Anthurium is a plant belonging to the aroid family. In the natural habitat, you can find about 900 varieties of this culture. The plant is native to tropical forests in South America. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this greenhouse or indoor plant with a dense cob and beautiful flowers has gained great popularity. Black anthurium is considered especially beautiful. Features of its cultivation and maintenance will be described in this article.
Most popular species
There are several popular varieties of black anthuriums. in the initial phase of flowering, often the bract is not black, but maroon in color. The veil darkens as the cob ripens, which gives the culture even more decorative effect. Consider the most popular varieties of black anthurium.
Black Queen
This variety is alsooften referred to as the black prince. It is usually referred to as tall varieties. Often there is another name for this anthurium - "black queen". In height, adult specimens reach up to 80 cm. At the beginning of flowering, an upright cob turns light beige or white.

The size of the bedspread is between 12 and 15 cm. This will depend on the age of the flower, as well as its growing conditions. The bract is glossy, has a heart-shaped shape, pronounced relief veins that emphasize the unusual variety of this hybrid.
During the initial phase of flowering, the bedspread is maroon or cherry. Over time, this bract becomes darker, becoming almost black, but at the same time has a reddish tint.
Black Love
This plant belongs to the Love hybrid line. The maximum height of the shrub reaches 60 cm.
Glossy elongated leaves have a dark green tint without inclusions. The cob is erect, light beige in color with a yellow or greenish tint. The color becomes darker as the ear ripens, while almost completely merging with the color of the bedspread. The size of this bedspread can be up to 15 cm across.

Black Beauty
This species is very rare to be found in the collections of even experienced flower growers. The black anthurium species is characterized by its decorative green foliage, as well as the tulip-shaped bedspread.
At home, the epiphyte is able to reach 65 cm inheight. The leaves have a slightly velvety surface, a rich green color. On the reverse side of the sheet there are bright burgundy veins. In the ripening phase, the cob turns black, merges with the background of the entire bedspread.
Black Dragon
This species is also very rare in indoor collections. The plant is distinguished not only by its decorative effect, but also by the unusual color of the foliage. Lanceolate elongated leaves grow on short petioles, while forming a herbaceous lush bush. The color of the leaves is variegated, it changes over time from green to bright burgundy blotches.
The color of the cob is close to brown tones. The hue of the cob changes to yellowish brown as the end of flowering approaches.
Chocolate Love
An evergreen ornamental shrub that can reach a height of 50 cm. Florists often call this species chocolate love or simply chocolate anthurium. An upright vertical ear is painted in a light green hue. It darkens as it blooms. The spathe or bract has a glossy surface.
The width of the bedspread is from 9 to 11 cm. In favorable conditions, the anthurium forms a large number of growth points, thereby providing dense greenery.
Rules of care
It can be noted that anthuriums are unjustifiably called vulnerable and capricious indoor plants. Features of the maintenance of black anthurium will not differ in any way from the rules for growing other epiphytic representatives of tropical forests. At homeconditions, it is possible to successfully grow this crop only in such a microclimate that will be as close as possible to the conditions of natural cultivation. Most often, black anthurium suffers from:
- Wrong lighting.
- Insufficient indoor humidity.
- Wrong watering regimen.

If you follow the mistakes when growing, black dots may appear on the leaves of the anthurium.
Indoor temperature
The air temperature in the room in which the plant is grown will depend on the vegetative phase. During active growth and flowering of black anthurium, the temperature in the room should be about 20-25 degrees above zero. This evergreen subshrub begins to enter a dormant phase after a long flowering period. In some cases, the flowering of black anthurium lasts for 10-12 weeks.
During rest, the air in the room should be no more than 18 degrees. Also, the air temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. In cooler conditions, the plant may die.

We continue to consider the features of care at home. Anthurium black needs high humidity. It will respond positively to daily year-round spraying. However, it is necessary to spray the black anthurium, the photo of which is presented in this article, with boiled soft water. The procedure should be carried out in the morning.
Light Features
In their natural habitat, anthurium does not face direct sunlight, as these crops grow in the shade under tall trees. If you grow this plant at home, then preference should be given to the windowsill, which is located on the southwest or southeast side.

In winter, it will be necessary to extend daylight hours, for which artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps is used. Therefore, the evergreen shrub needs at least 8-10 hours of daylight hours.
If lighting rules are violated, black spots may form on anthurium leaves.
Epiphytic plants absorb moisture with their whole being, and not only with their root system. These green pets do not have the ability to retain and accumulate moisture. The watering schedule will depend on the season, vegetative phase, as well as the climatic conditions in which the indoor flower grows.
It is also important to control the level of soil moisture to prevent waterlogging or drying out. Otherwise, black spots on the anthurium may also form. What to do in this case? How to prevent such a problem? Epiphytes do not need to be watered until the top layer of the soil dries out. Watering is carried out at least once a week, when the plant is in a period of active growth.
Watering is reduced to once a week after the plant has completed flowering.

Twice a month, top dressing is applied for indoor flowering plants. The concentration of fertilizers should be slightly lower than the recommended one, which is indicated on the package. Top dressing during the dormant period is completely excluded, otherwise unplanned shoots will appear.
The most common growing mistakes
The black anthurium flower is very whimsical to grow. Many novice growers experience some difficulties in maintaining it. If you have acquired this culture for the first time, then you should avoid the most common mistakes, which are as follows:
- Drying out or waterlogging of the substrate.
- Poor soil aeration.
- Deadly drafts that cause moisture loss and hypothermia.
- Place the plant in a place that is too bright and gets direct sunlight.
- Trying to root cuttings in water.
- Sudden fluctuations in indoor air temperature.
- Crop cooling in winter.

If you do not follow the basic rules for growing and maintaining black anthurium, then you should not hope for a beautiful flowering and he alth of the plant. The main reason for the death of these valuable specimens is an elementary misunderstanding of the vegetation of epiphytic varieties.