Drilling water wells: reviews, technology, equipment

Drilling water wells: reviews, technology, equipment
Drilling water wells: reviews, technology, equipment

Until recently, ordinary wells were the main sources of water supply for private houses. Today, many owners of suburban areas prefer to drill wells. Such sources, in comparison with wells, have a number of undeniable advantages. The water in wells is cleaner and the flow rate of such mines is usually higher. The only drawback of the sources of this variety can only be considered the high cost of drilling. Wells for water reviews from owners of suburban areas who abandoned wells deserve good ones. But uninterrupted supply from such sources can be carried out, of course, only if they are properly arranged.

Where to order?

If desired, drilling a well in a suburban area can also be done in a handicraft way. That is, simply hire craftsmen who came, for example, to equip such a mine for neighbors. The advantage of this method is, first of all, the low cost of drilling a well for water. Reviews of mines equipped in this way, however, unfortunately, are often not very good. After all, there are no guarantees that water will be supplied to the house infurther will be regularly and without problems in this case, no one gives. The owner of the house who drilled such a well, in addition, will not receive any additional information about it - about the composition of the soil, the quality of the water, and even the debit.

How wells are drilled
How wells are drilled

Therefore, many owners of suburban areas still recommend contacting licensed companies for the arrangement of such a mine. Such organizations usually produce the highest quality water well drilling. Reviews of mines equipped by such specialists are often quite good.

Is it worth ordering drilling from a licensed company: the opinion of private traders

Of course, this method of arranging an aquifer mine is the most expensive, but still the fastest and easiest. Judging by the reviews, licensed companies usually do their work quite well. However, experienced owners of suburban areas still recommend hiring only local firms of this specialization. The price of the well drilling service in this case is likely to be lower. In addition, specialists of only such companies usually know well the features of the soil section in the areas of the area. And therefore, after driving a few meters (for which you will have to pay anyway), the owner of the summer cottage will not be upset that, due to a rock or large pebbles, drilling is not possible in the future.

Drilling of artesian wells
Drilling of artesian wells

Licensed companies do their job, judging by the reviews, usually not bad. Butsometimes even such specialists do not issue a well passport to the site owner. Experienced summer residents advise you to demand this document after completing the work from the masters. It is in the passport that all data about the well, type of soil, etc. are indicated. Without this document, it will be difficult to choose the best option for pumping equipment in the future.

The disadvantage of this method of arranging mines, the owners of private houses, of course, consider first of all its high cost. The price of drilling a well for water when ordered from a licensed company will most likely be at least 2000 rubles. per meter of penetration. Handicraftsmen for the same work can take no more than 1000 rubles.

Can I drill myself?

With their own hands, the owners of country houses rarely equip sources of water supply of this type. The depth of the well, even the simplest - "on the sand", is significant, not to mention calcareous artesian ones. Therefore, for the arrangement of such mines, special industrial equipment is required.

In some cases, manual drilling of water wells can still be done. But only the owners of those sites where underground veins lie at a depth of no more than 8-10 m do this. In this case, a special technology for drilling mines is used. There are good reviews about such sources, but their debit in most cases is not too high. The fact is that only the so-called Abyssinian well can be equipped on the site on your own. Such mines are distinguished by the fact that they have a small diameter and a very shallow depth.

Abyssinian well drilling
Abyssinian well drilling

Drilling a well for water: reviews of Abyssinian wells

As summer residents note on specialized forums on the Internet, it is really possible to equip such a mine on the site with your own hands and in a short time. The price of drilling a well for water in all regions of Russia is high. And therefore, an Abyssinian well, equipped independently, for example, at first, immediately after buying a plot, can become a real lifesaver.

However, drilling a well with your own hands, according to most owners of suburban areas, is still actually difficult and labor-intensive. A summer resident who decides to equip a well in this way may face, for example, such troubles as large stones in the thickness of the soil. The aquifer shaft must be strictly vertical. Having stumbled upon a stone, the drill will definitely go to the side. Moreover, such a not very strong tool in this case can simply break.

The process of drilling a well for water with your own hands, therefore, is complex. In addition, experienced summer residents advise equipping mines in this way only if it is known for sure that the vein in the selected area does not lie too deep. Otherwise, all the work may be wasted.

The Abyssinian wells themselves deserve good reviews from private traders. The water in such mines is sometimes slightly cloudy. But in most cases, it is suitable not only for watering plants, but also for drinking. To the advantages of such wells, many owners of suburban areas,among other things, they also include the fact that they are easy to equip, including directly in the house or in an insulated outbuilding. Such a well will not freeze even in the coldest winter.

What equipment do companies use?

The location and design depth of drilling a well for water is usually determined by specialists from the same company that was hired for sinking. At the same time, engineers on the site can, for example, carry out surveys using special devices that capture radiation in the ground, taking into account the landscape of the area.

Well drilling equipment
Well drilling equipment

In private suburban areas, in most cases, wells “on the sand” are equipped industrially. Such mines have a depth of up to 50 m. Therefore, not very powerful installations for drilling wells for water are used for their arrangement. Usually a truck just arrives at the site, complete with auger equipment. Such a tool is a large drill with blades arranged in a spiral. The penetration in this case usually takes no more than a few hours.

