One of the types of protective structures is railings. It is a cable tightly stretched between vertical posts, which serves to protect a person from falling or entering a dangerous territory. This concept came to us from the Netherlands in the early 18th century. In Dutch, the word "leer" comes from the verb leiden - to lead.

Initially, this term was used exclusively in shipbuilding. Here it denoted a cable fixed on ship structures, which serves to prevent people from falling overboard or into the hold. Gradually, with the development of technology, such a fence began to be used in private construction, and to protect roads, and in many other areas of human activity.
Varieties of rope barriers
Fencing is classified according to several criteria. So, depending on the location, the enclosing structures can be internal andexternal. The former are installed indoors, while the latter are installed outdoors, which is why they are subject to higher requirements for reliability and safety.

According to the functional purpose, structures are safety, protective, signaling and guides. What their purpose is is clear from their definition. The main material for the manufacture of such structures is metal - stainless steel, aluminum, iron. Guardrails can be designed with both flexible horizontal bridges (cables, ropes) and rigid ones.
Scope of application
It is much more important to divide the rail structures according to the scope of application, because the function, device, reliability requirements and other indicators depend on the place of their use. According to this criterion, all lifelines are:
- ships - assault (they are held during strong pitching) and rescue (located on lifeboats);
- roofing - designed to protect people from falling both during construction or repair work, and after the building is put into operation;
- decorative - serve to improve the aesthetic performance of the building;
- balcony and staircase - perform both protective and decorative functions;
- traffic - This guardrail can be seen on steep slopes, curves and other dangerous places.
Fences can also be stationary and temporary, which are installed only for the duration of a certain typeworks.
Safety and Altitude
After installation, regardless of the scope, all enclosing structures are tested for stability. A load of 400 N/m is applied to each horizontal jumper (cable). If the handrail performs a safety function, then the magnitude of the force increases to 700 N/m.
The design is also tested by impact, lifting 100 kg of cargo 1 meter from the ground. The displacement of the structure under the action of any force from the design position should not exceed the established limits (1-5%).

The height of the railing depends on the application. On buildings with a height of more than 10 mm, the installation of rail structures is carried out without fail. Their height can be:
- as protective fences - at least 110 cm;
- as a signal - at least 80 cm;
- on unused roofs - at least 30 cm.
Height is regulated by regulations, in particular GOST 12.4.059-89 and GOST 5.2124-81, which describes technical conditions and characteristics.
Scale models railings
Designing lifeline structures is a challenge not only for builders of highways, ships, buildings, but also for assemblers of scale models. Rope barriers are an integral part of any sailboat or frigate - the most popular ships among collectors. Therefore, the question of how to make a railing will remain relevant for a long time.

The first thing you need is to find the right materials and tools. It is best to use copper or brass wire 0.6-0.8 mm thick as racks. You can also use iron materials, as well as special copper-plated electric welding wire - it all depends on your imagination and budget.
As the main working tool, it is best to use thin-nosed pliers with corrugated tips, combined with side cutters. To make it easier to manipulate the wire, sharpen the lips of the tool with a grinder or emery.
Production of racks
Knowing how to make railings for a model may be needed not only when designing "boats", but also when building large-scale copies of buildings and structures. The height of the enclosing structures depends on the type of layout being created. But it is necessary to cut off a piece of wire with a margin of 8-10 mm - one edge will be recessed into the structure for secure fixation, and the other is bent to secure the cable.

Make the hook 1-2 mm long. Treat the lower edge of the rack with sandpaper so that it becomes perfectly even - the vertical position of the rack depends on this. For reliable fixation, the lower end of the rod is treated with instant glue and left to dry completely. After the "Moment" dries, the rack can be glued with ordinary PVA.
Ship markings
We must strive to ensure that the railing of the models exactly repeats the building envelope of the original object. For accuratemarking the site will need several tools - a template, an awl and a ruler. As a template, you can use a wooden block, the length of which will be equal to the height of the rack. It is necessary to deepen the rails to the same depth.
The awl should be thin - 6-8 mm in diameter. If you can’t find anything similar in stores, then you can make it yourself. To do this, break off the eye and the tip of the needle, then sharpen one of the edges. Build handles from hardwood - oak or birch.
Before piercing holes, use the supply line to point where the lifelines will be located in the future. This way you can check your work and correct if necessary.
Install racks
Installation of cable barriers on a ship is practically no different from installation of structures on a building model - only their height, the distance between the elements and the horizontal bridge (it is made of rigid material) change. In any photo you can see what a roof railing is. The photo below also demonstrates this clearly.

Having made the holes, you can begin to fix the racks. On the lower edge (5-7) of the rod, apply a little glue, then immerse it in the hole. By this time, the wood fibers may have time to straighten out, due to which the diameter of the channel will narrow somewhat. In this case, two options are possible:
- If your workpieces have sufficient rigidity, then you can simply hammer them with a wooden mallet, squeezingin the middle with thin nose pliers.
- If the racks are made of soft material, then it is better to immerse them with a rotational movement or light tapping.
Expanding the hole is not recommended, as the amount of residual deformation may be too large - the railing will dangle, or large gaps will remain.
Installation of handrails
As soon as the glue dries and the racks are securely fixed, you can proceed with the installation of the rails themselves. As such, you can use a thin thread, wire or a woven thin cord. If you're building a model house, then use stiff wire.
When assembling the ship, the first thread is pulled at the very edge of the rack, thereby simulating a small side. After that, the thread is pulled at an average level. In this case, the fiber should go around each vertical rod once. At the very end, the thread is passed through the hooks made earlier, and then they are strongly flattened. The sequence and methodology of work will not change if you use thin wire.

Once you have flattened the last hook, you can align the entire structure. Take a closer look - the elements should be at the same level both in plan and in profile, and also have the same height. After leveling the structure, grease the bases of the racks with an additional layer of glue for better fixation. After that, you can assume that your railing is ready. GOST will not be able to find fault with your model, and the audience will be delighted.