Most recently, we stared at snow-white plastic windows and secretly envied their owners. They were rare and spoke of the high income of their owners.

Very little time has passed, and plastic windows have become available to almost any Russian. Moreover, new designs have appeared - laminated structures that surpass their predecessors in reliability and aesthetic performance.
Laminated plastic windows on the market today delight customers with a variety of colors. Particularly popular are products with imitation of wood texture: bog oak, walnut, larch, cherry. This effect is achieved using lamination, which consists in applying a high-quality film coating to the surface of the profile, which performs a protective and decorative function. The process of gluing colored films is carried out on laminating machines using special types of glue. The resulting designs are reliable and durable.
Plastic laminated windows perfectly tolerate temperature changes, andalso mechanical and chemical effects.
If you choose between a plastic window and a wooden one, then the choice should be made in favor of the first. Plastic laminated windows, which completely imitate wooden frames, are much cheaper, more practical and more convenient to use than windows made of expensive woods, since they do not need regular painting, are weather resistant, do not rot or deform.

Today, laminated plastic windows are available in several versions. The choice depends only on the preferences of the customer.
If you do not want to disturb the appearance of the facade of the house, then the option of one-sided lamination is suitable for you. The apartment will have standard white windows, and on the street they will match the color of the facade. The opposite option is possible, that is, from the street the frames will be white, and indoors - to match the interior.
It is possible to order laminated plastic windows, which use a colored profile in bulk. A profile is produced by the coextrusion method, in the raw material base of which a dye is added. The result is a colored frame that matches the color of the selected laminating films. The advantage of this profile is that when the window is opened, the white end will not be visible.

When ordering laminated plastic windows, you need to know that this is an environmentally friendly product, because all the films and glue used have been laboratory tested and received certificates of quality and conformity.
The days when repairs in an apartment were carried out using materials that “we managed to get” are long gone. Now the difficulty of repair lies in the huge range of materials and the difficulty of making the right choice. All this can be said about windows.
Laminated plastic windows can be matched to any interior. And it is not at all necessary to install structures of the same color and texture throughout the apartment. If respectable “wood-like” windows are suitable for the living room, then bright, rich colors will be appropriate in the nursery: red, green, yellow.