In an effort to make household chores easier, manufacturers are constantly introducing new kitchen appliances. The counters are full of a variety of mixers, slow cookers, bread makers, etc. Not all kitchen appliances are indispensable. These include a slicer for the home. Which one to choose - you can decide a little later. First you need to make sure that it will not just take up space in the kitchen.
Why do I need a slicer?

This is a special device that will help you quickly cut food. The slices are beautiful, perfectly even, of the same thickness. The slicer is able to cut sausages, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, bread for sandwiches. The hostess will only have to put it beautifully on a plate and serve. For decoration, a slicer for home will become an indispensable assistant.
Customer reviews indicate that it is also good in everyday use. When making canned food, the slicer will help you quickly and evenly chop vegetables. And onbreakfast, you can make beautiful sandwiches, decorate them with a neat slice of cucumber or tomato. With the help of a slicer, you can quickly cut the onion into even slices and not shed tears. For lovers of tea with lemon, a thin, even piece of citrus will be a pleasant surprise. Of course, this mechanism is not essential, but still nice to have a slicer for home.
Which one to choose: manual or electric?

There are three types of slicer on the market:
- Automatic.
- Semi-automatic.
- Manual.
Automatic slicer is powered by the mains and does not need human assistance. The main thing is to load the product into the carriage, fix it and press the button. The device will independently cope with the work and produce even, neat slices. The carriage moves without assistance and feeds the products to the rotating sharpened disc. This type of slicer is used in professional kitchens in cafes and restaurants. The mechanism is used in production in order to cut delicacies from fish and meat. Then they are packed and sent to stores. Such a device is quite expensive and makes a lot of noise during operation.
Semi-automatic slicer is ideal for home use. It is much cheaper than automatic, has a compact size and is not so noisy. The principle of operation is the same, only the carriage with the product to the rotating knife must be fed manually.
The manual slicer is very similar to the classic grater. Differencein that its blades are arranged differently. This is not the most convenient slicer for the home. Reviews say that it is not universal. With cutting hard vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, apples, it will cope, but no more. It will no longer be possible to get even circles of soft tomatoes or neat slices of bread. I'll have to use a traditional knife.
Slicer for home: how to choose

First you need to determine for what purpose the device will be used. For professional activities, you should choose from a number of automatic models. They have a metal case, motor power of 200 W or more. The sharpening of the knife is wavy, which allows you to cut products of any density. It is made from stainless steel. Some manufacturers install Solingen branded knives in their devices. Such mechanisms are capable of cutting slices with a thickness of 0.5–23 mm, and also have an adjustment of the speed of rotation of the knife. But do you really need such a powerful and perfect slicer for your home? Which one to choose if the sliced \u200b\u200bfood should be enough for several sandwiches?
For home use, a semi-automatic is enough. The case is most often made of plastic, which significantly reduces the price. Knives are used from stainless steel, with straight sharpening. The optimal power for a home slicer is 100 watts. The cutting size is 1–17 mm and is adjustable for most models, but not all blade rotation speeds change.
Pros and cons

The advantages of the slicer include the following factors:
- Saving cutting time. This is especially true for preparing vegetables for conservation. Also relevant for cutting delicacies for the festive table.
- Perfectly even neat slices. Only a professional chef can cut it with a knife. Thanks to the slicer, you can get beautifully cut products at any time.
Of the minuses, the following can be noted:
- No matter how compact the slicer is, it still takes up a certain amount of space.
- The device must be permanently assembled and ready to go. Otherwise, there is a risk that the slicer will turn into a device that the hostess used 1-2 times, and then removed so as not to interfere. Constantly getting and collecting a slicer quickly gets boring, it seems that cutting food with a knife will be faster. And it does not matter that the result will be far from ideal.
Use and care

To make the slicer work longer, you need to remember the operating rules. Can't cut into it:
- frozen foods;
- meat with bones;
- berries and fruits with seeds inside;
- raw meat.
In order to keep the mechanism clean, just wipe the case with a damp cloth or sponge. The knife should be removed and washed separately.
All technical devices are undergoing changes, including the slicer for the home. Which is better: mechanical or electrical? This issue is often related to safety. It is impossible to injure fingers with a knife, since it is hidden in a special casing, and the product is fed using a carriage or pusher. There are models equipped with a power lock. This feature is relevant in a home with small children.
Of course, a slicer is not a necessity. But she can make life in the kitchen a little more comfortable. Any hostess who has a slicer for home is able to please loved ones not only with delicious, but also with beautiful dishes. Which one to choose - everyone decides independently.