Eustoma perennial: root planting, growing features, care and reviews

Eustoma perennial: root planting, growing features, care and reviews
Eustoma perennial: root planting, growing features, care and reviews

For many gardeners, landscaping is a top priority. Harvesting is, of course, good, but beauty should be pleasing to the eye. There are many ornamental plants that will decorate the garden. These include eustoma, or lisianthus. The description of this flower contains the best epithets. This charming plant can be grown both in pots and outdoors.

Eustoma - what is it?

Eustoma is a perennial ornamental plant. Its homeland is Central America. Eustoma belongs to the gentian family. To date, this plant has many varieties and hybrids. Lisianthus flowers (second name) have a wide variety of colors. They are large and resemble the inflorescence of a rose. Due to its external data, eustoma, planting, reproduction and care of which require certain skills, has become the most popular decorative flower among gardeners and florists.

Eustoma perennial root planting
Eustoma perennial root planting


Perennial plant, which in cold climates can be annual, has large flowers of various shades - from white to multi-colored. They resemble a half-blown rosebud, but the stalks of eustoma do not have thorns. They reach a height of no more than 50 centimeters. However, due to the strong branching, one branch can look like a bouquet. Lisianthus leaves are matte with a bluish tinge and a waxy texture. For planting in pots and growing in room conditions, dwarf varieties are used, which have a height of no more than 30 centimeters. One plant bush can have up to 35 buds.

Varieties and hybrids

Eustoma perennial, planting the root of which is considered in most cases ineffective, has a sufficient number of varieties and hybrids. This is a capricious plant that prefers warmth and humidity. However, thanks to breeders, varieties and hybrids were bred that are more adapted to modern weather conditions. Today, seeds and seedlings of this plant are available not only to professional florists, but also to simple amateur gardeners.

Eustoma care
Eustoma care

A large number of varieties and colors have made eustoma very popular. So, for example, the terry series "Kyoto" and "Echo", as well as non-terry types "Twinkie" and "Mermaid", found a good response from florists.

Features of eustoma

Eustoma blooms, the care of which has its own characteristics, from early July to October. One plant can produce flower stalks throughout this period, if it is notcutting down. After cutting the bush at the root, new shoots appear, but they bloom again only in warm regions. Low-growing varieties are more suitable for balconies and window sills. Tall species of eustoma are used to decorate household plots and for cutting. Florists love this flower for its portability. Even after cutting, it stays beautiful and fresh for a long time.

Methods of reproduction

Eustoma perennial, planting the root of which is possible only from seedlings grown from seeds, has its own reproduction characteristics. The vegetative method of breeding eustoma is not considered correct. This plant has a very delicate root system. Therefore, careless actions when dividing a bush can lead to its death.

Eustoma lisianthus cultivation and care planting
Eustoma lisianthus cultivation and care planting

The effectiveness of such operations is very low. Plant cuttings do not take root well, so this method is also not suitable. The best option is seed material or ready-made seedlings. They can be purchased in specialized stores. This method is more troublesome, but also effective. Planting and caring for a eustoma flower will pay off when it pleases with its magnificent view.


To grow a beautiful, he althy plant, you must comply with everything that requires planting eustoma (soil, sowing dates). You can simplify the process and buy ready-made soil mix in the store. It should be identical to that intended for violets or saintpaulias. For greater efficiency, you can add sand to it. The soil for eustoma should belight with good air access and neutral reaction. The second option is to prepare the soil yourself. To do this, take two parts of good garden soil, one part of sand, four parts of peat and 1-2 tablespoons of ash for every liter of the mixture.

planting and caring for the eustoma flower
planting and caring for the eustoma flower

Prepared soil must be disinfected by any means and method. It can be hot potassium permanganate or steaming. If planting is done in pots, then they must also be disinfected. It is better to choose wide, spacious containers with good drainage holes. Planting seeds can be carried out in peat tablets, which can then be easily transferred to the main place. The pill container must also be disinfected.


Perennial eustoma, planting by the root of which is carried out in the form of already formed seedlings, in most cases it is still propagated by seeds. To get a good seed, you need to carry out a simple process of pollination. To do this, you only need a soft brush. With its help, pollen is transferred from one plant to another. After a while, a box with seeds ripens. They are very small, but they are distinguished by increased germination. From one box you can get up to 15 thousand seeds. Once ripe, they will be ready for sowing.


Eustoma (Lisianthus), planting and caring for which require special conditions, is very capricious. We plant seeds in prepared containers with soil and cover the pots with a film on top, creating the effectgreenhouse. The optimum temperature for this step is 25 degrees.

Eustoma or Lisianthus description
Eustoma or Lisianthus description

After two weeks, you can already observe the first shoots, which develop very slowly, which is the norm for this plant. Gradually, young shoots of a plant such as eustoma (lisianthus) must be accustomed to room temperature conditions. Growing and caring, planting and selecting soil - all this is very important and requires a certain amount of patience and diligence. The plant is very thermophilic, so adaptation to the natural environment is necessary. This period will take about two months.


Seedlings should be planted in separate small pots, as up to 5-6 shoots can grow from one seed. After picking, we place the seedlings in a shady place where the temperature should be about 18 degrees. As they grow, another transplant into larger containers will be required. Eustoma perennial, planting the root of which must be carried out very carefully, has a delicate root system that is easy to damage.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Seedlings can be grown indoors on a windowsill or outdoors. How is planting and caring for eustoma in the garden? To grow a beautiful plant, you need to create the right environment for it. Landing in open ground is carried out in May-June. At this time, the earth will already warm up enough, and the threat of frost will disappear. Eustoma is a heat-loving plant, and therefore it must be planted in sunny areas. But at first, the seedlings need to be provided with a shadow so that they can grow faster.adapt. The soil must be cultivated and nutritious. It is better to decontaminate it before planting. Then they dig a hole that will correspond to the root system.

How to plant and care for eustoma in the garden
How to plant and care for eustoma in the garden

In such conditions, perennial eustoma will take root better. Root planting in spring is preferable, as the plant will be able to take root well during the warm period. The seedling must be carefully, without damaging the earthen ball with the root system, removed from the pot and placed in the prepared hole. Then the free space is covered with earth. Strongly press and compact the soil should not be, so as not to damage the roots and leave room for oxygen access.

Eustoma is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, care, first of all, consists in regular watering. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but waterlogging will also not be beneficial. Loosening the soil around the flower is carried out with extreme caution. You can limit yourself to pulling weeds. Only the right care loves perennial eustoma. Root planting in the fall is more troublesome. The plant may not have time to take root before the first frost. This method is appropriate only in regions with a warm climate or for growing in rooms and greenhouses. Eustoma loves humidity, light and warmth. Therefore, at room conditions, she needs to find a bright place with enough heat and spray regularly.

Eustoma landing reproduction and care
Eustoma landing reproduction and care

Eustoma breeding is a creative and painstaking process. Many varieties thatundoubtedly pleasing to the eye, allow you to decorate the garden and make it bright. Eustoma goes well with other plants, shrubs and flowers. It can be used to create compositions and decorate flower beds. This flower looks amazing in bouquets. That's why florists love it so much. And given the wonderful property of eustoma to remain fresh for a long time, even when cut, it can be called simply a universal flower. Caring for Lisianthus is difficult due to its capriciousness, but the result of the work will be amazing.
