Many people try to save on utility bills, one indicator of which is electricity. But how to do that? To do this, make a solar collector with your own hands. It is quite enough for six months (in the southern regions for longer). In other situations, heating and lighting from other sources will be required.
The main plus is that everyone can create such an installation with their own hands. At the planning stage, it is worth understanding what exactly you need to purchase or take from someone. It is not difficult to create a solar collector with your own hands. Sometimes you don't need to spend money because everything is in the garage or household.

Today there are many companies that have created a number of such projects that are actively working. Because you can not only do something yourself, but also purchase a ready-made installation. Before starting work, it is worth creating a project that will not be expensive.
What's on the firststage?
To create such a design, the most affordable materials are used. But there is no need to compare them with the factory ones. The principle of operation of each installation is the same - the dark surface collects the sun's rays, after which they are transferred to the coolant. The latter performs heating. Having understood this typical principle, it is not difficult to assemble a solar collector with your own hands.

What should be the design?
Installation may not include a pump or any other optional equipment. Otherwise, the costs increase. When there is antifreeze in the unit, the application is also available in the cold season. Such a solar collector, made by hand, will not depend on the perceived energy and is considered passive.
There is no need to purchase electrical appliances. Masters believe that the easiest way to use such an installation is to heat water. The principle of operation is a convector. Hot liquid always rises. There are many options for building this unit, it is worth taking the simplest but most effective as a basis.
How does this system work?
A DIY solar collector for heating water works like this:
- Due to the flow of sunlight, the coolant in the collector is heated.
- After that, the liquid begins to rise along the mounted pipe.
- When the heated flow enters the heat exchanger, heat is transferred.
- Water begins to cool and returns to the place of heating. For this, putspiral-pipe in the lower opening of the tank.
- All heated fluid collects at the top of the tank. Therefore, the exit is at the top, and the entry is cold at the bottom.
This is how a do-it-yourself solar collector works for heating water. Understanding the principle of operation, it is easier to start work. When there is constant sunlight, the liquid does the following actions: it rises and heats the room. In regions where the sun is intense, everything warms up after a few hours.
Some features
The absorber is taken as a basis. It is not difficult to make it: a sheet of metal is taken and the same pipes are fixed to it by welding. Before you make a solar collector with your own hands, you need to prepare all the material and arm yourself with instructions. It is worth making vertical and horizontal installations. Pipes for the inlet and outlet of water are fixed parallel to each other. Further inlet and outlet openings on opposite sides of the entire installation diagonally. In order for the whole structure to be connected, you need to make holes on the horizontal pipes and mount vertical pipes to them.

In order for them to warm up quickly and the coolant begin its work, you will have to fix them as close as possible to the absorber. If there is no experience with a welding machine, then such services cost from 200 rubles per centimeter. The result is an expensive installation. The seam should go around the entire perimeter.
After that, do-it-yourself solar collector needs to be assembled. Next, you need to make a frame for the absorber fromtree, cover with any leaf. Some take glass. This allows you to create a higher temperature inside. If the choice is made towards glass, then its thickness should be at least 3 millimeters. It will be a combination of light weight and quality. If you need to create a solar collector for home heating with your own hands, then the glass needs to be thicker. But at the same time, the whole structure acquires more weight, and the cost increases.
Is it possible to do without glass? This will give heat loss, because the sun's rays pass through it unhindered and heat the main installation. As a result, the created microclimate inside does not change, since there is no access to the heat outlet. Even when it rains suddenly, the temperature inside does not drop. After creating such a box, it is worth treating it with antiseptic compounds. In the case itself, you will need to make holes for the pipes. Sometimes not wood is used, but do not forget that you will have to make holes.

