It is often required that the light in different rooms be turned on from one point, or a chandelier is installed, the lamps of which are lit when different keys are pressed. Mounting several circuit breakers in a row is not only difficult, but also not aesthetically pleasing - the entire interior is spoiled. So, you should look for another way out. They can be the installation of a three-gang switch, the switching of which is not difficult, and the practicality is at a fairly high level. The article will discuss how to install it and in what cases such installation will be justified.

Fields of application of switches with three keys
There are many reasons for installing just such a circuit breaker. In addition to standard situations, three-gang switches have also been used in lighting - using a multi-color RGB LED strip. They are used if it is impossible to purchase controllers, connecting each contactor to the power supply of a separate UPS, therebyseeking the ability to adjust the color.
Such devices are very common in old-built houses, where lighting of the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen is controlled from one point in the corridor. Often three-gang switches with a socket are mounted in such apartments. Such blocks are more functional, but require certain knowledge and experience from the master when installing.
If a novice electrician comes to an apartment where such a unit has already been dismantled, then he is unlikely to be able to quickly connect a new one - it will take a long time to understand the intricacies of wires.

Connecting a switch with three keys: algorithm of actions
If there is no outlet in the block, then installing such a switch will be easy. You should not stop at dismantling the old switch, it is extremely simple. It is only worth mentioning that before any such work, it is required to turn off the power supply from the introductory machine.
For example, we can take the situation when the home master himself dismantled the three-gang switch and could not install a new one, leaving protruding wires. In this case, it is necessary to understand which of the 4 lived is incoming. After finding it, it will be possible to say with confidence that the rest are going to the premises:
- To do this, all bare ends are pulled apart to avoid a short circuit, after which power is supplied.
- Using an indicator screwdriver, you need to find the phase - this will be the incoming core.
- Now you need to understand which of the wires turns on the lighting of each ofpremises, and mark with colored electrical tape or a marker. This should be done with the utmost care.
- Without touching the exposed areas with your hands, the outgoing cores are connected in turn to the supply. The lights that come on in the premises will indicate the ownership of the wire.
- After everything is checked, the power supply is turned off again.
- Now you just need to read the markings on the back of the three-gang switch to understand which contacts the wires should be switched with.

Connecting a three-gang switch equipped with a socket
Here everything is much more complicated than in the previous version. In addition to the 4 wires going to the switch, 2 more appear (if a separate phase / zero line is connected) or 1 (if there is only a neutral). And here the method of "scientific poke" will not work - there is a high probability of a short circuit.
- First check the number of wires. More often their number is 5 (phase, zero, three outgoing).
- Work is done with a multimeter and an indicator screwdriver. Similarly to the previous option, the phase is located and marked, after which the power supply is turned off.
- All the bulbs in the rooms are turned out, after which the contacts in one of the cartridges are bridged.
- When the switch on the multimeter is set to sound short circuit notification, it will not be difficult to find a pair to the phase wire.
- Similarly, the search for wires going to the rest of the premises.
- Remaining freethe core is marked as "zero".
- On the block of the three-gang switch with a socket, a jumper is installed between the input contact of the breakers and one of the terminals of the power point.
- The neutral wire is switched from the second one.
- Next, the connection is made similarly to the previous option.

Scheme for connecting a chandelier with three keys
For someone who has figured out the installation of such a device, switching the lamp will not be a problem. The same four-wire system is used here. As in any circuit breaker, a phase wire is connected to the gap, and the zero one goes directly from the junction box. The chandelier connection scheme implies switching with the luminaire along the neutral and three supply wires.
- After installing the switch, it is necessary, leaving all contacts open, to separate the bare wires at the connection point to avoid a short circuit.
- Then power is applied and the keys switch to the "on" position.
- Now, with the help of an indicator screwdriver, they check which cores are receiving power - there should be 3 of them. The fourth remaining one is zero.
- Now you should turn off the power supply again and connect the wires of the chandelier with those coming from the switch.

A few tips for a beginner home master
Despite the fact that the circuit of the three-gang switch is not too complicated, its connection, especially when paired with a socket, can be quite problematic. Ifthe home master does not have enough experience, before starting to replace such a unit, it is worth seriously considering whether he can do this job.
When an old switch with a socket is removed, the invited technician may charge twice as much as they would charge for a normal replacement.

If you still decide to do the work yourself, be sure to mark the cores before disconnecting them from the unit. This will allow you to easily switch the new device.
Closing word
Three-gang switches are quite in demand these days - they really help in matters of light control. The main thing is to understand the essence of their connection, understand the algorithm of work and be extremely careful when switching them. Only in this case it becomes possible to install such a block correctly.