How to grow a lawn without weeds yourself?

How to grow a lawn without weeds yourself?
How to grow a lawn without weeds yourself?

A beautiful lawn is an adornment of any personal plot. For its arrangement, many use the services of landscape designers. But you can do it yourself. How to grow a lawn? What grass to plant? What types of lawns are there? Read about all this in the article.

Ground lawn

This decorative cover of the plot is sown with emerald green grass. How to grow a good lawn? For this, narrow-leaved cereals or their types are used. The field is very popular. This herb has a valuable feature - aggressiveness. Its stems, which are called stolons, grow very quickly, so there are no bald spots on the lawn. In case of appearance, they are also quickly restored.

How to grow a good lawn
How to grow a good lawn

Seeds are consumed moderately: per square meter of plot area - 1.5 grams. The bent grass does not need to be mowed often, twice a month is enough. A prerequisite is the sowing of seeds in the soil without weeds, as this cereal grows slowly. Do not sow this herb unless it is possible to plant it regularly.water.

The root system is superficial, lies at a depth of 15 centimeters. Such lawns are grown in places where they are not subjected to heavy loads, people do not walk. To grow a flawless lawn, maintenance mistakes cannot be made. If there is no self-confidence, it is better not to take this job.

Common lawn

This is the most common type. It is sown with a stable mixture of "Sport and Game", which is not threatened by trampling. It includes special varieties of grasses that can form a dense turf. This mixture is suitable for children's and sports grounds, it is used to sow the area around the barbecue. There are many special mixtures that are sown in shaded areas, such as Shady Garden. If you use a mixture called "Lilliput" for sowing, mowing the lawn can be reduced by three times. For a diverse area without active walking on it, the universal mixture is ideal.

Clover lawn

The name says it all. The plot is sown with creeping clover. This lawn suits lazy or busy people who don't have time to mow it every week. This is done once a year immediately after the flowering period of the grass. Special equipment is not required, it is enough to get a trimmer or a scythe.

How to grow a lawn
How to grow a lawn

It is impossible to trample such a lawn, it is resistant to this phenomenon. It does not suffer from a lack of moisture, it can be grown on soils with an acidic reaction. Clover flowers are the object of attention of bees, the result will be the production of tasty and tasty insects.fragrant honey.

For a clover lawn, the soil is prepared in the same way as for a cereal lawn. 1.5-3 grams of seeds are sown per square meter of the area. Clover is an aggressive crop, so it should not be allowed to move to other areas. Heads must be cut before seeds form.

Moorish Perennial Lawn

It is called meadow. Sow with cereals and annual and perennial flowering herbs. Usually they take 10-20 species, which differ in small growth. A mixture of cereals and herbs is sown in the far corners of the garden. Such a lawn resembles a natural plant community, the ecological balance of which is difficult to maintain. If you choose the right Moorish lawn, it will bloom from June until the first frost. Meadow grasses smell pleasant and attract insects, birds and even lizards with their flowering.

Moorish annual lawn

How to quickly grow a lawn? It is sown with 20-30 kinds of flowers. Weeding by seedlings is impossible, therefore, sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil: all weed rhizomes with a long-term growth cycle should be removed from it. The lawn should be arranged in an open sunny place.

How to grow a lawn fast
How to grow a lawn fast

It will bloom a little later than perennial, but this does not affect its colors. This lawn is drought tolerant and requires no maintenance. It is enough to mow the plants after they have faded. Not all types of herbs will survive next year, only those with high vitality will remain.

Seed Selection

How to grow a lawn? To do this, you need to select the appropriate variety of seeds. The type of grass chosen depends on what the future coating is intended for. It is not recommended to buy cheap mixes, as they include lightly cultivated or forage grasses.

How to grow a beautiful lawn? For a good lawn, special varieties of grass are needed. The density of the turf should be high, and the color of the coating should be dark green. Plants that are unpretentious in growing and caring are selected. Lawns are sown with fast-growing, shade-tolerant, flower grasses and mixtures intended for sowing on slopes and roadsides. Today you can buy seeds in a shell, they are in demand among gardeners and designers. The seed-enveloping composition contains valuable nutrients that stimulate friendly seedlings and rapid growth of grass on the lawn. Using the seed in the shell saves money and time.

What grass is grown on lawns?

Sandy and stony soils are recommended to be sown with non-grass grasses, such as the horned bird. It is a perennial plant from the legume family. Blooms every year. This period starts in May and ends in July. At this time, the lack of flowering plants is felt especially acutely. Grass covers the ground with a golden-yellow carpet, after mowing it quickly grows back, trampling does not threaten it.

Lovefoot grows up to 35 centimeters in length, but in the lawn looks much lower (20 centimeters), as the plant spreads along the surface of the earth. The grass is undemanding to the composition of the soil, drought-resistant.

How to grow a lawn in the country with your own hands
How to grow a lawn in the country with your own hands

How to quickly grow a lawn? You can sow it with phacelia. This plant is called an ascetic, as it forgives its owner both the depleted composition of the soil, and the complete absence of regular watering. The flowering period begins in July, ends in August, lasts 45-60 days. The lawn resembles a purple-blue carpet. Phacelia is the best honey plant among herbs. Sowing is carried out in the spring. Only two grams of seeds are consumed per square meter.

How to grow a lawn? If you wish to experiment, ground cover plants of various types of speedwells, highlander bird, creeping yarrow are used. If there are no seeds of these types of herbs on sale, you can grow them yourself. In the south of our country, thyme lawns are grown. This 5-15 cm high plant has small and very fragrant leaves, and tiny flowers of various colors.

