Front garden fencing: types, materials, popular options

Front garden fencing: types, materials, popular options
Front garden fencing: types, materials, popular options

A front garden is a small garden or flowerbed with various flowers and shrubs, surrounded by a decorative hedge. The garden plot, like the facade of the house, says a lot about the owner himself. Front garden fences serve both as a decorative decoration and as a support for climbing plants. Such fences can be made independently. What material can such a fence be made of?

Varieties of fences

As a material for the future fence, you can choose almost anything that has enough imagination. It could be:

  • brickwork;
  • metal sheets;
  • forged fence;
  • decorative stone;
  • wooden bars or picket fence;
  • fencing in the form of a metal mesh.

You can use the most unusual materials in the form of old plates, bottles, glass or plastic. The main thing is that the fence, the chosen material and design are combined with other buildings located in the yard.


General fence parameters

Before construction, you need to think over the design so that the fencefor the front garden met several requirements:

  1. The height of the future fence should not exceed the height of the flower bed, so as not to cover its beauty.
  2. It is better to choose a transparent material or design the design of the fence so that the front garden fence in front of the house is not solid.
  3. The design should be as stable as possible.
  4. And harmoniously merge with the overall design of the house.

Let's consider several options for how to arrange a flower bed in the yard.

Material selection

When choosing a material for a future fence, we take into account the following criteria:

  1. Lifetime.
  2. Aesthetic design.
  3. Minimum care requirement.
  4. Terms of installation.
  5. Cost of material and installation work.

Almost all front garden fences can be made independently. We choose and buy material, create a sketch of the future fence and proceed with the installation.

Metal fences

Metal is considered more durable than all other types of fence materials. The structures are resistant to weather conditions and withstand mechanical damage well. When using forged fences, front gardens look rich, especially if you come up with a unique design.

A considerable advantage of metal is its unpretentiousness. Such a fence does not need to be constantly painted and washed, it is much stronger than wood or plastic. Thanks to the huge variety of prefabricated metal elements for fencing, in shape and color, you can choose the most suitable option for youryard.

forged fences
forged fences

Installation of iron fence

When installing a metal fence for the front garden, you should follow a few rules:

  1. On the ground, around the entire perimeter of the flower bed, we make marks for the bearing pillars.
  2. For metal sections, it is advisable to dig in the supports further away from each other, for greater stability of the sections.
  3. We mount a finished steel sheet or a metal picket fence on the dug-in supports.
  4. If the project provides for reinforcement, it should be welded at the base of the pillars.

In addition to the fence, you can use corrugated board as one of the varieties of a metal fence.


This kind of metal structure has the following advantages:

  1. Minimal care.
  2. Soundproofing.
  3. Good value.
  4. Modern design.
  5. Wide range of colors.

It is easy to mount fences and fences for the front garden from corrugated board. Often, sections are screwed to ready-made and dug-in supports with self-tapping screws. Supports and prefabricated sections are sold as a set and differ in color, design and construction features.

Netting netting


The fence for the front garden, made of chain-link metal mesh, is very popular. The welding method of mounting the mesh to the poles makes the structure even more stable. Attract minimal cost and costs.

To keep the mesh in shape, a wire is threaded through the cells. ForFor greater presentability, you can use a chain-link in metal corners or decorate it with a hedge. If climbing plants are planted in the front garden, it will be easier for them to grow, weaving into the grid. In addition, the transparency of the material does not block the access of sunlight to plants, and does not hide their beauty from prying eyes.

The chain-link also has several disadvantages:

  1. Ugly looking.
  2. May lose shape with age.
  3. Difficult to paint.

It is worth buying a galvanized mesh that is little susceptible to corrosion.

Wooden fence

board fence
board fence

Classic never goes out of style! Yes, and making such a fence for the front garden of wood with your own hands is very easy. Although it is not the cheapest of materials, it is environmentally friendly. In addition, it has some advantages:

  1. Simple and comfortable design.
  2. Great selection of design ideas.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. Quite reasonable price.

Any tree should be treated with special protective equipment, as it easily lends itself to adverse weather conditions, which reduces the life of the fence. For this, antiseptic mixtures and paints are used.

Assembling the structure is easy. We pre-mark and dig in the supports at a distance of about three meters. Then we connect the posts with transverse boards, on which the picket fence will subsequently be attached.

Wicker fences

wicker fences
wicker fences

It is not uncommon forsummer residents choose non-standard ideas for decorating their backyard. For example, it can be intertwined tree branches or a hedge. To do this, you can take willow branches. They are durable and bend well, so it will not be difficult to weave a fence. We pre-steam them in hot water and weave them between pre-installed wooden posts.

Hedges require maintenance. You need to choose the right plant that grows well, creating a crown, plant them at the optimal distance from each other, and cut them in time, giving shape.

Stone fences

Concrete fences for the garden can be bought ready-made sections. Often they have a one-sided pattern, which is not very attractive. On the other hand, such front garden fences are as strong as possible, durable and protect flowers well from animals. Some disadvantages:

  1. The sections are quite heavy.
  2. The fence cannot be assembled by yourself.
  3. Opacity.

If you choose fences made of stone, concrete or brick, then in any case it is better to make low fences for the front garden so as not to block the sunlight and the flower bed. A flower bed surrounded by an ordinary stone looks pretty nice. Used by:

  • granite;
  • slate;
  • sandstone.

