Such a popular material as lining can be used for cladding walls and facades of private houses, balconies and loggias of city apartments. Also, such lamellas are often used for finishing verandas, terraces, baths and gazebos. Of course, lining the walls with clapboard, including with your own hands, must be done correctly.
Main stages of work
In most cases, clapboard lining of surfaces from the side of the street involves the following operations:
- preparation of walls;
- stuffing crates;
- installation of insulation material;
- installation of waterproofing;
- installation of the slats themselves.
It is in this sequence that a home master should do the work, who decides to finish the walls in this way.
When performing wall cladding from the inside of the room, instead of a waterproofing agent, a vapor barrier is mounted at the penultimate stage.

How to choose slats: appearance
In order to make wall cladding with clapboard with your own hands as well as specialists do, you first need to choose the right material itself. For interior decoration inside buildings, in most cases, ordinary flat wooden lamellas are used. At the same time, boards of sufficiently high quality are most often used for sheathing enclosing structures. In any case, there should not be too many knots in the lamellas of the lining intended for wall decoration.
Outside, the facades of buildings can also be sheathed with a simple flat clapboard. But very often, block house material is also used for stuffing from the side of the street. Walls sheathed with the use of such boards look like chopped. In particular, a block house is often used for finishing baths. When choosing such a material, you should also pay attention to its quality and the number of knots on the boards.

What other materials will be needed
In addition to the lining itself, timber must also be prepared for cladding facades and walls. From this material, the crate will subsequently be assembled. The beam for the frame under the lining should be chosen well dried. The moisture content of lumber in this case should not exceed 15%. The cross section of the beam will depend on the thickness of the insulation that is supposed to be used for sheathing.
Among other things, to finish the walls with clapboard, you will also need slats of about 2.5-3 cm. Such lumber will be needed to install a hydro- or vapor barrier.
Insulate the housewhen used for lining lining, you can:
- mineral wool;
- styrofoam;
- foam.
As a waterproofing agent when performing such work, a thick polyethylene film is most often used. Vapor barrier of enclosing structures when using boards for exterior decoration is usually performed using penofol. This modern material creates the effect of a "thermos" in the premises and not only protects the insulation from getting wet, but also additionally retains heat.
Home craftsmen who decide to make wall cladding with clapboard with their own hands, among other things, will need to choose the right fasteners. To finish baths, verandas, gazebos and facades of buildings from the side of the street with such a board, experts advise using only galvanized screws and nails. Such fasteners do not rust in high humidity. To finish clapboard surfaces on the side of dry rooms, it is allowed to use ordinary steel nails and self-tapping screws.
Varieties of lining
Lamels of this type can be made from different types of wood. The choice of material in this case depends on the walls of the building for which purpose it is supposed to be sheathed. For baths, verandas and gazebos, as well as for the exterior decoration of residential buildings, they usually buy clapboard made of aspen or linden. Such materials are not afraid of moisture.

For arbors, porches and facades of houses, you can use inexpensive pine lining if desired. This type of material is alsoresistant to moisture and tolerates low temperatures well. It is not recommended to use such lamellas for sheathing the bath from the inside. Pine, like any softwood, contains a lot of resin. At elevated temperatures, such boards begin to release ethereal vapors into the air in concentrations dangerous to human he alth. For a bath, as already mentioned, lining made of aspen or linden is best suited. Of the conifers, only cedar can be used to decorate such premises.
Material price
Of course, many owners of private houses and apartments who decide to sheathe the walls with such boards are also interested in how much the lining costs. The answer to this question will depend on the quality of such material, as well as on what kind of wood it is made of. The price of lining depends on the region in which it is supposed to be purchased. In wooded areas, such boards will most likely cost less, in the steppe - more.
The price of a pine budget board, for example, can be 200-250 rubles/m2. The answer to the question of how much the aspen lining costs will be the amount of 350-450 rubles/m2.
Wall preparation
Before proceeding with the sheathing of building envelopes, they must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and fungus stains. The preparation of walls for lining, if they are assembled from logs or timber, also includes such a stage as surface treatment with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds. Peeling plaster should be removed from concrete or brick walls first.
Installing the crate
Frame elements for insulation by craftsmen who specialize in decorating facades and walls of rooms with wooden lamellas are usually mounted vertically. In the same way, home craftsmen should do the same when lining the walls with clapboard with their own hands. A horizontally located beam will subsequently prevent the moisture condensing on the vapor barrier from draining.
The elements of the crate are stuffed, sheathing the walls with wooden clapboard, with a step equal to the width of the selected insulation. The timber is attached to the concrete enclosing structures using dowels. To the wooden walls, the elements of the crate are nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws. The beam itself is necessarily treated with an antiseptic composition before installation. Mount the frame on the walls using a plumb or building level, avoiding distortions.
Installation installation
The technology for performing work at the next stage will depend on what specific material is chosen to insulate the walls from the cold. Mineral wool between the bars of the crate is usually mounted without any additional fasteners. This material is flexible. Therefore, the plates can be installed between the bars of the frame by surprise. The elements of the crate when using mineral wool are usually located at a distance of the width of the plates minus 2 cm.

