Have you ever wondered how much free space is wasted under your bed. But it is quite possible to attach it to the case. To do this, you need to change your old model for a bed with storage boxes. Now on sale there are very functional designs that are in no way inferior to classic chests of drawers in terms of spaciousness. If you are confused by the question of the "appearance" of such products, then do not worry. You can choose a model of the style you need: classic, modern, minimalism.

As for the principle of the location of sections and access to them, here we can note samples with a rising bed and roll-out containers. Of course, the first option saves space as much as possible, but how comfortable will you be every time before you get (place) something inside the section, remove the mattress and pull up the sleeping bed. Most likely, you will get tired of such dubious convenience very quickly. Much more practical bed withside drawers that can be easily pulled out, following the guides, or rolled out on wheels mounted under the bottom. Even a child can cope with such constructions.

Let's consider options using guides. In this case, the bottom of your bed slightly resembles a regular chest of drawers. The dimensions of the sections, however, can be increased so that pillows and other rather big things fit freely in them. Manufacturers produce original sets in which a bed with storage boxes, bedside tables, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe are made in the same style. Color, design, decor elements - everything fits perfectly.
Similar compositions are made with models equipped with roll-out containers. The advantage of these compositions is that this way you get the opportunity to store heavy and bulky items under the bed. Some manufacturers have gone even further. They make a wide section, only slightly inferior in size to the sleeping bed. The section easily rolls out on rollers, it has its own mattress, and it is quite capable of serving as another place to sleep. It turns out a kind of nesting doll - the bed is "embedded" in the bed.

With storage boxes, both double and single models are available. The latter are a little more modest. But the volume of their sections is enough to accommodate bedding, linen, towels. In any case, you have a mini-closet at your disposal.
Purchasing a bed with drawers (the price of the simplestproducts fluctuates around 10 thousand rubles) is comparable to the purchase of two pieces of furniture.
However, it's not worth saving much. Pay close attention to the quality of the design you like. The strength of the material, the reliability of fasteners, guides, rollers - these are the factors on which the durability of the product directly depends. Inspect the interior trim of the sections. The presence of poorly cleaned surfaces is not in favor of the manufacturer's integrity.
Before you buy a bed with storage boxes, make a mental list of the things you intend to put in them. This will make it easier to determine the size of the sections, their location and design features.