Heating a container with mash for the production of homemade strong drinks is carried out not only on a gas, wood or electric stove. The heating element for moonshine still allows you to operate it anywhere with power supply, without being tied to a specific point. Built-in electric heaters are becoming increasingly popular among home-grown distillers. Consider their characteristics and installation methods.

General information
The network presents many modifications of heating elements for moonshine, as well as the units themselves. Craftsmen not only adapt the right equipment and compete in originality, but also create competitive products that suit the most demanding users.
Alembic with a built-in heater has pluses and minuses. Let's try to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the devices under consideration, as well as consider their varieties.
Among the benefits are the following points:
- mobility of the unit, allowing it to be used in a separate place, without occupying the stove for several hours in a row;
- It is possible to mount heaters in volumetric cubes, without the need to remove them or install them on the oven;
- does not require additional installation of an oversized distillation column, which may not fit under the hood;
- mash gets to operating temperature faster when alcohol vapor accelerates;
- distillation can be fully automated.

Like any apparatus, the heating element for the moonshine still has its drawbacks in the design. These include a significant consumption of electrical energy, which affects the increase in utility bills. In addition, mash particles sometimes stick to the heater elements, which burn. This leads to a deterioration in the taste of the final product. The price of the devices in question is higher than conventional analogues, which also does not suit some consumers.
Design and principle of operation
Tubular electric heater (TEH) for moonshine includes the following parts in the design:
- metal tube of various configurations made of stainless steel or non-ferrous metal alloys;
- inner insulator made of magnesium mixture and quartz sand with spiral nichrome thread inside;
- lead pins;
- sealing sealing sleeves;
- fixing nuts;
- output for power cable.
Afterassembly, sealing and electrical insulation work, the unit is ready for operation. An important element in the design is a steamer for a moonshine still. After all, it is in it that most of the waste is collected after the haul. It should be noted that heaters are not allowed to operate without liquid. This is fraught with failure of the element and the risk of fire.
The principle of operation of heating elements is based on the type of electric boiler. Current passes through the filament, heating it. The spiral gives off temperature to the internal filler, after which the walls of the tube and the working fluid are heated.
Choosing a heating element for a moonshine still
In order not to be disappointed in the unit, when choosing it, you need to pay attention to three important factors:
- Power. The standard indicator is 1-5 kW. The larger the volume of the cube, the more powerful the heater is needed.
- The way it works. You should buy a device for working in liquid.
- The shape of the structure. It is necessary that the heater completely enters the cube, and the working fluid (wash) covers it with the top, leaving no bare areas.

Installation of heating elements in the moonshine still
This task is not difficult to cope with. The work consists of several stages:
- At a distance of 50 millimeters from the bottom of the cube, holes are drilled for mounting fasteners, which are cleaned.
- Sealing bushings are put on the output studs, the end switches are inserted into the holes.
- Bushings are also mounted from the outside -seals.
- A special sealant or "epoxy" is added to the hole between the sealing elements, after which the nuts are carefully tightened with moderate force.
- Connect the thermostat, if provided in the design.
- Isolate connections.
The second way to install a stainless steel heating element is welding. It is quite popular because it does not require the purchase of additional devices if the user has a welding machine and relevant skills. The specified method is not the most reliable, since the bottom seam of the cube is broken and may leak over time.
The essence of the process is to place the working clamp 5 centimeters into a pre-prepared hole. It is cut out using a special nozzle on a drill ("crown"). The seat is carefully scalded. As a result, you will get a nest where the heater will be quietly screwed in, which after distillation can be removed back.

Temperature control
Moonshine still with a heating element and a thermostat provides operation without the need to turn the heater on and off mechanically. The temperature controller is available commercially, a model with an indicator of up to 140 degrees is suitable. Alternatively, heaters with a rod regulator (single or double protection) can be used.
To distill the mash, a thermostat of 95 degrees is enough, since the liquid does not need to be brought to a boil. Some craftsmen, in order to avoid burning the wort, mountcombined controller. On the one hand, they put an electric heater, and on the other, a steam generator. The first option is used to process sugar (liquid) mash, and with the help of the second modification, thick wort is distilled.

Recommendations for beginners
If you have a desire to equip a moonshine still with a heating element, please note that high-quality home-made alcoholic beverages require certain skills and relevant components of the equipment.
The overall design of the unit should include the following elements:
- Refrigerating compartment with a coil, which is essential for proper distillation.
- Sukhoparnik for moonshine, responsible for screening out fusel oil and impurities.
- Strengthening column (tsarga) with filler. This detail helps to obtain high-purity raw alcohol with a strength of 80-85 degrees.
- Electronic or bimetallic thermometer installed in a special capsule at the top of the cube.
The thermometer in the distillation vessel is necessary in order to control the process of distillation of alcohol vapors. At a temperature of 78, 4-85 °C, it begins to evaporate, and the dripping process itself is already planned at 65 °C. All liquid obtained at the lower marks refers to the "heads". These are poisonous substances saturated with methyl alcohol, acetone and other fusel additives. Such inclusions must be discarded or added to the mash for the next run.

As a rule, the first and last harmful drops make up about 10% of the distillation. An alternative calculation is 50 milliliters for every 10 liters of mash. After reaching a temperature above 85 ° C, fusel oils are also released with alcohol vapor, causing a severe hangover, up to poisoning. With these parts ("tails") they do the same as with the "heads". Remember, compliance with fire safety measures and technical recommendations is a guarantee not only of a quality product, along with the proper performance of the equipment, but also of your safety.