Do home cockroaches bite?

Do home cockroaches bite?
Do home cockroaches bite?

Cockroaches start up in apartments easily, but getting them out is much more difficult. Everyone knows that they are carriers of infection and emit an unpleasant odor that is detrimental to allergy sufferers. But do cockroaches, the household insects that cause so much trouble, bite?

do cockroaches bite
do cockroaches bite

Types of home parasites

Among cockroaches, there are species that, due to their huge size, can live in houses only as pets. First of all, these are Madagascar, among which an individual of 900 mm was found. They make hissing sounds and are not common in Europe. There are three varieties of domesticated insects:

  • Blatta orientalis, or black cockroach. It is easy to identify, since the chitinous shell has a black color, cast with a metallic sheen. Black cockroaches are equipped with wings, but, fortunately, they cannot fly. Throughout the body are hairs and antennae responsible for vision and smell. Omnivorous insects can reach 50 mm and live quietly in the wild in a warm climate: Crimea, the Balkan Peninsula.
  • Most people are interested indo red cockroaches bite, because it is this species that is most widespread in Russia. Blattella germanica, or red cockroach, everywhere follows a person in search of water, warmth and food. Red cockroaches have an oblong shape and are able to fly to a source of light or during breeding.
  • Periplaneta americana, or the American cockroach, has a darker brown chitinous shell and a long body that allows them to live in ventilation passages.

White cockroaches can also be found in apartments, but they are not an independent species. During their lives, insects molt up to 10 times and shed their chitinous shell. Only after a few hours they regain their natural color.

do cockroaches bite photos
do cockroaches bite photos

Do cockroaches bite and why?

There are still people who consider cockroach bites a myth. American scientists Roth and Willis (60s) proved for the first time that insects can bite and gnaw the skin of sleeping people, especially children. They described twenty cases of eating small particles of the skin on the eyelids, fingers, neck and even elbows. It became possible to learn about bites after an infection was introduced into the wound.

The mouth apparatus of insects is so developed that they are able to eat anything: the remnants of any food, cloth, paper, soap and even wires of electrical appliances. The answer to the question of whether cockroaches bite lies in the plane of understanding why they do it:

  • Lack of food. The lack of food prompts the cockroach colony to rushlooking for new sources of food. A sleeping person on the path, especially a child, can be such a source.
  • Lack of water. It is her lack that can lead to death of an insect. In this case, the human skin is of interest to him as a source of moisture: lacrimal glands, saliva in the corners of the mouth.
  • Competition within the colony, which can push active individuals to search for food. This happens when there is a large cockroach infestation.
  • Do red cockroaches bite?
    Do red cockroaches bite?

Bite victims

The daily routine of insects is such that they go hunting in search of food at night, when a person is sleeping. Due to the fact that their bite is almost painless, many get the impression that the discussion of the topic “Do domestic cockroaches bite” is far-fetched. A photo of bites confirms the defenselessness of a person in front of parasites. Children are the most frequent victims of insects. There are certain reasons for this:

  • Thinner skin that is easy to bite through.
  • Pleasant smell without the intimidating scent of perfume or tobacco.
  • Children's skin (especially for babies) is an additional source of moisture.

Bite marks

Often the affected area itches and there is a burning sensation. But visually, it looks the same as after being bitten by a mosquito or other insect. The wound is covered with a crust, the skin around it swells and turns red. Often bitten places are located nearby, which indicates a real attack of cockroaches. The jaws of the insect are not capable of causing acute pain, but they can cause discomfort and damage the skin, making them a source ofpenetration of infection, may well. Victims no longer wonder if cockroaches bite. Photos of the sad consequences of night hunting can be seen in the article.

do cockroaches bite home photos of bites
do cockroaches bite home photos of bites

Consequences, first aid

What should be feared after a bite, even in the absence of severe pain? There are only two real threats, but you need to know about them:

  • In the body of an insect there is tropomyosin, which can cause severe allergic reactions. Fibrous protein can cause severe swelling in allergy sufferers.
  • The body of a cockroach, its intestines and paws are carriers of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, therefore, if human tissues are damaged, they easily become infected.

When people in practice are faced with the answer to the question of whether cockroaches bite, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate or alcohol. If an allergic reaction occurs (inflammation, severe burning or scabies), it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with antihistamine ointment. In case of a large bite area or a severe allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor for drug therapy.

do house cockroaches bite
do house cockroaches bite

Bite Prevention

Everyone should have a good understanding of how cockroaches get into a home in order to avoid further problems. These tenacious insects, whose fatal dose of radiation exceeds the permissible dose for humans by 15 times, can settle in packages, bags and things. They are easythey end up in boxes, traveling with parcels to post offices. They run from neighbors through ventilation shafts and crevices in walls or floors. They come in whole colonies when they start fighting with them in their familiar place.

The question of whether cockroaches bite arises only when pest control is not carried out in the dwelling and sanitation standards are not observed. It is necessary to poison insects simultaneously on the entire living space of an apartment building in order to avoid relapses. It should be remembered that cockroaches do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, and from boric acid they begin to dehydrate the body, leading to death. The apartment should not have sources of constant moisture at night, as well as access to food debris and spoiled food. Fortunately, bites from these insects are rare, and with preventive measures, they can be completely avoided.