Of course, a walk-behind tractor is a very useful technique for summer residents and farmers. With it, you can easily process any garden. The walk-behind tractor copes even with the most relief terrain. However, digging a garden is not the only function that this technique can perform. With the advent of additional attachments, the range of application of the walk-behind tractor has expanded significantly. The use of various nozzles can greatly facilitate the work in the farm. In today's article, we will look at what attachments for a walk-behind tractor are and what they are.
Tools included as standard
Now almost every walk-behind tractor offers additional equipment in one quantity or another. Often, stores offer cutters and a trailer for transporting goods. Withusing the last mechanism, an ordinary walk-behind tractor turns into a real mini-tractor, as can be seen in the photo below.

He is able to transport any cargo in any temperature conditions. Often, attachments for the Neva walk-behind tractor can withstand operation at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 40 degrees Celsius, which is especially important for the Russian area.
Additional tools
In addition to these two tools, there are additional attachments for the walk-behind tractor. First of all, it is worth noting such a device as a plow. Due to it, the farmer can perform any type of agricultural work, while not wasting his strength on plowing. The technique itself works and rides, you just have to hold the handle and follow its direction. A vegetable seeder is also especially relevant for farmers. Such a nozzle will significantly reduce the volume and complexity of sowing work.

In addition, there is also a snow-removing attachment for a walk-behind tractor. By its design, it is a small bucket (in some cases, a spirally twisted mechanism - a blade-knife), thanks to which you can easily clear the snow. It is also easy to operate such equipment.
In autumn, you can use a special sweeping brush that will clean the paths from fallen leaves. If after harvesting a lot of waste has formed in the garden, they can be easily collected using a special rake. Well, ifyou need to mow the grass, you can connect a rotary or segment mower. Be sure: all the work will be done in 5-10 minutes, if not less. Thus, having factory-made or home-made attachments for a walk-behind tractor on your site, you will always maintain order and cleanliness in the household. Moreover, all the hard work will be done by the equipment for you.

As you can see, thanks to the additional attachments, the walk-behind tractor can be usefully operated all year round. The benefits and effectiveness of using such tools cannot be overestimated, so if you are the owner of a farm, then you simply need a walk-behind tractor.