The widespread replacement of class 2.0 electricity meters with 1.0 has raised many questions. At first, due to the lack of necessary information, the owners used paid services for installing meters - it was believed that installation should be carried out only by qualified specialists. However, time has put everything in its place, and today almost everyone knows that such work can be done independently. Today we will talk about how to connect the Mercury-201 meter - one of the most common brands of electricity metering devices.

Model range "Mercury": what does the marking mean
Incotex products appeared on Russian shelves in 2001 and almost immediately began to conquer the market, systematically crowding out other brands. For todayday it is one of the best-selling among electric meters. The model range "Mercury-201" includes products with markings from 201.1 to 201.8, which differ slightly from one another. For example, 201.5 is electromechanical, its readings are displayed on rollers with numbers, while 201.8 is already equipped with an electronic liquid crystal display.
Now it's worth figuring out how to connect the "Mercury-201" meter. And most importantly, is it possible to do this without having any experience of such work. After all, this question worries many home masters.
Connecting "Mercury-201": pitfalls and features of the model
The vast majority of users do not note any problems with the installation of these electricity meters. As for isolated cases, these are rather exceptions that confirm the rule. The counter is quite easy to install. In the absence of a DIN rail, for which there is a special seat on the case, a special galvanized plate is supplied in the kit, which allows you to fix the device to the regular places of old disk devices. It is very convenient, especially when it is installed in switchboards of old multi-apartment buildings.

And if you reverse connect the counter "Mercury-201"? How will this affect his work? Many believe that in this way it will begin to “twist” in the opposite direction or simply burn out. As it turned out, everything is completely wrong. All models inMercury lineup are protected from reverse connection. This means that if you switch it the other way around, changing the phase from zero, it will not count in the opposite direction, as it was with the old devices of accuracy class 2.
Instruction for installation of the device
Many people are still wondering how to properly connect the "Mercury-201" meter. In fact, everything is quite simple. Under the display or dial there is a removable panel that hides 4 terminals. Each of them has 2 fixing screws, which allows for tighter contact and avoiding heating during operation. Power is supplied to the first terminal, zero to the third. The second and fourth are designed to bring the phase and neutral to the apartment, respectively. For those who want to better understand how to connect the Mercury-201 counter, the diagram below will explain everything more clearly.

As you can see, even a home master without certain experience or skills can do such work, but there are some nuances that you should pay special attention to. The most important thing is not to forget about electrical safety. And here is a moment that not everyone knows about. If a person has consumed alcohol, even the day before, it is strictly forbidden for him to approach the electrical panel. In such a state, electric shock will be much stronger and more dangerous for the body. The same applies to people with fever as a result of the disease. All such work is carried out with the obligatory disconnection of voltage whenthe help of an introductory machine or feeder.

And one more piece of advice. When dismantling an old electricity meter, it makes sense to mark each wire with a marker with any characters understandable to the fitter. This will help you connect your new device properly.
How to connect the "Mercury-201" meter with automatic machines
Here all the work is done exactly as in the above version. The only difference is that the output wires do not go to the room, but are distributed as follows:
- from pin 4 core - directly to the apartment or to the RCD (AVDT), if such protective automation is present;
- 2 - to AB, or residual current device, from where further distribution will be made.
To terminals 1 and 3, the wires go from the introductory two-pole automatic, feeder or package switch, with the help of which the general voltage will be removed from the apartment, private house.

Closing word
As the Dear Reader must have seen, the answer to the question of how to connect the "Mercury-201" meter is quite simple. The main task of a home master when performing such work is attentiveness and accuracy. Do not forget that jokes with electricity can end quite badly.