Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling: options, step by step instructions

Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling: options, step by step instructions
Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling: options, step by step instructions

Drywall in the field of repair and construction today is an almost indispensable material. Niches, various arches are made from it, and walls are also leveled. Very popular in the interior are multi-level suspended ceiling structures. This is due to the fact that communications, wires and pipes can be placed in the internal space of the frame, which makes the room more aesthetic. Almost any kind of lighting can be arranged in such a design. It can even be represented by something that has a directional action.

Why choose a GKL ceiling?

This finish allows you to create multi-level structures of different shapes and designs. The systems are even complemented by niches for LED lighting. If you are not satisfied with extraneous noise coming from neighbors, such a ceiling system can be soundproofed and the ceiling can also be insulated. Installation of drywall is carried out by a dry method - you do not need to wait for the composition to dry. You don't have to be a repair professional to getflat surface.

Ceiling options

how to make plasterboard ceiling
how to make plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling installation can be done in one of two ways. The first involves the installation of sheets on the frame. This technology is the most common, as it eliminates surface leveling. In addition, single- or multi-level design gives the room a more attractive look.

Another method of drywall installation is adhesive. However, it provides for the need to comply with several nuances. For example, a do-it-yourself drywall ceiling will need to be mounted, after cutting the sheets into small blanks. And this will increase the number of seams. This is due to the fact that gluing a large solid sheet to the base will be problematic. Due to the applied glue, the material will become unbearable, because of this it may even break.

Should I install GKL on glue?

This approach requires a perfectly flat ceiling surface. And you can use Perfix glue from Knauf in the process of work, but some even take Ceresit tile glue. Do not use ready-made plaster as a rough surface. This should include the composition of the "Rotband", which is an astringent. This recommendation is due to the fact that the above composition for setting sheets is an adhesive. These mixtures cannot be used in pairs. If you want to install a plasterboard ceiling, then you must take care of the availability of a set of tools and the necessary materials.


multi-level plasterboard ceilings
multi-level plasterboard ceilings

To carry out the work you will need:

  • rails and ceiling profiles;
  • profile connectors;
  • straight hangers;
  • sealing tape;
  • metal cutting tool;
  • dowel-nails;
  • laser level;
  • rule;
  • bubble level;
  • putty;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • wedge anchor;
  • Sickle;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hardened self-tapping screws;
  • sound and heat insulation;
  • wide spatula;
  • extenders for profiles;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • knife.

As for the guide profiles, they should have dimensions of 28 × 27 mm. Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling can be installed using ceiling profiles. When purchasing these, you should prefer those that are 60×27mm in size. To install drywall, you will definitely need profile connectors. They must be single-level and are also called crabs.

Sealing tape for ease of installation must be self-adhesive. To draw straight lines on the surface, prepare a paint cord.

The laser level can be replaced with a hydro level. Serpyanka is a reinforcing tape for seams. A drill must be attached to the perforator. When buying self-tapping screws, you must also buy hardened ones, you will also need self-tapping screws with a press washer. You must take care of the presence of a spatula, this toolpresented in the wizard's set for carrying out the described work in angular, narrow and wide views.

What you need to know before buying drywall?

Before you install a plasterboard ceiling in the hall, you must calculate the profiles, the material itself, fasteners and familiarize yourself with the technology of the work. You should not purchase low-quality cheap profiles, as in this case you risk getting a sagging ceiling. A hydraulic level will be needed in order to mark a horizontal line on the walls. The marks made are connected with a paint thread. With the help of a bubble level, it is rather problematic to carry out these works.

The plasterboard ceiling in the hall can be made of ordinary sheets of the described material or moisture resistant. But if the work is carried out in the toilet, bathroom, on the loggia or in the kitchen, then moisture-resistant canvases that have hydrophobic additives should be used. You can recognize this type of material by its color: this drywall has a green tint, while the usual one is gray.

