One of gardeners' favorite plants is raspberries. To get a good harvest, throughout the growing season, you need to properly care for the plant. In spring and autumn, a whole range of procedures is needed for the successful cultivation of raspberries.
Raspberries for he alth
Raspberry has not only excellent taste, but also rich in vitamins. This plant can be used to treat a variety of diseases: everyone knows about the magical properties of jam from these berries. Useful vitamin teas are made from raspberry leaves to help strengthen the immune system. They, like berries, contain many useful trace elements and vitamins.
Raspberries can lower body temperature, reduce headaches, remove toxins. They help to strengthen the immune system, give strength. Drinks from them are recommended for neurosis, depression. Raspberry tea helps you sleep. The flowers of this plant are also used in folk medicine.
Leaves are used to treat kidney problems, as well as vitamin collections, as a general tonic. Leaf decoctions help normalize the digestive tract.

Planting, transplanting bushes
The best time for planting and transplanting raspberry bushes is spring. The following factors influence the harvest results:
- Quality of planting material. It is very important that the seedlings are he althy and sufficiently developed. They should have a root system of about fifteen centimeters.
- Correctly selected site. For successful cultivation of raspberries, it is necessary to select a site that is protected from drafts and direct sunlight. A good option is to plant in loamy, sandy loam soils with high moisture levels.
- Carrying out proper soil preparation. Before planting, it is important to properly prepare the soil. Regardless of the planting method, the place where raspberries are planned to be grown must be fertilized. To do this, make mineral and organic top dressing. In such soil, the plant will receive all the necessary substances.
- Date of landing. Remontant varieties are recommended to be planted in March-April before the start of the growing season. More precise planting periods are determined for each region separately and depend on climatic conditions.
In the spring, for the successful cultivation of raspberries, it is necessary to prune and tie the bushes.

Tie and trim the plant
Spring pruning of bushes consists of two stages. At the first, weak, severely frozen, damaged branches are removed. If the bushes are heavily thickened, then thinning is carried out.
When growing raspberries in a tape way, it is necessary to ensurethe optimal density is not more than twenty-five vines per linear meter. With bush cultivation - no more than twelve shoots. After thinning, plantings begin to receive more light and nutrients. Initially, those shoots are removed, the stems of which are damaged by the pest. On bare shoots that do not yet have foliage, you can easily find the larvae of the stem gall midge: they look like swellings at the bottom of the stem.
At the second stage, when growing and caring for raspberries, all branches are pruned. The tops are cut to the first bud, which overwintered well. Even unfrozen tops must be removed. This technique stimulates the formation and fruiting.
With proper pruning, the plant will delight with a strong harvest.
It is very important to tie up the shoots. Care and cultivation of bending-type raspberries imply a garter to a trellis of branches. It is recommended to hammer posts for support along the edges and in the central part of each row, and a wire is stretched between them. The height of the upper crossbar should be no more than a meter, and the lower one - about sixty centimeters. Each vine is tied to the crossbars in two places. For this purpose, hemp twine or a soft cloth is used. The tied bush should be vertical, without falling over.
Stakes can be used as a support. They are driven in between plants and lashes from two adjacent bushes are tied to them. This method does not shade the bushes and makes harvesting fruit easier.

