in the apartment
red ants in the apartment

Crayons draw stripes on the ant paths, as well as in places where they accumulate. Dusts are simply poured onto such areas. When ants pass over the poisonous substance, it enters their respiratory tract. These funds can be used not only in the fight against insects, but also as a preventive measure. This is true, for example, if you know about the appearance of pests in neighboring apartments. The main advantage of crayons and dusts is their affordable price.

Which products are the most popular?

  1. "Feverfew". This powder is made from the heads of chamomiles. The product is absolutely safe for people and pets. Ants do not develop immunity against it.
  2. "Masha". The product is chalk. It is enough to process the entire house or apartment.

Insect traps

How to get rid of red ants with a special trap? This device is a small box with poisonous bait inside. This tool is ideal for use in the apartment. It is odorless, and small children and pets are well protected from the poison.

Which traps are the most popular?

  • "Raptor". These devices have an adhesive backing. You can mount them to the wall or floor. The set contains six pieces.
  • Combat. This trap can also be placed on any surface. A poisonous substance is contained within.

Usually trapslocated near ant trails. The bait for pests can be mounted on the wall near the garbage chute, placed behind batteries and cabinets. Only worker ants are trapped. In order for the nest to be damaged, they need to be in it within a day.

red ants in the apartment how to get rid of
red ants in the apartment how to get rid of

Folk recipes

What remedy for red ants is popular among the people? Excellent results show baits with boric acid, with yeast. There are various recipes.

  1. It is necessary to mix boric acid and borax in equal proportions, and then add a little honey or sugar syrup. Such a bait is located on ant trails.
  2. A tablespoon of boric acid should be added to half a glass of jam. Then the poison should be smeared on flat saucers or cartons.
  3. Yeast bait is also very popular. The fresh product should be mixed with honey and syrup, then the poison is laid out on the paths of the pests. The yeast swells in the ant's stomach, causing it to die. The bait is good because some of its insects deliver to the nest.
  4. You can also make yeast paste. For half a glass of water, there is such an amount of product that the result is a viscous mass.

Don't count on a quick result by opting for a homemade formula. It will take two to three weeks to get rid of pests with it.

Other remedies

How to get rid of red ants without significant financial costs? Can be given awaypreference for one of the recipes listed below.

how to get rid of red ants
how to get rid of red ants
  1. Excellent results in the fight against uninvited guests are shown by cornmeal. This product is traditionally used in its pure form. Flour should be scattered near cracks, along ant paths. Insects use this remedy as food, but their stomach is not able to digest it. The flour swells, causing the death of the ant.
  2. To kill pests, you can mix borax powder with granulated sugar in equal proportions. The mixture spills around the perimeter of the room.
  3. Many people use fragrant herbs and spices to control insects. Ants are known to be sensitive to chamomile, wormwood, garlic, red pepper, and cinnamon.

Nest detection

How to get rid of red ants quickly and easily? To do this, you need to find the nest and kill the queen. Unfortunately, this is rarely done. Pest nests are located in hard-to-reach places, and may even be located outside the house or apartment.

Prevention measures

How to get rid of red ants in the apartment once and for all? Below are the rules to follow to prevent them from reappearing.

how to get rid of red ants in the apartment
how to get rid of red ants in the apartment
  1. Dirty dishes must be washed immediately. Under no circumstances should she be left overnight.
  2. It is important to keep floors and furniture clean. Regular wet cleaning is one of the most effective ways to keep ants away.
  3. Noallow garbage to accumulate in the bucket, especially when it comes to food waste. Insects have a highly developed sense of smell.
  4. It is advisable to wash the floors from time to time with water with the addition of a small amount of laundry soap and ammonia.
  5. Pests have a negative attitude towards the smell of kerosene and sunflower oil.

What else do you need to know?

How to get rid of red ants in the apartment? If we are talking about a multi-storey building, the neighbors must definitely join the fight. Otherwise, all measures will provide only a temporary result, insects will soon reappear.

In the fight against ants, you need to be patient. It cannot be ruled out that you will have to repeatedly process an apartment or house. For quick results, you can always contact organizations that provide pest control services.