Plastic windows. Do-it-yourself repair - easy and simple

Plastic windows. Do-it-yourself repair - easy and simple
Plastic windows. Do-it-yourself repair - easy and simple

PVC profiles have gained great popularity in the construction market. Durability is one of the main trump cards that plastic windows have. Do-it-yourself repairs are easy to do. This is primarily due to the low level of breakdowns, as well as the simplicity of the design.

do-it-yourself plastic windows repair
do-it-yourself plastic windows repair

Plastic windows

This type of window has a high level of tightness, which prevents drafts from entering the room. Excellent sound insulation allows you to protect your home from negative street noises that interfere with a good rest. Easy opening and closing of the window, as well as adjustable positions, make it possible to control the ventilation power. Plastic windows are equipped with mosquito nets, which in the hot season prevents insects and dust from entering the room. Usually, when plastic windows fail, do-it-yourself repairs are much cheaper than the help of qualified specialists. This article will cover two of the most common malfunctions that you have to deal with.

handle repairplastic window
handle repairplastic window

How to repair a plastic window handle

Based on the fact that the window handle is very often subject to mechanical stress, its breakdown is one of the most common. If, when closing, it is not possible to turn it all the way, then you can use any permeable lubricant. If this method does not help, then it is necessary to completely remove the handle and loosen or tighten the screws that regulate its position. There are situations when the handle gets stuck in one position, and it is impossible to open or close the window frame. In this case, you need to carefully disassemble the mechanism and remove the triggered lock.

Quite easy to install new handles on plastic windows. Do-it-yourself repair in this case is preferable than calling a master. To do this, you need to remove the old structure and place a new one in its place. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the handle should move in positions that are not too heavy, but also not dangling freely.

repair of slopes of plastic windows
repair of slopes of plastic windows

How to quickly, easily and efficiently organize the repair of slopes of plastic windows with your own hands

Once the window frames are installed in the window openings, the final repair step is finishing the slopes. This will require high-quality plaster and some skills in the work. But plaster has a number of disadvantages: it dries for a long time, requires painting, and has low hygroscopicity. Alternatively, you can use plastic. In this case, the repair takes less time, and the simplicity of work allows even a beginner to complete it. Plasticthe slopes are attached to the wooden frame with self-tapping screws. For a more accurate and even installation, the use of a building level is recommended. Thanks to the plastic, the skin is smooth and seamless. When installing plastic slopes, there is no need to renew them every year by painting or puttying, it is enough to occasionally wipe the dust.

Plastic windows, which do-it-yourself repairs can be done quite simply and quickly, have gained great popularity among consumers in the construction market.