Feeding in spring
On the advice of experienced gardeners, care andgrowing raspberries require proper and timely feeding. This is done as follows:
- The first feeding is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers. Fifteen grams of urea are added to the freshly thawed earth. To avoid the action of acidification during the application of nitrogen, it is recommended to add a glass of wood ash under each bush. You can use potassium fertilizer instead of s altpeter, which contains nitrogen. You can use complex top dressing by mixing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal parts. For top dressing, one hundred grams of the mixture is taken and bred in a bucket of water.
- Mulching is carried out after top dressing.
- In May, raspberries are fed with mullein solution. For its preparation, five hundred grams of manure are taken and poured with a bucket of water. Five liters of mixture will be needed per square meter.
Organic feeding
Most gardeners prefer to feed bushes with organic fertilizers. For this purpose, apply:
- Mullein. He is bred at the rate of 1 to 10.
- A solution of rabbit or goat droppings. To prepare it, you need to take one part of manure and pour ten parts of water.
- Solution of bird droppings. Prepared in a ratio of 1 to 20.
- Tincture of herbs. Good results are shown by the use of tincture of comfrey, nettle. For cooking, you need a kilogram of fresh herbs, pour a bucket of hot water and insist for a week. Then a liter of infusion is diluted in ten liters of water and watered with raspberries. To feed one bush, you will need two liters of the composition.
Poaccording to the advice of experienced gardeners, the care and cultivation of raspberries provide for the spring processing of the plants themselves and the soil.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out soil cultivation under the remontant raspberry bushes. Care and cultivation of such varieties include mulching with a thick layer. Before this process, loosening is necessarily carried out to a depth of ten centimeters, the plants are watered abundantly.
You can not dig up the ground in the spring, as you can damage the roots. This is due to the fact that they lie at a depth of about thirty centimeters. You can dig the soil only in the autumn season.
Mulching helps prevent soil depletion and also keeps moisture under the bushes. It can not be carried out for too wet types of soil. In such places, loosening is carried out and fertilizer is applied.
As you know, the root system grows strongly, new territories are captured by remontant raspberries. The care and cultivation of this type of plant involves the construction of a fence: you can dig cut sheets of slate into the ground to a depth of at least half a meter. Thanks to such a barrier, the plant will not go beyond the raspberries and will always remain in the area allotted to it.
Pest control methods
From early spring, it is necessary to start processing bushes from pests. At this time, it is made from the raspberry beetle, gall midge, weevil, stem fly. With the timely removal of dry leaves and branches, it is possible to partially solve the problem of pests.
Toto prevent the reproduction of the pest in the new year, it is necessary to treat the bushes from early spring, best before bud break.
Features of growing raspberries involve treatment with Bordeaux liquid. To get rid of the raspberry beetle, they are treated with a Nitrafen solution, diluted at the rate of two hundred milliliters per bucket of water. A solution of "Fufanon" helps to cope with gall midge. For processing, a solution is prepared from fifteen milliliters of the drug diluted in a bucket of water.
In early May, bushes must be treated with Fitoverm. It is bred according to the instructions.

Summer raspberry care
In the summer months, the cultivation of remontant raspberries provides for timely watering, weeding, loosening of row spacing. Be sure to remove excess shoots throughout the entire growing season, and only a small number of young plants are left to be used as seedlings.
During the summer, the raspberries are treated twice with fungicides. The first treatment is carried out during the flowering period, and the second - after its completion.
Tips for growing and caring for raspberries include proper watering. It depends on him what the harvest will be and what the berries will be. The irrigation schedule depends on the air temperature, as well as on the intensity and frequency of precipitation. Most of all, raspberries need water during the period when mass flowering, fruit set and ripening occur. In dry times, the plant experiences a lack of moisture and can reduceseveral times the yield.
In the last month of summer and early autumn, there is enough moisture, so watering is reduced.
When growing raspberries from seed or other methods, drip irrigation is best. In late autumn, irrigation is carried out by sprinkling or watering the furrows. Both methods help recharge the soil with moisture.
Autumn sprinkling helps to protect the bushes from frost, but this method can also lead to the development of diseases that are dangerous for ripening berries. High humidity not only worsens the condition of the root system, but also negatively affects the quality of fruits, reduces immunity, and provokes secondary growth.

Autumn care
All varieties of raspberries grown in a garden plot need autumn care. After harvesting the last crop, the final treatment is carried out from pests and the bushes are prepared for wintering.
With the beginning of leaf fall, all weakened shoots must be removed. All rejected stems are cut to the very root, at the same time all overgrown young shoots are dug up.
In the fall, they remove the mulch or dig to a depth of no more than fifteen centimeters. Before digging the soil, phosphate and potash fertilizers must be applied at the rate of eight grams per square meter. It is useful to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers: organics are applied in the fall, and minerals are applied in the spring, next year.

Preparationfor wintering
To get raspberries like in the photo, growing requires special preparation for wintering. At the end of September, while the vines are still flexible, they should be bent to the ground. After the snow falls, the vine should be completely under it. Thus, it is possible to protect the bushes from freezing. If in the growing region there are severe frosts without snow, then it is worth covering the bushes. This is done according to the same principle as for rose bushes.
Features of care for different varieties
When growing raspberries from seeds, you can get completely new varieties.
Breeders use seed propagation to obtain new plant species. Each new variety has its own care characteristics.
Raspberry Cumberland does not like excessive levels of humidity: otherwise it will develop anthracnose. You can grow this variety in the same place for eight years. For propagation, seeds, cuttings, layering are used.
The popular Tarusa raspberry, or raspberry tree, is grown without support. To make it grow like a tree, pinch the crown of the branches. This variety loves light, frequent watering, loose soil with a lot of trace elements and minerals. At the end of July, all hatched branches are removed, and the bush is formed at the end of September.
Variety Hercules prefers sunny areas. Powerful bushes require space and good ventilation, so they are planted at intervals of at least eighty centimeters, and there should be at least one and a half meters between rows. The variety is demanding on top dressing, watering. After picking the berries, the aerial part is cut off.under the root. This makes it possible to get a big harvest next season.