Fertilizer for raspberries: an overview, application features and recommendations

Fertilizer for raspberries: an overview, application features and recommendations
Fertilizer for raspberries: an overview, application features and recommendations

Raspberries are difficult to attribute to the list of mandatory plants that should be on the site. This is not a nutritious vegetable, not a gourd, and not a cereal that can feed the whole family. Nevertheless, almost every summer resident or gardener contains at least a couple of raspberry bushes on his land. It pleases the owners with its colorful appearance, and during the ripening period it allows you to enjoy the most delicate taste and unique aroma. To obtain such a result, you should devote a little attention to the care of this berry. If you choose the right fertilizer for raspberries, taking into account the development conditions and the season, then it will certainly provide a beautiful and rich harvest.

fertilizer for raspberries
fertilizer for raspberries

Feeding at planting

The advantages of this berry include unpretentiousness to the soil. In most cases, raspberries do not require additional provision of the planting site with fertilizers at all and grow on their own, developing and even invading other areas of the site. But this is not always the case, and for the right result, you should still prepare to support the plant from the moment it is planted.

The first fertilizer for raspberries is applied to the hole immediately before planting, then the seedling is placed in this hole. Thistop dressing may contain 0.2 kg of superphosphate, 80 g of potassium sulphide and about 8 kg of humus. In extreme cases, potassium and superphosphate can be replaced with ash, which is a universal component for feeding. But in general, raspberries most readily accept potassium. Another thing is that it is important to keep the proportions, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Second feeding

fertilizer for raspberries in spring
fertilizer for raspberries in spring

After planting, to stimulate the development of raspberries, it is worth adding another portion of fertilizer. The basis of the composition in this case will be organic fertilizers, among which are manure and mullein. It is best to use an organic raspberry fertilizer in early spring, as autumn rains adversely affect absorption. Amateur summer residents also experiment with chicken manure during the formation of berries. As for the mullein, it is used in a weak solution. Some gardeners recommend using mullein when planting, dipping seedling roots into it. According to the classical scheme, it should be used in a ratio of 0.5 liters per bucket of water. The solution should be applied at the rate of 5 liters per 1 m22 plantings. The effect of such support should appear already in June. If the plant looks weak, then you can additionally apply a solution of manure by diluting 2 kg of it in a bucket of water.

Spring fertilizer

Many summer residents note the great responsibility of the main spring feeding. It can be a complex fertilizer, including different components. For example, organo-mineral additions are used according to the type of universal additives. It is advisable to use products based on humus. Usually such substances are diluted in a bucket of water, adding a few tablespoons of active elements. If possible, you can put a couple of spoons of nitrophoska. Also, top dressing of raspberries in the spring with mineral fertilizers provides for the inclusion of nitrogen components. But here it is important to take into account the nuances of making such dressings. They should be added before loosening the soil, immediately embedded in the ground as close to the root system as possible.

Fertilizer in autumn

raspberry fertilizing
raspberry fertilizing

At this time, it is worth focusing on organic matter, among which one can distinguish manure, compost and the mentioned bird droppings. It is advisable to apply manure that is not overripe at the rate of 6 kg per 1 m 3 2. Just in the winter months, he will finally overheat and give the plant the necessary elements for spring recuperation. In addition, in severe frosts, manure will provide warming of the berries. It is worth noting that fertilizers for raspberries in the spring are mainly added with an emphasis on stimulating fruit development. However, in the fall, the protective and restorative functions of supplements still come to the fore. This is confirmed by the inclusion of chicken manure with rotted compost in the compositions. In addition to supplying the necessary nutrients, such additives disinfect the plant.


raspberry planting fertilizer
raspberry planting fertilizer

Protective measures include the use of mulch. For raspberries, this is a particularly important maintenance operation, as it allows soil moisture to be retained. By the way, for the reasonregulation of the humidity regime, many summer residents refuse to perform soil cultivation, even surface. But it is better to compensate for the missing characteristics of the soil structure by mulching. In part, this may be fertilizer for raspberries, presented in the form of the same manure, peat and manure with compost. Do not ignore the traditional mulch containing garden weeds, corn cobs, tree leaves, straw and sawdust. Each bush is covered with material so that there are no translucent places.

Pest Protection

If, under favorable growth conditions, raspberries can do without fertilizers that feed the soil, then in the fight against diseases and pests, its individual protective properties will not be enough. Although the bushes of this berry are not so often affected by insects, such misfortunes can ruin the entire crop. It is desirable to use not pesticides, but folk remedies. In particular, mustard powder, diluted with water in a ratio of 100 g per 10 liters, is suitable. It is also worth trying an additive based on onion peel - 200 g is poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 4 days. The finished solution, by the way, can also be used as a full-fledged fertilizer for raspberries, and the husk will fit as a mulch. Spraying against diseases can be done using the same ash diluted in a solution with laundry soap.

Additional care measures

raspberry fertilizer in early spring
raspberry fertilizer in early spring

Mandatory operation aimed at maintaining the growth of raspberries is cutting off the shoots, which sumptuously frames the main bush. Don't feel sorry for herit is worth it, since such processes do not bring benefits, but they readily absorb nutrients. You should regularly look out for other vegetation that surrounds raspberries. Top dressing with fertilizers contributes to the development of planting, but if other plants take away nutrients, the positive effect will noticeably decrease.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly create conditions for the further development of the bush. For this, special garters are formed. To organize such a system will allow lines of trellis wire drawn along the entire landing. At the level of each bush, serifs for the stems should be made. This will allow access to light for the lower parts of the raspberry, and also protect the upper branches from falling and pollution.


fertilizing raspberries in spring with mineral fertilizers
fertilizing raspberries in spring with mineral fertilizers

The described procedures should be performed for at least several seasons. Especially when it comes to new landings. With the successful observance of these recommendations, you can count on getting tasty and fragrant fruits that well-groomed raspberries will bring. Planting, fertilizing, protecting against pests and caring for a bush is also an incomplete list of actions that a novice gardener should take into account when growing berries. After harvesting, you should also take proper care of the planting site of the bush. Branches that bear fruit must be removed so that they leave room for young shoots and do not interfere with their development for the remaining time before the onset of winter.