Natural stone can be fixed with concrete or, as a design move, use rectangular mesh blocks filled with river stone.


The brick fence looks very original, emphasizing the unique design of the yard. Optionsthere is also a lot of design: you can build a solid brick wall or lay them out in blocks in the form of a pattern. Brick is an excellent material not only for protecting a flower garden, but also for plant growth. When heated in the sun, the brick creates a greenhouse effect, which is good for flowers and shrubs.

You will first have to dig and pour concrete a small foundation, laying reinforcement in it. These are the most durable structures, they steadily endure the negative impact of the environment. On sale there are bricks of different textures, colors. But the construction can take a lot of time, especially if you do not know the masonry technique. The wall will have to be treated with a special solution so that the s alt absorbed by the brick from the ground does not seep to the surface and does not look like streaks.

If the site is wetted, and the ground contains a large amount of s alt, then it is better to refuse stone and brick fencing, since the durability of the structure depends on these factors.

Plastic fences

Don't like the previous options? The decorative fence of the front garden made of PVC is gaining great popularity. This material is quite reliable, durable, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, does not rot, does not fade and does not require painting. Such fences have the same pattern on both sides, which does not affect the design solution. Perfect for any landscape. You can assemble it yourself.

There are ready-made sections for sale, differing in color, design, height, construction. The package includes supports and fasteners, with assembly instructions. Making a planfuture fence, marking all the corner posts where the gate will be located. From the drawing it will be easy to determine how many sections we need.


You can assemble a plastic fence yourself. We make markings along the perimeter of the flower bed, mark the places of the pillars with pegs. If you first know the width of the section, it will be easier to measure the distance between the supports. Pits are made with a drill or a shovel, based on a pole with a diameter of 10 by 10 centimeters, the hole should be 25 by 25 centimeters, with a depth of 60 to 150 centimeters.

Insert the support into the holes obtained. With the help of a tape measure and a building level, we align the vertical position. With the help of a stretched cord, we align the height of the pillars. Having knocked out the supports with wedges, fill the pit with concrete and reinforce it with reinforcement. After a day, you can start assembling the plastic sections.

natural fence
natural fence

Original ideas

For the most extravagant gardeners, design ideas for fences made from old plastic bottles will do. Perhaps they will not be able to protect the flowers from the invasion of animals, but they will decorate the garden plot and look very original. You can also make a plastic fence from disposable plates by drawing a pattern on them. Great activity: decorate your garden with your kids.

As an option: fill the bottles with earth, apply some kind of pattern, and drop them with the neck up or down, along the perimeter of the flower garden. Bottles can be strung on a wire or, cutting off the bottoms or necks, lay them in the ground. The most inveterate and patient gardeners can build a fence out of bottles inin the form of racks, seating the container on the glue.

Fences for beds

You can install decorative fences not only for a garden plot with flowers, but also for garden beds. This will protect crops from weeds, flooding during rain, and separate one plant species from another. On the other hand, it allows you to harmoniously organize the garden plot, giving it a twist.

You can make a garden fence yourself, from anything, at no significant cost. The main thing is that the materials are environmentally friendly and of high quality. The beds can be distinguished by wooden sides with a thickness of more than 2 centimeters, mounted in any desired shape. Be sure to treat the tree with an antiseptic or paint. Larch or pine is best suited. But such fences are short-lived, as the tree quickly succumbs to the effects of sun and rain.

brick flower bed
brick flower bed


Slate can be used to decorate the beds. This material is available in almost every dacha after replacing the old roof. If possible, cut the slate into even strips and dig into the ground. However, it is worth remembering that the old material is quite toxic to plants and breaks down quickly.

We strengthen the structure with metal corners or rods so that the structure does not fall under the pressure of the earth. For decoration, it can be painted with exterior paint or whitewashed.

Metal and wood

Strongly holds and protects the garden bed fence made of metal, corrugated board or profile. Metal strips are fastened with corners along the joints and the upper edge in order todon't accidentally cut yourself. Cons: the cost of the material and the fact that the iron heats up in the sun, at the same time warming the earth. On hot days, the garden will need to be watered frequently.

To protect small bushes and support branches, you can use structures made of metal-plastic waste pipes, boards, beams. On the supports we fix a strong rope around the perimeter of the bush to hold the branches in one position. Benefits of this front garden fencing:

  1. Reduce the risk of fruit rot.
  2. Easy watering and timely cleansing of shrubs from dry branches.
  3. It is convenient to collect ripe fruits.
  4. The branches do not interfere with moving around the garden.
  5. The shape of the bush is being created.
  6. Lightweight design doesn't clutter up space.

For example, supports for a vineyard can be made from wooden or metal trellises, which are often used to build a gazebo. Weaving into the walls of the gazebo, grapes or any other climbing plant will provide shade for vacationers. To do this, we install several supports from the bars, on which the rails are attached in the form of a lattice. We process with an antiseptic or varnish.