Irrigation for indoor plants plays an important role. Proper care is the key to good growth and abundant flowering. Often in recommendations for the care of house plants, experts advise using regular and moderate watering. But how to water all the flowers on time, especially if there are more than 15 of them? In this case, you can pay attention to wick watering. It is this method of soil moistening that will be discussed in this article.
Features of wick irrigation
Many growers love small plants that grow in small pots with a loose substrate. Hirites, saintpaulias, achimenes, episcias, gloxinias and other flowers must be watered every other day. If you have only a few of these plants, then you can still manage to water them. But if the collection is large or you have to go on vacation for a week, the problem of watering becomes quite acute. In this case, experts recommend paying attention to wick watering. This method provides water and all the nutrients to the plant on time. The liquid rises along the synthetic cord to the roots of the plants. So how to make a wickwatering?

Advantages and disadvantages
Wick watering is used by many flower growers. This method of care has its advantages and disadvantages.
Water plants to a minimum: 1-2 times a month
Plants grow actively and bloom faster
- The roots do not dry out, because they get the necessary amount of water.
- You can leave home for a long period without worrying about your home green garden.
- These plants bloom profusely, luxuriantly and brightly, compared to other plants. Buds and flowers are larger.

- The life of these plants is faster, so they age faster.
- In a room with high humidity and air temperature below +18°C, there is a risk of developing fungal diseases and rotting of the root system.
Growing plants on the wick in soil mix
First of all, you need to choose a soil that is suitable for a particular plant. For the manufacture of wick irrigation of plants, it is necessary that 35-40% of its volume is occupied by perlite, which ensures soil looseness. You can apply fertilizer on the wick in the usual way, making a solution in small doses, watering the soil from above. But make sure that fertilizer does not get into the water with a wick watering container. You can also use foliar top dressing.
Be sure to watch the plant. If the leaves begin to discolor orturn yellow, it is better to transplant the plant into a new soil.
Growing in landless mix
Many flower growers also use the wick method of growing plants in a soilless mix. In this case, the soil will consist of perlite and peat, taken in equal proportions. Such a mixture contains practically no nutrients, therefore, when wicking violets, all plants are grown in special containers with a nutrient solution. In this case, the following fertilizers are often used: Kemira Lux, Etisso, Pokon.

To create a nutrient solution, you must study the recommendations of the manufacturer. For example, to make a nutrient solution from the Etisso Hydro fertilizer, you need to use 3 ml of the product for 1 liter of water.
Wick Cord
When deciding to make your own wick watering, you need to pay special attention to the choice of cord. It must be made of synthetic material. This eliminates the possibility of decay of the material.
The cord should conduct water well. To do this, just take a small piece of material and immerse its tip in water. He should get wet quickly.
For a flower pot with a diameter of 9 cm, you must use a cord with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm. The cord should be long enough to reach the bottom of the container.
After installing the wick cord, it is necessary to check how wet the earth ball is during the first 2 weeks. Pay attention to whether the plant turgor changes, whether the water in the container decreases.
If the soil is inpot dry - you need to hold an additional cord. If the soil, on the contrary, is waterlogged, it is necessary to observe the plant for several days. Perhaps you chose too thick a cord or the root system of the plants is not too developed.

Irrigation tank
Containers for plants and for the accumulation of water must be made of plastic. They are easy to wash and disinfect if necessary.
As a container, you can use a plastic disposable cup or a container with a lid with a hole. It is better to use transparent containers. So watch the water level.
The plastic drip tray with grate can be used as a general container.
Some flower growers notice that green algae appear on the walls of the water container. They are not harmful to the plant. Simply wash the container thoroughly.
How to put the cord in the potty
There are several ways to arrange the cord in a flower pot.
Some sources recommend laying the cord on the bottom, twisting it in a circle.
But experienced flower growers recommend stretching the wick diagonally.
In the middle of the bottom of the flower pot, you need to make a hole for pulling the cord. Pay attention to this, because most pot manufacturers make holes in the bottom on the sides. In this case, the wetting of the soil will be uneven, which means that the root system will develop incorrectly.

WhenIf the wick is uneven, only one side of the plant will be able to receive moisture. For example, the roots of streptocarpus, improperly planted and located, on the one hand can dry out, which will also affect its aerial part. So the plant may die altogether.
Features of wick irrigation
When planting a plant in a pot, never compact the soil. After all, air is as important to a plant as water. As a planting mixture, it is better not to use a large amount of high-moor peat. After all, it will be quite difficult to moisten it. How to do wick watering violets correctly?
It is better to use a synthetic winterizer as a drainage layer. It is chemically neutral and conducts well both water and air. You can also use coarse perlite. The mesh at the bottom of the potty will keep him from getting enough sleep.
A plant can absorb enough water if its root system is well developed. After transplanting, it is advisable to place the plant in a greenhouse for 2 weeks. After 1-2 weeks under normal conditions, it is better to keep the flower on normal watering. It is desirable that the liquid is in the pan so that the earthen ball does not compact.
For a good development of the root system, you can use a solution of zircon or ecogel. Only a grown plant can be transferred to wick watering.

Reviews and recommendations from gardeners
Wick watering accelerates the course of all life processes of plants. They grow faster, bloom actively and profusely, and age also quickly. soil neededchange often, due to s alt deposits that can be found on the edges of the flower pot.
Wick watering of orchids is also well practiced. This method allows you to get abundant flowering plants in a short period of time.
There are flower growers who bring plants on the wick until flowering, and then transfer them to normal mode. So they can quickly verify the correct varietal color. If you decide to do the same, do not forget to transplant the plant into a nutritious new soil.
Reviews of gardeners allow you to avoid mistakes in growing plants. For example, it is recommended to leave the planting date at the bottom of the pot. This way you can determine when the plant needs to be repotted.
Wick watering violets
Violet is a favorite of many flower growers. This plant is quite picky in terms of watering. Therefore, for many, wick watering the soil is an ideal option. Less hassle in care, abundant flowering of your favorite plants.

So, let's take a look at the steps of creating wick irrigation for violets:
- Choose the right cord.
- Preparing a container with a plastic lid, wider than the diameter of the pot.
- We skip the wick through the hole in the pot, after putting a piece of mosquito net on the bottom.
- Pour a layer of drainage (polystyrene, expanded clay, vermiculite).
- Lay out the cord in a circle around the diameter of the pot.
- Filling up the soil.
- Replanting the plant.
- We close the container with a plastic lid, making a hole for the wick in its center.
- Lower the lower edge of the cord into a container with settled water. At the same time, 1/3 of the wick is in the water, 1/3 is between the soil and water, 1/3 is inside the pot.
Equip wick watering for violets is quite simple. And after a while you will be able to enjoy the result of your labors.
Wick watering is an easy way to create the right conditions for plant development. Especially if they grow in small pots with loose soil. With the correct placement of the wick system, your plants will bloom profusely, fragrant and delight you.