In suburban areas, their owners today often erect frame-panel houses. The walls of such buildings are often sheathed with OSB boards. The material is easy to install, durable and environmentally safe. However, OSB boards, unfortunately, do not differ in special aesthetic appeal. Therefore, many owners of country frame houses are interested in whether it is possible to putty OSB.
The walls sheathed with this material are left without additional finishing, mainly only in utility rooms. In all other cases, OSB boards are puttied and then painted or wallpapered.

To finish such walls, of course, you need to strictly observe certain technologies. You need to know how to putty OSB-plates and how to do it correctly. Otherwise, the decorative design of the walls will not last too long. In addition, with the wrong approach to business, OSB boards can simply warp.
What is the material
OSB boards are manufactured at enterprises by pressing woodshavings. A mixture of resin, glue, paraffin, etc. is used as a binder in the production of such material. Chips are laid in the production of OSB boards in stages. Accordingly, the finished material itself is layered.
Because of this structure, and also due to the fact that natural wood is used in their production, OSB boards, unfortunately, are afraid of moisture. That is why you need to know exactly how to putty OSB. Finishing material for such walls should be chosen with all responsibility. Not every composition is suitable for facing such plates.

Main stages of work
The walls are puttyed from OSB, usually using this technology:
- plates are carefully polished with coarse sandpaper;
- coating walls with primer;
- produce the actual puttying of the surface.
At the final stage, the walls are again sanded with fine sandpaper and painted or wallpapered.
How to putty OSB board: choice of materials
Of course, the product that is supposed to be used to finish the walls of OSB should not contain water in the first place. Otherwise, the plates may swell and lose their original shape.
So what and how to putty OSB under wallpaper or painting? Used for facing such plates are usually products made on the basis of drying oil or glyptal varnish. Compounds intended for wood finishing are best suited for such material. These can be, for example,nitro putty or oil-adhesives.
Can also be purchased for finishing OSB-walls and synthetic-based composition. Very often, such plates are also puttied using a special tool designed specifically for OSB. Today, in some construction supermarkets, if desired, you can buy such compounds.
Primer for pre-treatment of OSB walls in most cases use adhesive. The surface of these boards is very smooth. And when using a soil of a different variety, there is a possibility that the putty applied to the walls of the OSB will simply go away in the future.

The OSB boards themselves when building a house, of course, also need to be chosen correctly. Industrial enterprises supply the market with four varieties of such material, marked with numbers from 1 to 4. The higher the plate number, the stronger it is. The material marked 3 and 4 is also characterized by increased moisture resistance. It is these boards that should be used for facing houses outside and inside in wet rooms.
Can I use the most popular and cheapest putties
Concrete and brick walls of country houses and apartments in high-rise buildings in most cases are covered with cement or gypsum putties. Is it possible to putty the OSB board with similar compounds?

Cement products for facing OSB surfaces are never used. Firstly, such putty is usually made using water. Secondly,too long this type of finish on OSB, unfortunately, in most cases does not hold.
Gypsum compositions can be a good answer to the question of how to putty OSB. Sometimes such materials are used to decorate walls of this type. But in most cases, gypsum compounds improved with polymers are still used for OSB finishing.
Sometimes the owners of frame residential buildings are also interested in how to putty OSB boards on the street. Applying this method of finishing outside for surfaces of this type is not worth it at all. From the side of the street, it is better to plaster the OSB walls with a mineral or silicate composition or close them with hinged facades.
What tools will you need
For puttying OSB boards you will need to prepare:
- small and large sandpaper;
- sickle for reinforcing joints;
- rubber spatula and roller;
- plastic bucket for mixing mortar;
- drill with construction mixer.
You will also need a reinforcing mesh and tape measure.
Wall sanding recommendations
So, how to putty OSB boards for wallpaper or painting, we found out. But before proceeding with the decoration, in this case, the walls, of course, must be carefully prepared. First of all, their surface should be sanded. The purpose of this operation is not only to level the plates, but also to remove the top layer of impregnation, due to which the primer will not be able to penetrate into the thickness of the material.
The OSB walls are usually sanded with large sandpaper. At the same time, such an operation can be performed both manually and using a machine. Technologically, polishing OSB is a simple matter. However, this procedure usually takes a lot of time. In addition, such an operation is also labor intensive. Therefore, experienced craftsmen recommend that beginners purchase already polished OSB for lining the walls of a frame house from the inside. Such plates are not much more expensive than ordinary ones. You can save a lot of time and effort when using them.
How to prime walls

Gypsum, oil, etc. means - a good answer to the question of how to putty OSB. But such a finish will not work without prior priming. The purpose of such preparation is also primarily to increase the adhesive properties of the OSB surface. Also, the use of a primer makes it possible to avoid further impregnation of the applied putty layer with tannins and resin from the boards. Without a primer, ugly spots may subsequently appear on the finished walls.
Plastering plates with such compositions is allowed in one layer. The primer is applied to the surface of the wall and carefully rubbed using a roller. At the end of the pre-finishing, a technological break is made until the wall dries. Depending on the type of primer used, this period can be 4-12 hours.
Apply putty
Finishing OSB walls with putty is allowed only at positive temperatures and at air humidity not more than 60%. If this rule is not observed, the plasterlayer subsequently quickly crack and fall off.
The walls are puttyed from OSB, usually in two layers. The material is applied to the slabs and carefully leveled in a horizontal direction. In this case, first use a spatula, and then a rubber roller. Next, a little more putty is applied to the wall and leveled this time in a vertical direction.
After all surfaces are finished, a second technological break is arranged. The drying time of the putty layer before painting or applying wallpaper depends on the type of composition used. But most often, the final finishing of the walls is started no earlier than in a day.
Before painting or wallpapering, puttied walls are cleaned with fine sandpaper. For this purpose, you can, of course, use the actual paper itself. But it is still better to purchase a special paint grater. This tool is inexpensive, and can save a lot of effort for a home master.
Helpful tips
According to the technology described above, OSB-walls can be puttied with sufficient quality. But for those home craftsmen who are used to doing everything thoroughly, it costs extra, among other things:
- apply primer on the ends of the OSB boards before sheathing the walls from the inside;
- before puttying, glue the joints of the plates with a sickle;
- reinforce the walls before applying putty with paint mesh (using staples as fasteners).
What you should know
Before painting, OSB walls will have to be puttied, of course, inanyway. When used as a decorative wallpaper finish, this procedure is not always required.
OSB boards - the material itself is quite even. Therefore, before pasting with vinyl or non-woven thick wallpaper, it is not necessary to putty them. The walls in this case must first be sanded and coated with a primer. Puttying OSB is only required when used for final finishing of paper or any other thin wallpaper.

OSB puttying: feedback from home owners
So, we found out whether it is necessary to putty OSB frame country houses. This procedure is necessary in most cases. Many owners of private residential buildings consider this technology to be quite suitable for finishing OSB boards. The upper protective layer of this type on particle walls can last for several decades. But of course, the durability of the putty finish will primarily depend on how accurately all the required technologies were observed during its application. Of course, the owners of country houses do not recommend violating the rules for puttying OSB walls. Otherwise, it may turn out that the work will have to be redone in a couple of years after finishing.

Among the advantages of puttying OSB-walls, the owners of country houses, among other things, also refer to the aesthetically attractive appearance of the premises. The compositions on the surface in this case are applied in a thin layer. After all, OSB boards, among other things,differ in evenness. Accordingly, even without the use of beacons, such compositions on the walls can be applied very high quality in terms of surface smoothness.