Use any coloring matter, but it is important to understand that under the constant influence of the sun, the paint changes its state. The entire installation is done on the ground so that condensation does not collect and damage the coating. Masters advise using paints that are resistant to fading and liquid exposure.
Should I insulate?
Do-it-yourself solar water collector will need to be insulated inside. The simplest materials are mineral wool or polystyrene. But inside the temperature will rise to 150 degrees - the material must withstand this. From below, a bottom is created from anymaterial. It is necessary to create conditions under which water will not get inside.
The process of creating a frame and fixing glass is standard. Grooves are made, and reinforced with glazing beads from above. Such a frame made of wood has its own nuances; under the influence of moisture and the sun, it can change its shape, which deforms the glass. It is necessary to make a small margin so that the glass does not burst, and periodically control the structure.
To create a vacuum inside, you need to additionally lay a seal in case of changing the size of the frame. It is good if it is inside and outside, and a layer of tin or something similar is already being made on it. Sometimes a sealant or silicone is used. When more than one glass is used, the joint between them is fixed with a sealant.

Extra tank
If a collector is created for heating the whole house, then an additional tank will have to be made. It will store hot water. To be effective, it will have to be well packaged so that the heat does not escape. This can be a specially purchased tank or:
- Boiler out of order.
- Former gas cylinders.
- Food barrels.
- Gasoline tanks, etc.
Such an installation must withstand internal pressure. This is how a do-it-yourself solar collector is created for heating. Not all installations are able to cope with such pressure. Masters believe that this issue should be carefully considered. It will need to make at least two holes - an inlet for cold water and an outlet for hot.
If an old boiler is used, it is convenient because it already has special inputs. Another tank will have to be equipped using a grinder for cutting holes and welding for soldering the pipe. In addition, some installations will have to be done inside. Making the whole unit is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It takes time, money and knowledge, without knowing the laws of physics it will not be possible to create an effective installation.
What's next?
Inside the tank there should be a pipe in the form of a spiral. Since the heat exchanger will be located in the water, such a material is suitable - steel, stainless steel, plastic. Polypropylene is in great demand. It is easy to solder and lasts a long time. Since the heating water rises, it is placed below.
Next, you will have to connect the main installation to the storage tank. This is done with plastic pipes. In this matter, it is important to create conditions under which heat loss will be minimized. For this, shortened pipes and high-quality heat-insulating material are used. There are a lot of them on the market, so there will be no problems with the choice.
Another important element is the expansion tank. It has to be mounted at the highest point where the liquid passes. Any container is taken - you can take an old plastic container or a metal one. This expansion tank is mounted so that the pipe does not burst, as the heating causes a strong expansion of the coolant.

Beforehow to make a solar collector with your own hands, you need to understand that the main task is to get heat and keep it. Each element is subjected to high-quality thermal insulation. The expansion tank is no exception, it also helps to remove air from the entire system. In addition, water from it enters the collector itself.
Many masters believe that in order to understand the efficiency of work, you can install a thermometer at the entrance and exit. After creating the entire installation, it will need to be correctly located on the territory of housing or adjacent to it. This is not so easy, because it turns out to be a large, albeit not heavy, structure.
Where to place the collector?
The best is the south direction. It is important that the entire unit does not fall into the shade of plants or buildings. Sometimes it is mounted on the roof, but the tank must be higher than it. This is difficult to organize, so the structure is installed on the ground. It is important to correctly create the angle of inclination so that work efficiency can be observed in winter.
For the southern territory, the angle of inclination is up to 60 degrees in autumn and spring (and up to 30 in summer).
Features of operation
If the solar battery has been installed and works effectively, this does not mean that it should be forgotten. It requires maintenance. Because otherwise the design may fail. What to look out for:
- It is necessary to check the amount of liquid for circulation. Don't forget the expansion tank.
- In order for the sun to heat the battery with high quality, you will have to periodically wipe the protectiveglass.
- Because the unit is outside in the rain and wind, you will have to check the thermal insulation. It is important that moisture does not get into it.
- There must be no water leakage through the pipes and fixing points. If the slightest leak is detected, it is worth making an additional seal of the system.
- The tank should always be filled with water. It is unacceptable that there is little liquid in the system.

Creating a solar air collector with your own hands or a water one will not be difficult. You just need to prepare all the components, choose the time and start work.