Acrylic paint is widely used in art, renovation and construction. It often happens that drops of paint fall on surfaces that should not have been painted. It can be clothes, hands, furniture and other surfaces around us. When this happens, the question arises as to how to wash off the acrylic paint.
This article explains how to remove acrylic paint stains from a variety of surfaces.
Remove fresh stains

Fresh stains that have not yet begun to form a film can be removed with a cloth or sponge dampened with warm water. In this case, do not press on the surface, but erase the paint with light sliding movements.
But is it possible to wash off acrylic paint if more than an hour has passed and a film has formed on the surface of the stain? Yes, at this time you can remove traces of paint with degreasing agents - dishwashing detergent, alcohol, acetone or citric acid solution.
It is necessary to soak abundantly with oneof these substances paper towel or cotton pad and blot the stain. After 2-3 minutes, blot with a napkin, cotton wool or paper towel, but do not wipe, so as not to stain the clean surface next to the stain. If the paint is not completely gone, it is worth repeating the procedure.
If the clothes are dirty, then in the first minutes you can simply wash the stain, and the paint will come off, but if more than half an hour has passed, then it is worth soaking the fabric with the same degreasing agents, wait a few minutes and wash in the usual way.
Remove from hands

When working with acrylic paint, it's easy to get your hands dirty if you don't wear gloves. To get rid of stains, you can first simply wash your hands with soap and gently rub with a soft brush or sponge. If this does not help, then you should dry your hands well and apply baby or vegetable oil and wash them with soap and water after a few minutes.
Another option is to use acetone or alcohol to remove traces of paint. Of course, there are special chemicals, but before washing off acrylic paint with them, you should remember that they contain aggressive substances and can damage the skin or cause irritation.
Removing paint from brushes

As soon as the work with the paint is finished, the brushes should be immediately soaked in warm water for 20 minutes, then rinsed under running water. But if for some reason this did not work out and the paint on the brush dried up, then you need to soak it in alcohol,acetone or gasoline. After 20-30 minutes, also rinse under running water.
You can also use specialized acrylic paint removers, which are sold in hardware and hardware stores, but be sure to wear gloves when working with them.
Removing paint from fabric

Dirty clothes during work or creativity, but do not know how to wash off acrylic paint from the fabric, if some time has passed? To do this, you can use improvised means - window cleaner or hairspray. It should be applied to the fabric and rubbed with a sponge, then washed in the usual way.
If the paint stains are very old, then you will have to use stronger chemicals. One such remedy can be prepared at home. To do this, you need 1 part of 9% vinegar, 1 part of ammonia and a pinch of soda. First of all, you need to soak the fabric in cold water for a couple of minutes, then wipe the contaminated areas with the prepared solution with cotton pads. When the discs no longer leave traces of paint, you can wash your clothes.
Attention! Before washing off acrylic paint with the suggested methods, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric to be sure that the clothes will not be damaged.
Removing paint from furniture

When acrylic paint gets on wood furniture, care must be taken not to damage the surface, soThe cleaning options below should be tested on a small area to ensure they won't damage your furniture.
First, you should try scraping off the paint with something sharp and flat, like a knife or blade. But you should act very carefully, trying not to scratch the surface.
If this method does not work, then before washing acrylic paint from wood with chemicals, it is worth trying the thermal method. It consists in the fact that you need to moisten the paint stain with soapy water and heat this place with a hair dryer or steam from an iron and then carefully pick it up with a knife.
Another option is to use chemicals such as gasoline, alcohol or acetone, but these are more likely to damage the surface.
Removing paint from carpet

When the paint gets on the carpet, there may be a fear that it will be a very difficult task to remove it. But really, it's not that hard.
In order to remove stains of acrylic paint from the carpet, it is necessary to wet the stained area with alcohol and leave for 5 minutes. After it should be blotted with a paper towel, but do not rub or smear. These steps should be repeated until all the paint is gone.
Removing paint from glass

If paint gets on glass or a mirror, it becomes very noticeable, even the smallest droplets are striking. To clean, spray glass cleaner over the entire surface,paying special attention to stains and drops of paint, and wait a couple of minutes. Then simply wipe with a soft cloth. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
But how to wash acrylic paint from glass if there is no special detergent? You can use acetone or a solution of boric acid. To wash the paint with them, you need to soak the stain with the product and leave for 20 minutes, then wipe it with a rag.
Removing paint from wallpaper

It is very difficult to clean the wallpaper if acrylic paint has got on it without damaging it. The main aspect of successful cleaning is time. Immediately after getting paint on the wallpaper, you need to blot this place with a damp sponge and leave to dry.
You can also use vegetable oil by applying it to a clean rag and blotting the paint stain with it. After a few minutes, blot the area gently without rubbing.
Removing paint from linoleum and plastic

To clean plastic or linoleum from paint, you can use a sharp object such as a knife or blade to scrape it off the surface. The main thing is to be careful not to leave scratches.
How to wash off acrylic paint from plastic or linoleum, if you do not want to resort to mechanical action? You can use acetone or white spirit. It is necessary to blot the stain with the chosen agent and wash it off after a few minutes. You can also purchase special washes that must be used strictly according toinstructions.
Before using chemicals directly on a contaminated area, test them in an inconspicuous place to make sure the surface is not damaged.
Removing paint from laminate flooring

If acrylic paint got on the laminate, then there is nothing to worry about. You can remove it with any detergent that does not contain abrasives. To do this, apply the product to a damp cloth and leave it on the stain for a few minutes, after which we wipe this place.
Be aware that some types of laminate flooring won't stand up to prolonged exposure to moisture, so if you have one, don't leave the wet cloth on the floor for too long.