Primer from fungus and mold: types, application rules

Primer from fungus and mold: types, application rules
Primer from fungus and mold: types, application rules

Today, quite a lot of people faced such a problem as plaque on the walls. This is a rather unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. Due to their special composition, antifungal primers cope well with mold. The danger of this problem lies in the speed of its spread. Therefore, the fungus should be destroyed promptly. Otherwise, it may have a negative impact. In this review, we will look at what a fungus and mold primer is and how to use it for optimal results.

Why should I get rid of this trouble?

mold on the ceiling
mold on the ceiling

Fungus spores can adversely affect the he alth of indoor occupants. They are volatile and easily enter the respiratory tract, causing severe allergic reactions. Another reason why these microorganisms are especially dangerous is that in the course of their life, fungi release harmful toxins. With their excessive accumulation ina person can develop diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, otitis media, mycotoxicosis and many others. Often, a fungal infection leads to damage to internal organs and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Mold is terrible not only for he alth. It also negatively affects the condition of the surfaces. Plaster with prolonged exposure can become loose and easily move away from the walls. Wooden elements are simply destroyed by the action of the fungus.

Causes of occurrence

moldy apartment
moldy apartment

Let's take a closer look at this. Mold can grow in any room. At the initial stage, it is quite difficult to recognize it. Spores are able to silently multiply inside the material.

The main causes of fungus include:

  • insufficient protection of the base of the building from moisture;
  • weak protection of the foundation and walls of the building from the cold;
  • poor quality of joints between panels;
  • emergency condition of the roof;
  • freezing attic;
  • poorly installed window units;
  • improper functioning of the ventilation system;
  • irregular ventilation of the room;
  • floor failure to resist moisture penetration.

Such factors cause the development of mold. To prevent its occurrence, a primer against mold and fungus is used. This composition is used both at the stage of rough finishing and at the final stage of repair work.

Types of primers

So what are they? What can be a primer from fungus and mold? Since plaque can affect various types of surfaces, there are several varieties of antifungal compounds. They are used for processing floors and walls made of brick, wood and concrete. Apply a special liquid, usually on plaster or drywall.

Primer-antiseptic against fungi and mold can be of the following types:

  1. Plain: Used to prevent mold.
  2. Deep penetration: used to treat surfaces already affected by the fungus. Such impregnation helps to destroy spores that have already got inside the material. The composition is characterized by long-lasting effects.

Types of primers by composition

Today there are many of them. According to the composition, the antiseptic primer against fungi and mold is divided into the following types:

  1. Acrylic. A fairly common group of compounds containing acrylic resins that increase the strength characteristics of materials. The acrylic primer does not contain harmful components. Plus, it dries pretty quickly. Such a primer against fungus and mold is used to treat rooms with high humidity - pools, basements, bathrooms and kitchens. The composition of this type is also suitable for processing the walls of buildings.
  2. Mineral. Such a primer is usually used against mold and fungus on concrete and brick surfaces. A layer of silicate materials or plaster can be applied over it. As part of this primerconcrete or plaster may be present. It contains only natural ingredients that do not have a negative impact on the human body.
  3. Alkyd. Suitable for processing wooden surfaces. This composition prevents the spread of plaque, and also prevents swelling of the wood. Such a fungus primer can be used to protect steel, tile and glass surfaces. It can also be used to treat plaster and drywall, however, in this case, the effect will not be so pronounced.
  4. Quartz. Quartz-based mold and fungus primer suitable for application under decorative plaster and paint. It contains sand, which contributes to a high level of adhesion to the surface.

Mildew Prevention Concentrate

The main task of these funds is to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The following formulations are most widely used:

  1. Milkill - used for processing brick and concrete surfaces. A distinctive feature of this primer is that it is able to penetrate deep into the treated surface. It can also process materials that are already affected by fungus and mold.
  2. Acryl Grundierung is an acrylic-based product that penetrates deep into the surface structure. Differs in antifungal and antibacterial adhesive properties. Can be used on brick and concrete walls before applying paint or putty.
  3. Schimmel stopDufa - can be used as an additional agent for plasters and paints. It should be applied only to those places where plaque has appeared. Used to prevent mold and mildew.
  4. Mixonit GR43 - has a wide spectrum of activity and can be added to dry building mixes. The product has a high penetration depth and is applied to mineral coatings with excellent absorption.

