Different kinds of paints and varnishes in our time for the design of structures of buildings and structures are used quite often. And sometimes at the same time with such means it is necessary to use solvents. During storage, paints often thicken or even dry out completely. The solvent for paintwork materials should be selected in accordance with the composition of the latter. Otherwise, the paint can simply be ruined. For example, 648 solvent is often used to dilute enamels.
What is
This product is supplied to the market most often in plastic cans and bottles or in metal drums. It is a solvent 648 colorless or slightly yellowish transparent liquid without suspended particles. Among other things, this tool is toxic and flammable. Therefore, when storing the solvent, as well as when using it, certain safety precautions should be observed.
Where applicable
Like almost any other solvent, 648 is most often used to dilute thickened paints. At the same time, such a composition is suitable forwork with paintwork materials of the following types:
- butyl methacrylate;
- nitrocellulose;
- polyacrylate.
Also, using solvent 648, it is possible to prepare surfaces for painting. In this case, it is used to remove traces of old paint and grease stains. Paint stains with this solvent can, of course, be removed from tools after painting work.

It is allowed to use this tool for leveling the already dried layer of enamel. Such a procedure sometimes has to be carried out, for example, if there are scratches and chips on the old paint. Also, alignment with this tool is often done after grinding the enamel.
Composition of solvent 648
This solvent is currently one of the most inexpensive products on the Russian market of all of its kind. Its low cost is explained primarily by the simplicity of its manufacturing technology. Make such a solvent by mixing several chemicals:
- ethanol - 10%;
- butyl acetate - 50%;
- butanol - 20%;
- toluene - 20%.
Unlike solvents 646 and 647, 648th thus has a less aggressive composition. Products sold on the market under numbers 646 and 647 may additionally include substances such as ethyl cellulose, acetone, ethyl acetate.

This tool is manufactured in accordance with the standards stipulated by GOST 18188-72. Specifications solvent 648 has the following:
mass fraction of water according to Fischer - no more than 1%;
- volatility in ethyl ether - 11-18;
- coagulation number - at least 100%.
After the enamel thinned with this product dries, no whitening of its film should be observed. According to the requirements of GOST, solvent 648, after being added to the paint, should not have a negative effect on the evenness of the layer after drying.

Instructions for use
The technology of using this agent for diluting paintwork materials is nothing complicated. Thinner 648 simply needs to be added in small batches with stirring to make the thickened paint suitable for application on various types of surfaces.
Diluting with such a means of enamel is carried out to the required viscosity. However, too much solvent 648 cannot be added to the paint, of course. In terms of its percentage ratio to the volume of enamel, one should be guided primarily by the instructions from the manufacturer of the latter.
You can simply wipe stains from the walls with a cloth soaked in this solvent. Tools with dried paint in this product can be soaked for a while.
Precautions for use
As already mentioned, solvent 648 is a meanstoxic. Therefore, any work with it is allowed only in a well-ventilated area. At home, before you start diluting the dye with this solvent, you should definitely open the windows in the room.
Work with this tool is allowed only with gloves. It is also advisable to close the nose and mouth with a gauze bandage before unscrewing the cap from the solvent canister. In any case, it is not worth inhaling the vapors of this remedy for too long. This can lead to intoxication of the body.

When thinning paint or cleaning surfaces, be sure to keep solvent away from eyes and skin. If this happens, the affected area should be washed with warm running water. The skin should be washed with soap. In case of contact with the solvent 648 drops in the eyes, it is worth, among other things, to consult a doctor. After rinsing, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with some kind of moisturizer. This will reduce the chance of a chemical burn.
How to store
Since solvent 648 is a flammable substance, you can only work with it away from open flames and hot objects. Store this product in a cool, dark place. Of course, you also need to keep this solvent away from open flame in a hermetically sealed container. Of course, certain safety precautions should also be observed when transporting this solvent.

Where to buy
You can buy solvent 648 in almost any building supermarket. It is usually available in the assortment of even small stores of finishing materials. Also, this tool is also sold via the Internet (mainly in bulk). The price of this solvent is low and is no more than 60-80 rubles. per kilogram. A five-liter canister of this product, for example, usually costs no more than 400 rubles. Many companies make this product. For example, such a solvent is supplied to the market in large quantities by the Khimprodukt-Balakhna company (Nizhny Novgorod region).
Reviews from consumers
The advantages of this tool buyers include in the first place, of course, its low cost. Also, most consumers believe that solvent 648 copes with its tasks very well. He breeds paint quickly and without problems, and washes away stains easily. Also, many consumers strongly advise using this product for degreasing surfaces, not only before painting, but also, for example, before gluing.

Besides this, consumers consider the advantage of solvent 648 to be that it is supplied to the market in a reliable sealed container. The only thing, some buyers note that this tool, unfortunately, is sold mostly in cans. A small bottle on sale with such a solvent is more difficult to find.
The biggest drawback of this tool, consumers consider its high chemical aggressiveness. The smell of solvent 648 hassharp and you have to be really careful with it.