Wooden houses have their own special character, due to the environmental friendliness of the main building material and its natural texture. The task of the facing, as a rule, is to improve the technical and operational qualities, but decorative accents in this case should not be excluded. If possible, the decoration of a wooden house should be chosen from the same natural materials, but not forgetting the high requirements for fire safety and moisture protection.
How to lay out the floor?
The simplest and most organic solution is to use wooden flooring elements. The classic version is parquet. This is a durable floor finish that, with proper care through sanding with protective impregnation treatment, can last up to 100 years. The only problem is the complexity of the installation. Quality installation requires parquet skills.
More affordable for the amateurmounting cover is a laminate. Its panels are snap-mounted on a sub-surface with a backing that dampens walking noise and can provide a leveling function for the carrier layer. Among the advantages of the floor interior decoration of a wooden house through laminated panels, it is worth highlighting the decorative effect. On the market, this material is presented in a wide range with a variety of textures and texture solutions. Unlike parquet, laminate in some modifications has basic protective layers that protect the structure from moisture and mechanical stress.

Cork can also be used for living quarters. It is an environmentally friendly and pleasant-looking material that does not require special processing. Typically, cork is used in children's rooms, as it has a damping effect, increasing the safety of operation. So, the risks of injury when a child falls will be lower than in the case of hard surfaces, like the same parquet.
As an alternative, you can offer carpet. Thick pile is also pleasant to the feet, so it is advisable to use it for children's and bedrooms. But finishing a wooden house with carpet involves high maintenance requirements. The flooring will have to be cleaned with special cleaning solutions using steam generators and vacuum cleaners that support the wet cleaning function.
Application of wall panels
For wooden houses, it is recommended to use a clean board under a high beam. However, this should not be confused withordinary plank cladding. Modern technologies make it possible to produce modernized high-quality segments, protected from biological processes of destruction, fire and moisture. Properly executed finishing of a wooden house with panels will protect the base wall surfaces from negative factors, while maintaining an optimal microclimate in the premises.
This type of premium board is made from large-format timber up to 27 cm high. In appearance, the assembled sheathing will resemble real glued laminated timber. It is desirable to give preference to multilayer panels formed by several lamellas. This finish is physically stable, does not deform when the building shrinks, and meets fire safety requirements. The only drawback is the large thickness, which can reach 4 cm. On the one hand, this parameter leads to higher strength, and on the other hand, it allows you to minimize the number of fixation points.
As for the breed, it is better to choose lumber from cedar and larch. If, however, a comprehensive interior decoration of a wooden house with a lining of a bathroom and a kitchen is planned, then initially it is worth considering the sufficient resistance of the panels to moisture. In extreme cases, it will be possible to periodically cover the material with moisture-repellent impregnations that are deeply embedded in the structure.
Gypsum wall cladding
This is one of the few finishes that is not natural lumber but also matches sustainable wood. Why is the gypsum interior decoration of a wooden house good? Photo belowshows how accurately the geometry of surfaces with such a design is maintained, but there are also practical advantages. Firstly, the user will have the opportunity to hide electrical communications in a niche behind the panels, which the same panels from a bar will not allow. Secondly, a smooth surface will be formed that does not require additional processing. However, for a variety of interior color schemes, such panels can be coated with paint.

Gypsum board is also beneficial as a way to increase the thermal insulation function. It will not change the heat transfer coefficient, but it can act as an optimal frame for lining mineral wool insulation. To this it is worth adding thin layers of hydro and vapor barrier. Smooth panels with the correct geometry contribute to the uniform placement of insulators, making them easier to install.
However, installation operations in this case are not an easy task. To finish a wooden house with drywall, you will need the initial device of a metal frame-batten. Profile strips are mounted on the wall surface using brackets. Next, the corners and central segments of the crate are assembled. And only after that you can proceed with the installation of drywall panels using special load-bearing hardware.
Decoration of the house with wooden clapboard
This is a universal solution for facing any surfaces, but it is better to use it indoors, since external influences on the street do not have the best effect on performancematerial. The lining is a small-format board. Unlike timber panels, it has a more modest thickness and width. Dimensions can vary in the following ranges: 2-3 cm in thickness, 1-10 cm in width and up to 5 m in length. Below is a photo of the finish inside a wooden house using a typical format lining. Looks aesthetically pleasing and beneficial in terms of complementing interiors with an emphasis on natural and sustainable style.