Expanded polystyrene on the walls between the bars of the frame is fixed with glue. In this case, such a composition is applied to the middle and at the corners of the sheet. Additionally, expanded polystyrene on the enclosing structures is fixed with dowels -mushrooms (6 pcs per sheet).
Installation of a hydro and vapor barrier
When finishing the walls with clapboard from the side of the street, the plastic film on the lathing bars is mounted vertically with an overlap of 15 cm and fastened to 3 cm rails. After installing the wooden lamellas themselves, in this case, an air gap will be created between them and the waterproofing. That is, the "pie" of the walls will later turn out to be ventilated, and therefore will last longer.
Penofol when lining the walls inside the house with clapboard is mounted using a slightly different technology. Strips of such material are fixed without overlap. At the same time, the joints are glued with foil masking tape.
How to nail a lining
The lamellas of the sheathing material themselves are subsequently attached to the bars of 3 cm of the counter-lattice. There are several ways to fix the lining. The easiest way, of course, is to stuff this material onto the frame using ordinary nails. But in this case, the lining in the future will not look too nice and neat.
This method is most often used only when finishing any outbuildings using not particularly high-quality lining. In this case, the cladding work is done as follows:
- lamel is applied perpendicularly to the bars of the counter-lattice;
- two nails are driven in at the junction of the lining and frame elements;
- the next lamella is mounted in the same way.
If desired, the nails can be sunk into the boards by 0.5 cm during stuffing. The nests remaining above the fasteners in this casein the future, you will just need to close it with putty on wood. When using this technique, clapboarded walls will look neater.

You can make putty to mask nails on boards yourself from small sawdust. Such material simply needs to be mixed in equal proportions with PVA glue. After such a putty in the nests hardens, the lining wood should be sanded with fine sandpaper until an absolutely even surface is obtained.
What are kleimers
Fasteners of this type look like a bracket with a hook and holes. The use of kleimers when lining with clapboard has the following advantages:
- ease of installation and dismantling of lining;
- long service life of slats;
- no need to use any tools other than a screwdriver.
Some drawback of clamps, compared to nails, is only their rather high cost.
How to sheathe clapboard walls using kleimers
When using these fasteners:
- the lamella is pressed against the bars of the crate and markings are made;
- fasten the clamps through the holes with self-tapping screws in the right place;
- groove the lamella along the entire length under the brackets of the kleimers.
In exactly the same way, when sheathing the wall, all the other lining boards are attached. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the holes of the kleimers with a screwdriver.

The secret method of sheathing using nails
It is easiest to mount the lining on the walls with the use of kleimers. However, as already mentioned, such fasteners are quite expensive. Meanwhile, you can neatly sheathe the walls with a board using ordinary nails. How to nail the lining in this case?
When using this technique, nails are driven into a tree using the sunk method. The slats are applied to the crate and fasteners are driven in with a hammer into their grooves at an angle. Having thus fixed the lamella, the next one is inserted into it and the nails are driven in again. Using this technology, the entire wall is sheathed.
What you should know
Thus, we figured out how to sheathe the walls with clapboard correctly. In most cases, when finishing buildings, this material is attached to a vertical crate in a horizontal position. In addition to the rapid removal of condensate, this technology has another important advantage. The facades and walls of the premises in this case look a little more aesthetically pleasing.
When fixing the lining in a horizontal position, one very important rule should be observed. The crests of the lamellas on the wall after fixing should be at the top, and the grooves at the bottom. When using this method of fastening, moisture will not accumulate in the gaps between the lining boards in the future. It is especially important to observe this rule for fixing lamellas in saunas and outdoors.
How to improve boards
How to fix the wall paneling on the wall is understandable. Nails or clamps can be used for this purpose.
Providedproper fastening of such boards, they will look neat and beautiful on the walls. The lining on the enclosing structures inside and outside at the final stage in most cases is not painted. But to finish this material additionally, of course, it is necessary. Otherwise, the lamellas will soon begin to rot, swell, crack, etc.
In most cases, the lining at the final stage is finished using a wax or oil tonic. Such materials can have a very different shade. In any case, walls should be covered with such a tool in one layer so as not to “hide” the texture of the tree.
Before finishing with wax or oil, it is advisable to sand the lining with sandpaper. This will make the lamellas smoother and their texture more noticeable. Very beautiful, according to many owners of country houses and apartments, looks like a lining trimmed with white tonic or red. To give the room a more original look, you can also use a cold shade unusual for wood - blue or purple.
The lining for the walls of the house as a sheathing material is just perfect. She looks really great. And with ordinary varnish, many owners of private low-rise buildings do not advise spoiling it. The lining covered with this material, unfortunately, does not look particularly presentable. A room decorated in this way will most likely look like a utility room.

Complex plating scheme
In most cases, do-it-yourself clapboard wall decorationexactly according to the technology described above. But experienced craftsmen sometimes sheathe enclosing structures with this type of material and using other technologies.
For example, lining can be attached to the crate not only horizontally or vertically. Sometimes when decorating walls with such material, a diagonal method of mounting boards is used. On the enclosing structures, in this case, an original “herringbone” or “rhombus” pattern is obtained. The main advantage of this method of mounting the lining is precisely the aesthetic unusual appearance of the walls. The disadvantage of this technology, in addition to the complexity of installation, is a large percentage of waste.
At the final stage, it is also desirable, of course, to coat the walls lined with clapboard using this technology with wax or oil for wood. This way you can emphasize the texture of the boards and significantly extend the life of the finish.