If you want to install a plasterboard ceiling, you should definitely read the step-by-step instructions for carrying out these works. After reviewing it, you can find out that sheets are suitable for sheathing, the thickness of which does not exceed 9.5 mm. 12.5 mm canvases should be discarded, as they are most often used for walls. The sealing tape is a porous material with a self-adhesive backing. Its width is 30 mm. A product is used to fasten the structure so that the frame fits snugly against the concrete and does nottransmitted sounds.


drywall ceiling installation
drywall ceiling installation

Before you install a plasterboard ceiling for painting, you must mark it. First you need to find the lowest corner in the room. To do this, each level and center of the room is measured with a tape measure. In the lowest corner, it is necessary to make a mark, removing it from the ceiling surface by 5 cm. This is true if the lamps are not planned to be installed. Otherwise, the distance increases to 8 cm.

The same marks are placed in each corner when using the hydro level. When installing a plasterboard ceiling, it is further necessary to perform a beating to connect the points with a single line. To do this, the cord is pulled between the marks and released from a certain distance. After the rope hits the wall, the paint on the cord will leave an imprint. The lines should be around the entire perimeter of the room.

Installing guides

plasterboard ceiling in the hall
plasterboard ceiling in the hall

Having considered the options for plasterboard ceilings and choosing the one that provides for the installation of the frame, in the next step you will need to fix the guide profiles. They are attached to the walls. To do this, one of the guides must be attached to the line. The lower part of the edge of the profile should just pass through it. Marks are made on the wall through the finished holes. There should also be holes along the edges of the profile. If they are not there, you should step back 10 cm and make them yourself.

Holes are made in the wall according to the marks. A sealing tape is glued to the profile. Furtherfixing is carried out to the wall with dowels. The element must be installed on three fasteners. Now you can start marking up the rest of the ceiling profiles.

The standard width of a drywall sheet is 120 cm. Therefore, the distance between adjacent profiles is usually 40 cm. This allows the sheet to be fixed along the edges and in the center. Lines are drawn on the ceiling in increments of 40 cm. If this distance is maintained, then the jumpers between the elements should be only at the joints of the sheets, that is, every 2.5 m. This is the standard length of the paintings.

The hanger spacing for profiles must be smaller by an integer number of times. In the example described, this value is 50 cm. The first row of hangers should be twice as close to the wall, so 50 should be divided by 2, which will give 25. When dividing the attachment point of the second row, 50 should be added to 25, which will give 75 cm The next steps will be 50 cm. A marking suspension is applied to the desired points on the ceiling. For each anchor, two marks are made. Drilling holes will generate a lot of dust, so wear a respirator and goggles.

Installing the frame

plasterboard ceiling installation
plasterboard ceiling installation

To do this, the hangers are fixed with anchors. These elements hold the suspension system better. The dowels can be removed by pulling them out with pliers, so they are not suitable for the ceiling. A sealing tape must be glued to the suspensions. As soon as the suspension is fixed, its ends are bent so that they bend as much as possible. During subsequent fixing, they should no longer sag, otherwise the profiles will be fixed unevenly.

When installing a plasterboard ceiling, the next step is to install the ceiling profiles. Their length is 3 m. If the room is smaller, then the elements are cut off with metal scissors. Having measured the length of the room, you must subtract 1 cm from this value. If the room is longer, then you will have to use connecting fasteners to build up the profile.

Joints of neighboring elements must be on the same line. There should be a suspension near the joints. Installation of ceiling profiles to suspensions is carried out from the corners of the room. In order to eliminate sagging, the partner must take the rule and hold it with a wide grip. At this point, you must screw the profile to the hangers with 4 self-tapping screws with a press washer. Profiles are additionally attached to the guides. In order for them not to hang out, it is better to purchase self-tapping screws without a drill.

As soon as the corners are ready, it is necessary to fix the center of the profiles to the hangers. If the rule cannot be attached to the center, then it should be kept exactly from the starting profile. Using a long level, you need to check the evenness. As soon as the suspensions are strengthened, the excess length of the ends must be bent up.