Water well drills are made of durable steel. It can be carbon metal or material grades U8A and U8G (for particularly difficult soils). As it deepens, the drill is built up with additional elements using the telescope method. The tool is buried in the ground until the vein in the sand layer is reached.

The technology of drilling artesian wells for water is highly complex. In this case, depending oncharacteristics of the underlying soil layers, different methods of penetration can be used. Water from such wells is supplied to the houses as clean, tasty and of high quality as possible. But the arrangement of such mines is very expensive.

Drilling artesian wells on plots, usually several owners of allotments pooled together. The depth of such mines can reach 400 m. Accordingly, in this case, the most powerful rigs for drilling wells for water are used, most often based on KAMAZ trucks. Actually, the sinking itself during the arrangement of mines "on limestone", depending on the composition of the soil, can be carried out both by the screw method and by the impact method. Drilling of artesian wells, even with the use of the most powerful equipment, can take up to several days.

Regardless of the depth of the well for water and its variety, at the final stage, casing pipes are inserted into it to strengthen the walls. Currently, the owners of private houses in most cases use this type of plastic material. Such pipes are relatively inexpensive and at the same time serve in water longer than metal pipes.


Pumping equipment

At the final stage of drilling a well, a caisson is dug around the surface of the casing pipe. This is the name of the pit, in which pumping equipment will subsequently be installed. Handicraftsmen usually limit themselves to actually drilling the well itself, leaving the owners of suburban areas to fill in the caisson on their own.

When ordering the arrangement of the mine infor a licensed turnkey company, the owner of the allotment can save himself from the need to perform this procedure. Specialists of such firms often even pump the shaft and install all the equipment necessary to provide the house with water.

Installed in caissons, depending on the depth of the mine, can be surface pumping stations or deep pumps. Additionally, a storage hydraulic tank with a relay is usually mounted in the caisson. This avoids interruptions in the water supply at home during peak periods.

What do you need to drill a well on the site with your own hands?

When arranging a mine at a site without the involvement of specialists, the screw method with flushing is usually used. The main equipment used in this case is a homemade drill with a hollow handle and a water pump. Also, a purchased Abyssinian needle can be used to equip wells with your own hands. This tool at the drilling stage is responsible for actually laying the mine. Subsequently, it plays the role of a casing pipe with a filter.

How to make a caisson with your own hands

If the drilling of a well for water in the country was ordered from specialists not on a turnkey basis, the owner of the suburban area will have to dig a hole around the casing pipe on their own. Arranging a caisson with your own hands is an inexpensive, but somewhat labor-intensive business. Usually, owners of suburban areas simply dig holes around the casing pipes and fill their walls and bottom with concrete.

Work in this case is usually done in the following order:

  • a hole is being dug around the pipeat least 1 m 20 cm wide and 2 m deep;
  • the pipe is cut so that it only protrudes slightly above the bottom of the pit;
  • the bottom of the caisson is covered with crushed stone and concreted;
  • a trench is being dug to the pit from the house to lay the pipe and pump cable;
  • formwork is installed on the walls of the pit with an indent of 15-20 cm;
  • caisson walls are being poured.

Of course, a hole for the pipe should be provided in the concrete walls of the caisson. It is supposed to lay the highway to the well below the freezing of the soil. For reliability, the outer pipe of the domestic water supply can also be additionally insulated. It is easiest to use mineral wool for this purpose. Such material is sold today, including in the form of hollow pipes. Cotton wool of this variety is simply put on sections of the highway during its assembly.

Artesian well
Artesian well

At the final stage, the selected pumping equipment is installed in the concreted pit and it is tied up. You can close a homemade caisson with boards or a sheet of thick tin. For the winter, such a “cover” must, of course, be insulated in any way possible.

In rocky soil, external water pipes to the well, for obvious reasons, usually do not have to be laid too deep. In this case, in order to avoid freezing, “walls” of sleepers are installed along the pipe along the surface of the earth and the space between them is filled with expanded clay. At the same time, a heating cable is pulled through the pipe itself.

Arrangement of the Abyssinian well

Drillingwells for water in a country house or in a country house of this variety, as already mentioned, is usually done by hand. The arrangement of this type of mine is technically relatively simple. The caisson around such low-capacity shafts is usually not concreted. Owners of country houses who have drilled such a well most often use simple manual or automatic column pumps to supply water.

Such equipment will be easiest to purchase in a specialized store. But if desired, the Abyssinian pump can be made with your own hands. To assemble such equipment, the owners of suburban areas, for example, often use the following technology:

  • cut a piece from a metal pipe to make a pump housing;
  • make a piston out of wood and insert it into the body using a rubber ring to seal it.

The non-return and suction valve when using this pump manufacturing technology are holes in the piston housing and the bottom of the cylinder.

Pure water from a well
Pure water from a well

Helpful advice

For pumping water into a house or into a garden storage tank from an Abyssinian well, experienced owners of summer cottages advise using only metal or plastic pipes. Rubber hoses are not well suited for this purpose due to the fact that they can shrink with pressure changes.
