The best adhesive for parquet boards: description, specifications and photos

The best adhesive for parquet boards: description, specifications and photos
The best adhesive for parquet boards: description, specifications and photos

An important stage in the construction of a dwelling is the arrangement of the floor. One of the most convenient and practical options is the use of parquet boards. It includes several layers, where the topmost is expensive tree species. The rest are made from cheap materials, but they are resistant to mold, moisture.

Such floor parts can be installed in several ways. One of them is to use a special glue for parquet boards. It is important to choose such a tool correctly, since the quality of the floor depends on it. Thanks to the glue, the seams will be even, reliable, which will also affect the beauty of the room.


When choosing an adhesive for parquet board joints, you must remember and follow the following rules:

  1. Check the service life. The parquet board keeps within for the long period and does not lose the properties. Therefore, it is important that the glue also lasts a long time.
  2. Adhesive for parquet boards on the screed should create an elastic seam that will not deform. This is due to the fact that wood under the influence of environmental factors can change in size.
  3. Includedfunds should be a minimum of water. It can easily soak into the sides of the boards, causing them to swell.
  4. Glue must not shrink, otherwise the floor will creak.
  5. Be sure to check the product for toxicity. Some emit harmful substances into the air before solidification, which can be easily eliminated by ventilating the room. But if this continues after hardening, then such a remedy will harm people's he alth.

When planning a concrete screed, you need to choose an adhesive that has a good adhesion index.


Before choosing an adhesive, you need to understand the base and other important aspects. There are several varieties of it. Glue can be intended for screed or wooden base. There are also universal options.

The layers of the board that will directly interact with the adhesive may also differ for different floor products. Allocate 1- and 2-component compositions, as well as the dispersion type of the product.

Water dispersible

Dispersion adhesive has many advantages:

  • no fragrance;
  • is an environmentally friendly product;
  • easy to apply;
  • low cost, availability.

But keep in mind that dispersion solutions contain a lot of moisture, which will harm the board. When water evaporates, the surface deforms. Therefore, dispersion adhesive may only be used on wood that is resistant to moisture. Examples are oil crops, as well as oak,larch. The base must also be resistant to moisture. For example, special plywood.

There are the following conditions for a similar adhesive for parquet board on moisture-proof plywood:

  1. Only use it with layered parts.
  2. Do not apply to cherry, beech, pear, apple, ash, maple, alder boards. Otherwise, they will swell quickly.
  3. The thickness of the board must be at least 1 cm.
  4. Cannot be used with lacquered material. The surface of the product must not be treated with a similar composition. The varnish simply does not allow the wood to dry properly, which will cause defects.

But there is one more disadvantage of dispersion adhesive. It lies in the fact that the setting takes a long time. It usually takes a week to dry.

Single component

Solvent-based, one-component type adhesive can be applied to both wood substrate and concrete screed. The product is completely free of water. Thanks to this, it can even be used with products made from fruit trees.

One-component formulations are easy to apply and bond well. They also dry out fairly quickly. In addition, experts say that such compositions hold the parquet board on the base much better.

The advantages of one-component formulations include:

  • fix any wood;
  • have fluidity, so that the boards can be adjusted during installation on the floor. Moreover, this ability lasts for 15 minutes, so the work must be donemuch easier;
  • strengthen the concrete screed due to the high adhesion rate.

But at the same time, the disadvantages of such funds should also be taken into account:

  • toxicity due to solvent content;
  • do not allow the boards to be exposed to fire during installation, as there is a high probability of fire;
  • high cost.

Polyurethane-based adhesive is one of the most popular options for all one-component products.

The composition does not need to be dissolved, there is no aroma at all. In addition, this tool improves sound insulation. But polyurethane adhesive can only be applied to boards that are at least 1.75 cm thick.


Another type of floorboard adhesive is a two-component composition. They are also called reactive.

The last name is due to the fact that you need to mix 2 ingredients, they begin to react and stick together firmly. This option is considered the most expensive. But even thick boards are fixed on such glue, and on any basis. There is no water in the composition, so it is allowed to apply even on a varnished surface.

To prepare a special adhesive, you will need to mix the ingredients. After the substance is applied to the surface. The glue quickly holds them together, and complete drying will be achieved in 2 days.

As for the disadvantages, in addition to the high cost, toxicity is emphasized, so it is imperative to use gloves and a mask during work.

Best Options

Choosing,which adhesive for parquet board is better, it is recommended to consider the following options:

UZIN–MK 73. Formulated with artificial resins. The glue withstands heat, can fix parquet on wood and concrete. Consumption per 1 sq. m is up to about 1.2 kg

Glue "UZIN-MK 73"
Glue "UZIN-MK 73"

Ansercoll. Suitable for those who care not only about the safety of the premises, but also about environmental friendliness. Contains organic solvents. Suitable for any base. Consumption is up to 1.5 kg per 1 sq. m

Glue "Ansercoll"
Glue "Ansercoll"

"Tarbikol KPA". It is used when you need to install thick boards - about 2.2 cm each. The glue contains alcohol. The level of toxicity of the agent is low. Thanks to this composition, parquet can be fixed to concrete, wood and even ceramics. Consumption is approximately 1.2 kg per 1 sq. m

Glue "Tarbikol KPA"
Glue "Tarbikol KPA"

Tarbicol PU 2K. Bonds parquet of any material to concrete, wood, ceramics. Consumption is approximately 0.9 kg per 1 sq. m

Glue "Tabicol PU 2K"
Glue "Tabicol PU 2K"

Wakol PU-210. Polyurethane adhesive. Suitable for all materials. Costs are up to 1.4 kg per 1 sq. m

Glue "Wakol PU-210"
Glue "Wakol PU-210"

BONA D-720. Manufacturer - Switzerland. For 1 sq. m will need 1-1, 4 kg of solution. The water content is the lowest among all dispersion - approximately 22%

Glue "BONA D-720"
Glue "BONA D-720"

Kiiltostandard. The manufacturer is Finland. The water content is up to 36%. Only suitable for oak and larch boards. Consumption per 1 sq. m. is approximately 1.2 kg

Glue "Kiilto Standard"
Glue "Kiilto Standard"

"Tarbikol KP-5". Many are interested in whether it is possible to glue the parquet board on the "warm floor" system. Of course, there are such options. Moreover, you can use the dispersion adhesive "Tarbikol KP-5". It has a high concentration of water, but the cost is low, as is the consumption

Glue "Tarbikol KP-5"
Glue "Tarbikol KP-5"

How to choose

If parquet is laid out on plywood, then dispersion compounds cannot be used, as the material will absorb moisture and defects will appear. It is best to use single-component products in this case.

If the parquet is being installed on a screed, then a dispersion composition will do. But only if the boards are also moisture resistant.

When the screed is not strong enough, it can be strengthened with highly elastic adhesives. If parquet is being installed on a self-leveling floor, it is recommended to use polyurethane compounds.

In the case when the boards are ordinary, you can use a one-component tool.


When choosing, if there are doubts or lack of experience in such matters, it is recommended to consult with a specialist or a salesperson of an outlet. This will avoid unnecessary costs for subsequent repairs, and the parquet board will be securely fixed.