Means against plaque and rot for the treatment of wooden surfaces

mold on wood
mold on wood

What makes them special? It is believed that wood is highly susceptible to fungus and mold. It is for this reason that it must be well treated with insecticides. It is recommended to carry out this procedure annually.

The best means to protect wooden surfaces are:

  • Dufa-Holzlasur is a special decorative composition that helps protect wood from the negative effects of the environment. It is a deep penetration primer against mold and fungus that destroys existing spores within the surface and prevents the formation of new formations.
  • Altax Boramon C30 is an excellent impregnation that helps protect wooden surfaces from small insects and pathogens.
  • Pinotex Base - used for outdoor processing. Usually facades of buildings, fences, doors, windows are covered with this composition.


wall primer
wall primer

Means of this type help quickly and easilyeliminate the foci of the spread of fungal infection.

The following compositions are most widely used today:

  • Ceresit CT 99: different duration of exposure. This composition is environmentally friendly and suitable for processing both inside and outside buildings. Can be applied to concrete and brick.
  • ABEDIS 06: used to eliminate organic plaque. This type of preparation is applied to brick walls, surfaces covered with plaster or ceramic tiles. Used for preventive purposes.
  • Dali is a universal primer against mold and fungus on walls with antiseptic properties. It can be used for preventive purposes before painting surfaces. Applied to concrete and brick substrates.
  • Fongifluid Alpa - is used both to eliminate lesions and as a preventive measure. The product is suitable for processing brick and wood surfaces, ceramic tiles, drywall, cement and plaster. This concentrate provides air access to the material, which has a positive effect on the overall microclimate in the room.

Folk remedies

Handy products can be effective in fighting mold if the fungus has not yet spread to the entire surface.

Best for removing fungus:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • bleach.

Of course, home remedies are not as effective as commercial preparations, butthey are much cheaper.

How to prepare the surface for application?

preparing walls for priming
preparing walls for priming

A fungus and mold primer will only show good results after application if the treated area has been properly prepared. If mold has already spread on the walls, it should be removed. Bleach or bleach is best suited for this purpose. They must be applied to the affected surface with a stiff brush. The primer is applied only after the disinfectant solution has dried. The material can be additionally heated with a hairdryer. Thermal exposure will help the antifungal compound to penetrate deeper into the treated surface and enhance its effect.

How to apply primer?

applying primer to the wall
applying primer to the wall

So, what is needed for this? To apply the composition to the walls, you can use a roller, brushes or a special sprayer. The first tool is only suitable if the surface to be treated has a small area. Hard-to-reach places are easiest to work with a brush. First, the primer must simply be spread over the surface. You should wait until the first layer dries, and then apply the second. All procedures are carried out only at positive temperatures.

The composition should be selected taking into account the type of surface to be treated. For example, a primer against mold and mildew on concrete will be different from a product for wood surfaces.

It is important to follow the technique when working with plaquesecurity. Mold is extremely dangerous to he alth. Therefore, be sure to wear personal protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, headgear, respirator and protective clothing when handling surfaces. Try not to allow the penetration of the antifungal composition on exposed skin. If the product does get on the skin, rinse it thoroughly under running water.

Preventive measures

To avoid the problems associated with the appearance of black spots of mold on the walls in the future, try to take care of the absence of sources of moisture at the design stage of the structure. Waterproofing must be organized in accordance with all regulations. At risk are structures and buildings that are not equipped with drainage trenches along the outer perimeter, which serve to divert groundwater and precipitation.


primed walls
primed walls

To protect the surfaces of your home from fungus and mold, you must use special antiseptic and antifungal primers. To avoid the appearance of fungal colonies, treatment with such compounds should be carried out regularly.