Roof of the house - functions and types

Roof of the house - functions and types
Roof of the house - functions and types

The roof of the house is the upper enclosing structure of the entire building. According to the technological characteristics, a number of functions are assigned to it:

- waterproofing;

- carrier;

- heat insulating.

The top element of the roof is the roof. It protects the building from atmospheric influences.

roof of the house
roof of the house

The design features of the roof of the house are determined at the stage of project development. Then the selection of the necessary roofing material is made. The design of the roof and its slope depend on the climatic and operating conditions. The architectural requirements for the building and the degree of capitalization also play a role.

The roof of a house consists of a number of elements. The main ones are:

- inclined planes (slopes);

- rafter;

- crate.

The roof of a house can be designed with a slope angle of planes greater than ten degrees. In this case, it is classified as pitched. The project provides for options with a slight slope of the planes. This angle can be up to twohalf degrees. In this case, the roof is classified as flat. As a rule, pitched roofs are planned in individual residential buildings.

Flat-roof house projects provide for its use for various purposes. However, it should be borne in mind that this type contributes to the stagnation of water on the roof. This increases the risk of moisture entering the premises.

flat roof house plans
flat roof house plans

According to the design characteristics, the roof of the house can be attic and combined (non-attic), and according to the operating conditions - exploited and non-exploited. The designed type of the upper enclosing structure of the building is determined depending on its geometric shape and the roofing materials used. In the process of preliminary calculations, wind loads and the estimated weight of the snow deck, as well as the mass of the roofing material used, are taken into account. All these points can affect the stability of the building. It should be remembered that the selection of the material from which the roof will be erected is directly dependent on the reliability of the foundation and walls of the structure.

house roof repair
house roof repair

When designing a roof, the dimensions of the house and its planning solution are taken into account. If the dimensions of the building are within six meters in width and length, then there will be no problems with the roof. The task becomes more complicated with a total building area of 200 square meters. In this case, an accurate calculation of the number of interfloor and ceiling beams, the thickness of the rafters and the slope angles is necessary.

When performing roofing, you can usevarious materials. They can serve as slate and metal profiles, tiles and only.

Which type of roof to choose, the designer decides, taking into account the layout of the building. The appearance of the upper supporting structure should be combined with the appearance and design features of the entire structure. Particular attention must be paid to the reliability of the truss system. This moment is important for giving strength to the entire structure.

Repair of the roof of the house must be carried out both for the purpose of carrying out preventive maintenance, and in case of any problems during its operation. The technology of the activities carried out will depend on the type of roofing material, as well as on the type of the upper building envelope.