If you are faced with the question of how to make a plasterboard ceiling, then you should know that the second profile is attached according to the same principle. After that, you can go to the opposite wall, where you will fix two ceiling profiles. The next zone will be the center of the ceiling, wherethe remaining profiles are suspended, based on the established ones.

The next step will be fixing the jumpers where the drywall joints will be located. Fastening is carried out by single-level crabs. With the help of self-tapping screws, they are screwed into place. If you step back a small distance from the ceiling, then the crabs may not pass from above, so they will have to be hung in advance. Before making a plasterboard ceiling, you must cut the jumpers from the profile and fix them to the crab with self-tapping screws, bending the antennae.

Fastening from below is not necessary. If soundproofing is required, mineral wool can be purchased. It is cut into rectangles, the size of which should be slightly larger than the cells. The material is placed in the frame and fixed by the suspensions. In order to enhance the effect, it is possible to fill the profile cavities with thermal insulation. Mineral wool does a good job of absorbing sound, but you need to use gloves and a respirator when working with it.

Fixing drywall

plasterboard ceiling step by step instructions
plasterboard ceiling step by step instructions

Before you start working on the ceiling, you need to bring drywall into the room so that it acclimatizes. This will take two days. Storage is only possible in a horizontal position. Sheet fixing begins with chamfering. The edges are removed with a knife at an angle so that the putty penetrates well into the gap. There is already a chamfer on the glued ends, there is no need to remove it there.

Installing a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, the next step is to move on to fixing the sheets. You need to start from the corner. The distance between the screws will be 20 cm. It is worth retreating 15 mm from the edges. On adjacent sheets, self-tapping screws are screwed in at different levels, it is necessary to provide a run-up. Hats are slightly recessed so that they do not stick out. You can check compliance with this recommendation by feeling the leaf.

The sheets are set apart from each other. The shift must be provided by one cell. It is not necessary to carry out the joint closely, about 2 mm should be left around the perimeter. When making a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you must fix the sheets along the perimeter to the wall guides. It is important to mount also in the center. If the room has external corners, then the joining of the sheet near them should be excluded.

Installation of a multi-level ceiling

do-it-yourself figured plasterboard ceiling
do-it-yourself figured plasterboard ceiling

The first stages of installing a multi-level plasterboard ceiling remain the same as in the case of a single-level system. Along the perimeter of the room, along the applied markings, guide profiles are attached, into which transverse parts will be inserted. Once they are installed, you can proceed with the installation of suspensions. They are mounted in a line on the ceiling plate. When all the guides and hangers are on the walls, you can insert the transverse parts of the frame. They are profiles cut to size. Their fixation is carried out along the perimeter and to the suspension mounts.

In order to prevent the profiles from sagging, as soon as they are inserted into the rails and hangers, you can bend the side parts of the hanging mount, whichlocated closer to the middle of the part. After fixing all parts of the frame, it can be sheathed with drywall sheets. In those places where the second level will be, this is not necessary, so you will save time, material and money.

The second level of the system is assembled similarly to the first. The only difference is that the part is fixed not to the ceiling, but to the frame of the first level. Another part will be the end of the second tier. When installing a figured plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, the material is cut along the line. It is easier to do this after the sheet is fixed on the frame. This will allow you to trim exactly along the edge. After completing all the manipulations, it remains only to finish and level the coating to the second level.


Gypsum plasterboard ceiling putty allows you to close the seams. But first, the surface is treated with a primer. The composition is left to dry. For puttying work, it is better to use especially strong compounds, conventional ones are not suitable for this. First, all the seams near the wall are sealed, after which you can move on to the joints and caps of the self-tapping screws. By the same principle, multi-level plasterboard ceilings are finished.

If you do not plan to carry out the work yourself, you can use the services of specialists. A single-level system will cost you 500 rubles. for m2. If you want to know how much a plasterboard ceiling that has many levels costs, you should check the prices of several organizations. Mediumthe price for such companies is 1800 rubles. for m2.