Usually, the lawn is arranged in the center of the garden plot, it is the canvas for the main pattern. But an abandoned lawn of cereal plants without maintenance will soon become a wasteland.

Grass sowing time

There is no strictly limited time frame for this. This takes into account the time required for preparatory work, for seed germination. The best time for registration of the site is the period from mid-May to early September. It will take 4-6 weeks to sow and germinate the lawn. It is better to finish all the work before the onset of cold weather and snowfall.

Site preparation

How to grow a lawn with your own hands? For thisFirst you need to clear the area of weeds and level its surface. Preparatory work in the future save the owner from many problems associated with growing a lawn. It does not need to be weeded from weeds, it is easier to cut. Site preparation usually takes 1-4 weeks.

How to grow a lawn? You should start by marking it, adhering to the site plan. At the same time, flower beds are broken, paths and paths are laid. For marking you will need pegs and a rope. You should not adhere to strict geometric lines, they are not always suitable for every type of lawn. Glades with flowering herbs and lawns that are not delineated by strict borders with right angles look more harmonious.

How to grow a lawn with your own hands
How to grow a lawn with your own hands

The site must be treated with herbicides. If weeds constantly appear on it, the seeds of which have good germination, the treatment is carried out several times with a break of 14 days. Herbicides have a good effect on May vegetation. Processing can be carried out in the fall, but the seeds can only germinate in the spring.

When the grass turns yellow and dry, the area must be cleaned of roots, debris and leveled. How to grow a lawn with your own hands? To keep it free of weeds, you need to cover the entire area with a non-woven fabric through which they do not germinate.

Soil preparation

At this stage, it is important to create conditions under which shoots will appear together, and the lawn grass will quickly grow. Fertilizers are applied depending on the type of soil. If it is loose, fertile, containsall the necessary nutrients, passes and retains moisture well, no top dressing needs to be done. It will take at least three days to prepare. This procedure includes the following:

  • Determining the composition of the soil, its structure and moisture. If the soil reaction is acidic, slaked lime or chalk is added. Areas with clay soil should be loosened by adding humus to it.
  • How to grow a lawn in the country with your own hands? A prerequisite for this is the application of mineral fertilizers: in spring - nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to the rapid growth of grass; autumn - phosphorus and potassium. They will help the seeds to endure the winter more easily. The uniform distribution of soil and fertilizers over the site, its loosening and moistening is the key to the successful cultivation of lawn grass. When working, the soil should not stick to the garden tool.
  • Rolling the leveled area with a roller. If holes are found, they need to be cut or sprinkled with soil, and then rolled again.
  • After the site is leveled and compacted, the soil should be allowed to mature (about a week). If weed seeds, along with humus, enter the soil and germinate, they are removed, and the soil surface is loosened with a rake.

Sowing grass seed

Usually, each package indicates the consumption of seeds for a certain area of the site. For lawns of different types, the sowing rate has its own, but it is not worth saving on seeds, because the main thing is that there are no bald spots. They will not stay long on the lawn as weeds will grow on them.

How to grow a lawn in the country
How to grow a lawn in the country

It doesn't take long to sow seeds. One day is enough for a small area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • In order for the consumption of planting material to be uniform, the lawn is mentally divided into equal sections, and the seeds into identical piles.
  • Dry soil is watered from a spray hose. You need to wait a little while it absorbs water.
  • How to grow a lawn in the country? First you need to sow the grass. To do this, you should wait for a calm day. Seeds are scattered across the site along and across. So they evenly fall on the ground.
  • At the end of sowing, you need to loosen the lawn with a rake, so the seeds will be embedded in the soil. Then roll the landing with a roller to compact the soil.
  • The seeded lawn is watered using a fine sprayer.

Planting rolled grass

This lawn is grown in nurseries. It can be planted from spring to autumn. It does well and grows fast. To lay rolls of grass, you need to carry out a number of preparatory activities:

  • Dig up the soil to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.
  • Remove all roots, stones and debris.
  • Level the area with a rake.
  • Apply fertilizer to the soil.
  • Roll the section with a roller.
How to grow a beautiful lawn
How to grow a beautiful lawn

How to grow a lawn? To do this, the layer of the roll is removed from the soil. No later than three days later, it must be landed in a new place. Laying is done in a checkerboard pattern. The edges are aligned, all unnecessary is cut offknife. Then the rolled lawn is rolled by a skating rink. This is necessary to eliminate air cavities. This grass takes root easily, so after a few weeks this lawn can be used for recreation.

Growing a weed-free lawn

Even with the most proper and good care, you can't do without weeds on the lawn. How to grow a lawn without weeds? To do this, you need to fight them. The main way is a haircut, carried out regularly twice a month. This procedure is carried out throughout the period May - October. The optimal lawn height is 4-5 centimeters. If the weeds have grown higher, another haircut is done. It is important that they do not bloom. Lawn weeds are:

  • Dandelions. Their large leaves and yellow flowers are undesirable for the formation of an attractive lawn.
  • Chernogolovka. This weed grows very fast. Prefers to breed on groomed lawns. Herbicides are used to combat it.
  • Plantain. It spreads in areas where the soil is over-compacted. It is fought with herbicides and root removal.
  • Moss. If it appeared, it means that there is a lot of moisture in the soil, it is damp. Aeration is used to eliminate excess moisture.

If weeds have taken root and multiplied in areas with sparse herbage, and it is impossible to get rid of them mechanically, the lawn is treated with herbicides. You can clean the lawn of weeds very quickly if you treat it with a chemical preparation with the addition of liquid fertilizer. After three days, the grass can be mowed.
