Kitchen design is a responsible job. It is necessary to think over both the image as a whole and each of its constituent details. The hostess should be pleased to be in this room. After all, she spends a lot of time here. Kitchen apron tiles are one of the brightest elements of the kitchen, its decoration. There are many varieties of it. You should familiarize yourself with all the parameters, design options, styles and manufacturers in order to choose the best kitchen backsplash tiles.
Purpose of the apron
Before you start choosing a tile for a kitchen backsplash, you should familiarize yourself with its main functions. In addition to aesthetic qualities, this element of the interior should perform a number of functions. Therefore, the question of how to choose a tile for a kitchen backsplash is very important in arranging a kitchen. It performs a number of the following tasks:
- Protects the wall above the work surface.
- Provides the required strength and wear resistance.
- Protects the wall from exposure to steam or moisture.
- Meets hygiene and environmental requirements.
- Guarantees easy maintenance.
- Allows you to complete the appropriate decoration of the room.

Thanks to these qualities, backsplash kitchen tiles are so popular in the repair business. It is not affected by moisture, steam, temperature, dirt, fungus formation. Detergents and cleaners, even of a rather aggressive type, will not harm its surface.
There are several types of tiles. It can be ceramic, glass or mirror.
Mirror varieties can visually expand the room, but they are very fragile and impractical. Such products are very easy to break, and fingerprints, water droplets and other contaminants will be evident.

Glass tile for kitchen backsplash can be made in different styles, such as Provence, country, classic, etc. The pattern is sealed in tempered durable glass. These are very strong products that withstand all the conditions of the kitchen.
Tile for kitchen backsplash is considered today the most popular material. It is practical, provides a huge number of design options, is strong and durable. It is these qualities that make tile for kitchen backsplash in demand.
Tile shape
There are several standard tile sizes forkitchen apron. They will help you decide on the laying scheme. Ceramic tiles for backsplash are produced in the form of squares, rectangles or mosaics.
If the room is rather small, you should not purchase large varieties of tiles. It is better if they are small. Squares will look good.

Rectangular varieties allow you to visually expand the space. With the help of rectangular tiles, you can beat the brickwork.
Ceramic tile for kitchen backsplash in the form of a mosaic will create an original look of the room.
Square tile sizes
10x10 square tiles are a very popular type. Its main advantage is the fact that when using it, you can often do without pruning. This size of tiles for a kitchen backsplash is often found in the collections of the brands Kerama Marazzi, Atlas Concord Russia, Keramin, etc.
This size looks good in a small kitchen, because it visually expands the space and facilitates installation in hard-to-reach places. Very often, a similar size is combined with a variety of panels, decorative inserts.

Tile sizes for a 10x10 kitchen apron also have a drawback. There will be enough seams. It is these places that are most susceptible to the negative influences of the kitchen.
The way out of this situation will be a square tile 20x20 or even 30x30. However, suchdimensions must be compared with the size of the kitchen.
Rectangular tiles
Rectangular cladding has become popular recently. Often used for a kitchen apron tile "boar". It has beveled edges. Sometimes it is called backsplash brick tile.

It looks good in any design style. This variation visually expands the room. Its dimensions can vary greatly. The most common of them are 7, 5x15 and 10x20. There are also sizes 6, 5x12; 8.5x28.5; 10x25; 15х45.
Boar tile for kitchen backsplash usually has a solid color with a glossy surface. The classic color is white. Sometimes such a tile is diluted with fragments with photo printing. Manufacturers from Russia, Spain, Italy, Poland and China offer similar tiles for kitchen backsplash.
There are many styles of kitchen design. This should be considered before purchasing backsplash tiles.
Modern style involves the use of plain smooth tiles. The presence of an unobtrusive pattern or mosaic is also allowed. A medium-sized square tile with a photo print or a bright plot pattern looks best in this style.

Tile for a Provence, country or Mediterranean backsplash can be embossed with jagged edges. Ideal for such styles imitation of natural stone orclay. A stylized panel will look good. Mosaic is also suitable for such solutions.
Classic style involves the use of natural stone tiles or smooth textures with classic decor. An antique ornament or plain, calm colors of tiles of various shapes will complement the overall picture.
On the market of ceramics for interior design, products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented. Among Russian brands, tiles for the kitchen apron "Kerama Marazzi", "Atlas Concord", "Cersanit", etc. are popular. These products are relatively inexpensive, but of high quality. The choice of shades and subjects is constantly expanding.
Chinese products are mostly represented by mosaic tiles. There are many copies of Italian and Spanish design stories among it. However, their cost is also quite low. For an inexpensive kitchen renovation, this quality will be enough.
The collections of Polish manufacturers Tubadzin, Paradyz, Opoczno are presented in modern and traditional style. Average and high-priced European tiles for kitchen apron are presented in our country. Spain performs good imitation variations for natural stone or wood. Italy produces the most spectacular design forms and plots. A rich range of colors and non-standard stylistic solutions will allow you to design the interior in the most original way. This is the most expensive tile.
Apron decors
Background tiles are very often diluted with additional inserts and elements. It givesroom for originality. Kitchen tiles for an apron can be complemented with inserts with a flat or embossed plot. They are either scattered pointwise over the entire surface, or a panel is created. You can choose inserts from another collection, depending on the taste preferences of the buyer.
In country, classic or Provence styles, decorative panels are often used. It can be one large tile in the form of a picture or an image assembled from several small parts.

The border, or frieze, is a common technique for interior design in country or classic style. A strip of narrow elongated plates is allowed along the center of the apron or its lower or upper border.
The pencil decor looks like a long narrow stripe. It is used so as not to cut the slabs, if outwardly all the elements are combined with each other.
Familiarizing yourself with the variety of styles, sizes and ways of laying such an element of the interior as kitchen tiles for an apron, you can create a unique image of the room. It will be pleasant to be here both for the hostess of the house, and for all household members and guests. The apron will decorate the kitchen interior of any style.