The range of breeds used in this case is also diverse. For example, experts advise purchasing material from larch, pine, spruce and exotic trees, the characteristics of which meet the requirements for interior cladding. What is the difference between lining and ordinary boards? Mainly by special factory processing. The lumber is profiled with special grooves and ridges along the edges for easy fastening. Manufacturers also strive to endow the planks with protective properties, after machining, covering them with moisture-resistant and fire-resistant varnishes.
In order for the interior decoration of a wooden house with the help of lining to maintain a natural comfortable microclimate, it is necessary to maintain a gap between the coating and the wall. To do this, use the same crate, but with a smaller thickness - sufficient to ensure the circulation of air flows.
Wood wall paints
The essential importance of various impregnations, varnishes and paints for wood has already been noted more than once. Of course, when deciding to issuethe walls of the house with a decorative coating will not be superfluous to provide for its protective qualities. In choosing a specific solution, much will depend on the type of surface itself, for which the composition is selected. Experts give the following recommendations in this part:
- Vagonka. It is advisable to choose a colorless varnish impregnation, which will make the natural texture of the material even more expressive.
- Regular board. In this case, the natural texture is unlikely to be attractive, so it makes sense to use a colored tinted paint that is in harmony with the interior design.
- Humidity areas. Protective moisture-resistant impregnations or film polymer compositions are selected that isolate the base material.
- House made of timber. If the walls are completely bare, and it is not planned to finish them with panels, then the texture of the surfaces can be made richer thanks to the dark shades of oil or water-based paint. But it is important to consider that the decoration of a wooden house will have to carry a whole range of protective functions, since there is no cladding layer.
- One-stop solution. Stain and tint varnish are win-win options for different conditions of use. It is only important to calculate the presence of the necessary operational modifiers in the composition.
Solely from the interests of ensuring the decorative effect of paint and varnish compositions, it is worth considering the texture of the finish. In this regard, glossy, matte, satin and intermediate coatings can be distinguished. The brightest and most saturated are mosaic paints from the collections"Multicolor", which are present in the lines of almost all manufacturers of these products.
Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house
The complexity of the design of this surface is due to two factors. Firstly, the ceiling structure in such structures does not always have an even overlap. Sometimes an empty truss system on Mauerlats and load-bearing beams addresses the room. Secondly, more reliable means of securing the material will be required. So, what can be the ceiling decoration in a wooden house? Theoretically, most of the above cladding options can be used - wood panels, plasterboard, painting and lining. By the way, the last option will be the most advantageous due to its size. It is convenient to lay out a small rail in difficult areas, masking the same rafter system.
An interesting decorative effect is achieved by combining several materials. By organizing a modular ceiling with large panels at different angles, you can perform an original combined finish in a wooden house. The photo below shows an example of an exposed ceiling with protective lacquered plank sheathing.

On the other hand, with a limited budget for a simple village house, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood paneling. To prevent the finish from looking completely faded, wood-chip surfaces are decorated with decorative films imitating the same natural texture, bamboo veneer, etc. Peeping elements of the truss structuredecorated with author's carving. Moreover, in some projects, suspended systems are artificially created from false beams, which bring their own aesthetic zest. But in any case, all exposed wood surfaces must be treated with products that protect against decay, mold, fungus and other negative factors.
Insulating wall coverings
Issues of insulation for wooden houses are especially important, since the frame as such has low insulating functions in principle. Preservation of heat is the main task, but along with it, sound, hydro and vapor barriers can also be organized. The bottom layer of the “pie” of finishing a wooden house from the outside will be made just on the basis of insulators. For their technical arrangement, a crate should be provided. It is made either from metal profiles, as is the case with drywall, or using wooden blocks with intermediate rails. And although metal looks more attractive in terms of strength, it is better not to use it in facade cladding and in conditions of close contact with wood.
When the load-bearing frame is ready, you can proceed to the selection and installation of insulating coatings. It is desirable to make a shell for a multilayer barrier from a coarse waterproofing agent - for example, a two-layer roofing material is suitable. This is followed by a heater, the function of which is optimally performed by mineral wool. By the way, finishing a wooden house inside with a heat insulator under a drywall sheet should also be done with mineral wool. Another thing is when the outer skin is made with rigid panels, and insideit is better to use thin lamella mats.
After the insulation, an intermediate layer of vapor barrier follows. Optimum protection against water vapor is provided by a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film. If the task is to strengthen the structure, then a reinforced coating with fiberglass fibers can be used. The insulating barrier is closed by an external waterproofing barrier. A membrane film with a foil layer facing outward will help protect the wall from moisture at this level.
Facade wall cladding
In the decoration of exterior surfaces, two materials are most often used - wood and siding. As for the first option, it is better to use larch or pine. Larch is durable, can be processed at home, and also has a red-yellow hue that adorns the facade. True, over time, such a finish of a wooden house acquires a black-brown or silver color - the change in texture will depend on which side the wall faces the sun. Pine, in turn, is characterized by resistance to physical stress and, due to its high resin content, is considered a durable material.

