Violet "almond": photo and description

Violet "almond": photo and description
Violet "almond": photo and description

Violet "almond" (see photo and variety description in the next section) is a seedling with fairly large flowers of a light pink hue. The variety was first bred in 1989 by the famous Russian breeder Konstantin Morev, who devoted most of his life to the study of indoor plants. Violet flowers are distinguished by a rather original form of petals, which can be modified depending on the conditions of detention.

Variety description

Violet Almond, the photo of which is presented just below, is an ornamental plant that is grown exclusively in room conditions or greenhouses. The size of the leaves, reaching a diameter of 9 centimeters, impresses even professional breeders who have been breeding unusual varieties all their lives. A velvety pink-peach color with a white border in the middle pairs well with dark green leaves, and the curved shape of the petals gives the impression thatin front of you is not a violet, but some unusual variety of chrysanthemum.

Violet blossom almond
Violet blossom almond

The rosette of violet "almond" is quite large - from 30 to 40 centimeters in diameter, but the compactness of the flower is ensured by the leaves that hug the pot from all sides. On green plates, a slight sheen may sometimes be present, which gives them a more rounded shape. There are barely noticeable notches along the edges of the leaves.

Usually, no more than 3 buds form in the center of the rosette, but the strength of the flower is only enough for a maximum of 2 of them to bloom. Although, due to the size and unusual shape, it seems that there is a whole decorative bouquet in the flowerpot with the substrate. The peduncles of this variety are quite strong, but in some cases they still bend under the weight of the buds. Although the large leaves are unlikely to let the flower fall to the ground and will hold it until the end of the flowering period, which lasts a little over a month.

Care and maintenance rules

Proper care of violet "almond" (photo and description of the culture can be found in the previous section) will achieve a beautiful and long flowering of this culture. However, it should be borne in mind that the variety is very capricious and accepts only those conditions of detention that are close to ideal:

Violet flower almond
Violet flower almond
  • room temperature - 20 to 24 degrees;
  • daylight hours - 18 hours;
  • watering pattern – moderate;
  • air humidity - 60%.

In addition, each grower should monitor the hygiene of the leaves, arranging "bath procedures" for the violet or wiping the plates with a damp cloth from dust. You can return the flower to the windowsill only when it is completely dry. Otherwise, the leaves may burn in the sun.

Feeding Features

Violet "almond" is quite sensitive to the content of organic and mineral components in the soil. Fertilizer is carried out during the transplantation of green crops, as well as 1.5 - 2 months after it. For this, two types of liquid formulations are used:

Organic top dressing (manure)
Organic top dressing (manure)
  • organic fertilizers - special attention should be paid to the timely application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil (you can use manure or complex top dressing designed for violets);
  • mineral fertilizers are special chemical mixtures that are produced in the form of liquids and powders (Uniflor, Master, Bona forte, Fertika and others).

Also, "almonds" respond positively to regular watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such top dressing slightly increases the acidity of the soil and leaches excess s alts from it. In addition, potassium permanganate increases resistance to various diseases in the winter.

Crop transplant

Usually violet "almonds" are transplanted as needed, but such a procedure should be carried out at least twice a year in the initial stages of life. Such actions helpsignificantly improve the decorative qualities of the plant and resistance to various diseases.

Violet transplant
Violet transplant

For growing violets, it is recommended to use a container that is 3 to 4 centimeters larger than the diameter of the plant's root system. The depth of the pot should be 6 - 9 centimeters (depending on the volume of the roots). In addition, the dimensions of the flowerpot must match the volume of the outlet.

Do not immediately plant a flower in a large pot, counting on its rapid growth. In this case, the violet will actively grow the root system and leaves, but the buds will not grow. In addition, various fungal diseases can develop in a pot that is too spacious.

Main issues

As mentioned earlier, this variety of violet is very capricious, especially when it comes to optimal conditions. If they are violated, the development of various diseases, the absence of flowering and even the death of the plant is possible. Therefore, every novice florist should be aware of special indicators that indicate a particular care error:

Violet yellow leaves
Violet yellow leaves
  • stormy growth of foliage - excess nitrogen or lack of light;
  • pale green leaves with curly edges - low temperature;
  • gray coating on green plates - high humidity;
  • yellowed flowers - too dry soil or air;
  • brown spots on leaves - sunburn.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediatelymake adjustments to growing conditions. If the disease continues to progress, you should use any fungicidal preparation intended for indoor plants. Fitosporin will serve as an ideal option. The drug allows not only to quickly eliminate the problem, but also significantly improves the decorative qualities of the plant, strengthening its immune system.

Conclusion and video


As you can see, violet "almond" is quite a suitable variety for growing at home. But you must create optimal conditions for keeping the plant and ensure proper care. This will help to achieve long-lasting beautiful flowering. Well, if the grower is not confident in his abilities, then it is better to choose some other decorative culture. In the end, there are many beautiful indoor plants in the world that are not so whimsical to care for and can become a worthy interior decoration.
