Wicks for candles. Homemade cake candles for the New Year

Wicks for candles. Homemade cake candles for the New Year
Wicks for candles. Homemade cake candles for the New Year

Candles are an interesting detail in interior design, gazebos and verandas. They are installed on cakes, etc. You can make candles yourself. However, there are several subtleties in solving this issue. One of the most difficult stages of work is the creation of wicks. For this, special materials are used.

How candle wicks are made, what factors influence the choice of material, as well as other subtleties of work should be considered in detail. This will create beautiful, high-quality products that can be used to decorate a holiday, a romantic evening, or simply create additional lighting in case of a temporary power outage.

Where can I get a wick?

Creating your own candles for the New Year, birthday or just for home use, you will invariably face the problem of choosing a wick. It can be bought, made from improvised materials. You can also get the wick from a nondescript household candle.

Wicks for candles
Wicks for candles

You can buy the presented element of the product in specialized stores. Many candle makers make this sale. Such a product beforeapplication, it is necessary to soak well with wax.

You can make a wick yourself from threads or other improvised materials. In this case, you can achieve a stunning decorative effect. Threads can be colored.

If the candle is created as a gift for friends and relatives, you can use a ready-made wick. It is found in store-bought wax products.

Wick material

It should be noted that cake candles will differ significantly from decorative products that are used to decorate the room. This difference will also be in the materials of the wick. But in any case, you can create it yourself.

Cake candles
Cake candles

The wick must be made from natural materials. Cotton (for example, "iris") or woolen thread is best suited in this case. Before making a wick, you need to make sure that the selected material is natural. It should not melt if brought to heat. Such wicks will not burn.

If there is an artificial variety in the plexus with a natural thread, you can simply get it from the general bundle. Otherwise, the candle will give off an unpleasant smell, smoke, etc. when burning.

Wick thickness

It is very important to choose the right wick size. It should not be too thin, otherwise the candle will constantly go out. However, too large a diameter of the wick is not welcome. In this case, the candle will smoke and melt too quickly. For example, thin cake candles require the use of the thinnest wicks. But for the fatcandles that should brightly illuminate the space, it is better to choose a core of a larger diameter.

What is a candle wick made of?
What is a candle wick made of?

Today, quite thick decorative candles are on sale. They should not burn out completely. Gradually, only their core melts. If you plan to apply a similar effect in your product, you should give preference to the average thickness of the wick.

Also, when choosing, take into account the material from which the candle is made. For wax, you can take thick threads. Their weave should not be too tight. If a different material is used to create a candle, it is better to choose thin threads. They are tightly intertwined.

If the candle will be dyed or there is a small shaving in its material itself, the wick must be strong. It should not go out if pieces of the fraction begin to crumble inside the product.

Creating a wick

Having considered what a candle wick is made of, you should also pay attention to the technique of its manufacture. The thickness of this integral element of the wax product will have to be selected by trial and error. The factors listed above affect this.

What is impregnated with a candle wick
What is impregnated with a candle wick

The selected material for the wick can be a thread that is twisted from several flagella. You can use it in the form in which it was originally located. In some cases, the wick is woven from several threads.

The tightness of the flagella to each other depends on the type of material. You can simply twist a few threads betweenyourself. For a denser structure, you can use a small hook. Weaving in this case will be interesting. This technique is often used for decorative candles that are made for sale or as a gift.


If the wick was purchased or made from thread, it will need to be soaked first. This does not need to be done only if the main combustion element was removed from a purchased candle. Although even in this case, you can play it safe.

There are several options for impregnating a candle wick. The choice of substance depends on the purpose of the product. However, in the vast majority of cases, the wick is impregnated with wax. To do this, it must be melted on the stove.

A thread folded several times or crocheted should be well dipped in melted wax. Next, the wick is taken out of the container and twisted with your fingers. You can not be afraid of burns. While the thread with wax will make its way from the container to the table, the wax will have time to cool. It will be warm but not hot.

Shape arrangement

Wick for a homemade candle should be located exactly in the center of the form. In its bottom, you need to make a small hole and stretch a wax-soaked thread through it. Next, it is better to make a knot here. It will prevent liquid wax from leaking out of the mold through this hole.

Wick for a homemade candle
Wick for a homemade candle

The second end of the wick must be tied to a stick or pencil. If the thread has been well saturated with wax, it is easily fixed on them. The pencil is wrapped with a wick. Next, you need to make sure that the wick isexactly in the center of the future candle. So it will burn evenly.

After all these manipulations, the wax is poured into the mold. After the material hardens and becomes room temperature, the candle can be removed from the mold. The wick can be the tip that was tied into a knot under the bottom. Sometimes the candle is not turned over. In this case, the wick is simply cut off from the pencil. When pouring the material, it is necessary to carefully align the recess near the wick.

The finishing touch

After the work is almost completed, the candle wicks are slightly adjusted. They need to be cut properly. This will contribute to proper burning and easy lighting of the candle.

Candles for the New Year
Candles for the New Year

Experienced craftsmen leave approximately 0.5 cm of the wick above the candle. However, for those who are just starting to learn all the intricacies of this process, it is recommended to leave a slightly larger segment. It should be about 1 cm long. In extreme cases, it can be trimmed a little. But this length will allow you to simply light a candle.

Oil Candle

There is another option for installing a wick in a candle. In this case, a form filled with oil is taken for the basis of the product. You will need to prepare a thick wire and a match. Candle wicks of this type should also be created by weaving thread and impregnation.

You need to wind the wire around the match, but not very tightly. Next, it must be carefully removed from the rod. There should be a small tail at the bottom. It will allow the coiled wire to settle steadily at the bottom of the candle.

A wick is installed inside the wire. If it is impregnated with wax, the construction will be quite stable. Next, a wire with a wick is installed in the center of the bottom of a small container of oil. The tip of the thread should protrude above the surface. Next, you can set fire to the wick, and the candle will burn. This is one of the simplest options that can be used for business purposes.

Having considered how to make candle wicks, you can create various options for such products yourself.