But no matter how attractive properties natural wood has, the most popular means for decorating facades is siding. These are panels that are made of plastic and metal. The design is specially calculated for convenient pairing of lamellas. It is under the siding that the crate with insulation should be equipped. The panels are attached to the supporting frame with complete hardware and tightlyare closed to each other so that during operation, complete tightness is maintained. In terms of decorative properties, finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding is less interesting compared to a natural board, but you can also find different color schemes in this segment. In addition, there is a separate category of "block house" panels. These are horizontally mounted panels, the texture and texture of which imitate log masonry.
With regard to the choice between metal and plastic (vinyl) siding, it all depends on the specific operating conditions. For example, steel sheets are durable, resilient and tensile. This is the optimal sheathing for large country houses, designed for decades. Plastic cladding wins with its lightness and practicality. It should be preferred by owners of prefabricated frame houses, which exclude heavy loads on the supporting structures of the walls.
Roofing for a wooden house
In this case, two basic directions of choice are also assumed - either classic tiles in different designs, or a metal profile, also presented in a wide variety. What options are offered for the exterior finish of a wooden house in the roof tile segment? Ceramic products are still in high demand, and there is an explanation for this. It is an easy-to-install, strong and durable roof, which also has an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Perhaps, in decorative quality, this is the most advantageous roof covering.
An alternative is to consider cement tiles. She has lesshigh strength resource, but such coatings more effectively resist the development of biological destructive processes. For example, mold with fungus and efflorescence on a cement base are less common than on ceramics. However, it will also depend on the type of external processing. Roofers recommend purchasing tiles treated with acrylic, polymer or silicate paint.

If heavy tiles are not suitable due to the heavy load on the wooden frame of the house, then you can turn to a thin-layer metal coating. In this niche, too, not everything is clear in terms of the load mass, so you should immediately focus on copper and aluminum finishes for a wooden house in terms of roofing. For example, copper is considered one of the most durable materials, which is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and corrosion. In contact with rainwater, metal sulphate gives the effect of cleaning from biological contaminants. True, over time it is worth preparing for a change in the original color of the copper coating. The same precipitation, as a result of oxidation, contributes to the acquisition of gray-green or orange tones.
Aluminum will be the most affordable, lightweight and easy-to-install option for roofing. But he has the lowest rates of strength and resistance to external negative factors. Although, unlike steel, this metal does not corrode and does not react in any way to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Aluminum decks are recommended for use in regions with highhumidity coefficient - especially in Primorye, where brackish air also has its effect.
General recommendations for finishing work
Regardless of the type of surface and the chosen cladding material, you should carefully consider the preparatory operations. Laying, installation or assembly of coating elements should be carried out on a clean and even surface. This is especially true for the floor, which may require a self-levelling resin screed. They require a special approach and facade work. In particular, the walls to be covered must be pre-sealed with special grouts and felt materials.
The stage of choosing the installation method is also no less important. For example, do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house can be realized with fasteners in the form of nails, self-tapping screws, brackets and other hardware. The situation is more complicated with coatings that require the use of soldering and welding. For example, this may apply to the laying of some roll insulators and additional siding elements. If there are no special skills of the facing, then initially it is better to focus on coatings with their own fixation systems. This applies to click-to-lock coatings (siding, laminate), some types of film insulation with self-adhesive strips, etc. These finishes are easy to install and leave little room for error.

When choosing the right cladding for a house built with natural wood, you should considera whole range of parameters and properties. Protective qualities should come first. If we are talking about a room, then fire safety and resistance to biological destruction are taken into account. These are the main threats to such buildings. Outside, the most responsible will be the wall decoration in a wooden house - it must withstand atmospheric precipitation and physical influences. And in each case, do not forget about the isolation functions. Preservation of heat will minimize the cost of maintaining heating equipment, and high-quality waterproofing will reduce the humidity coefficient, which has a detrimental effect on the structure of wood.