Having a horse in his household, each owner seeks to provide her with proper care and find the right ammunition for her. After all, this has always been considered the most important condition for keeping an animal. Properly selected equipment will facilitate the process of getting used to it and help the owner to find a common language with him.
Appointment of ammunition
In our time, ammunition for horses is presented in a huge variety. The owners of animals do not experience a lack of it. A h alter, a bridle, a jumper, a blanket and a saddle are all horse harness. All these items can be purchased at the market or in a speci alty store, or you can make your own.
Horse harness should be easy to repair and be versatile when used in various types of work performed.

With your own hands you can make one of the items of harness - a h alter. Although the life of home-made h alters is short, minimal funds will be spent on manufacturing. They are easier to wash and dry much faster.
What is a horse h alter
H alterIt is considered a device that helps to accustom a horse to a person. This is a type of headband, representing the bridle is not complete. It is used to control the horse by brushing, saddling, leading. Having put it on, it is more convenient to handle it in the pasture. At the same time, the mouth of the animal remains free, which allows it to graze calmly. It consists of capsule, chin, cheek and neck straps.

Rope h alter
To train especially sensitive horses, use this h alter. He gently acts on the animal, which allows you to work with him. Its round nodules produce pressure on the skin of the horse, causing it to turn its head where the owner wants.

But before you make this part of the harness, you need to learn how to tie double knots correctly. They must be round. Wrong knots will be flat and will put pressure on a rather large area of the horse's body.
Before you start knitting a double knot, you must first tie a simple one. At the same time, care should be taken that it is not tightened too tightly. The end of the rope must be brought parallel to the lower loop for the first knot. A second one is tied in its middle. After this manipulation, they are tightened. Pull them up equally.
On both sides of the knot, two ropes are obtained, parallel to each other. Knots are placed across the top of the rope. As a result, you can get a node that looks like the letter X. Onlyhaving mastered a similar knitting method, you can make a h alter for a horse.
An important question during the knitting process: how to find out the size of the h alter? Horses must be accurately measured. If you can't remove them, you can do a little more, it will not be so scary.
You can also use a special table (see below), which contains all the measurements of the parameters of the animal, which will help you do all the work quickly and efficiently.

Making a rope h alter
Both nylon rope and yacht rope are used for making. Since kapron is a more slippery material, it is more difficult to make a h alter with your own hands from it.
According to the measurements taken from the table, sequentially, using one end of the rope, tie the usual 4 knots. Further in size, the rope is folded into a loop, and a knot of the usual shape is tied, as when tying shoelaces. The length of the loop should be about 10 cm.

Nasal knots are tied on both sides of it. When you tie them, the h alter will have two parallel ropes of the same length that are tied together with these knots. Then you should do the throat knot. Using the dimensions indicated in the table, it is tied so that it is in the middle, at the same distance between the nasal knots. On both sides you will get ropes of different lengths. This needs to be fixed.
The next step is to tie a knot near the animal's right ear. H alter mustget the right look. Compare all sizes according to the table. They should be almost the same, the difference should not be big.
Next, you need to tie two long h alter ropes into a regular knot. We will get 2 loops, the length of which is 10-12 cm. To fully tighten it, you must first try it on a horse.

The ropes must be the same length. When using a rope made of synthetic material, use a lighter to melt its ends. Then they can be tied with a strip of leather or left unbound.
A horse h alter made of rope is considered ready. During fitting, the sizes are adjusted according to the head of the animal. In this case, the nodes are shifted in the desired direction (up or down). Having adjusted them finally, they need to be tightened. If the h alter is to be used while riding, the distance from the horse's chin to the knot must be approximately 10 cm.
A h alter made from webbing or webbing
A horse h alter can be made from strong braid. A sling is also suitable for this purpose. It is obligatory to use one metal ring, one belt with a buckle and one ring for the chumbur. When making a h alter using a rigid sling, only one ring can be sewn in the place that will be under the chin of the animal. But when working with a horse at the denouement, three of them are sewn in.
The h alter consists of two rings, different in diameter. One, of small diameter (approximately 65 cm), is designed to be put on the muzzle of the animal, and the other, with a diameter of about105 cm, fastens with a buckle on the head, behind the ears. These rings are sewn together with three jumpers. Located along the cheeks are 20 cm long. And the jumper running under the chin is 13 cm long.
Production process
The sling or denim is cut into strips. Then it folds in half. Connecting the ends of the fabric strips in the middle, sew the belt. This is how all belts work. All necessary dimensions must be removed from the old sample.

To make a h alter, you need to take one part of an old waist belt with a 15 cm long buckle. The second part, with holes, should be 55 cm long. almost 3 m sling.
The sling is folded in half under the ganache, a part of the belt is sewn in such a way that its total length, which includes the length of the sling insertion, is 105 cm.
To make a belt that will be located around the muzzle, the pattern from the sling is folded in half and stitched solid, with one ring. On this ring and in the middle of the sling insert, the middle belt of the lower part is superimposed, and a metal ring is placed from the muzzle. It is necessary to wrap the ends of the pattern so that they overlap each other, and sew. Put one end of the cheek strap at the junction of the strap and the strap, and put the other end on the solid ring so that the distance to the middle strap is 13 cm, and sew it on. The second cheek strap is also sewn on. After performing all the h alter operations forhorses will be ready.
This piece of horse harness, made by yourself, is optionally decorated with braid, beads, monogram.
In h alters it is convenient to train a horse, drive it and catch it. But they can be dangerous, as they have great strength. Having caught on a tree branch, a hook, even a horseshoe, a horse can be seriously injured, in the worst cases - death. In the event of an unforeseen situation, the horse may die without being freed from the h alter.

To keep your horse completely safe, you can use a break h alter with a replaceable leather top or insert. These parts are fastened with clasps. In the event of a heavy load, they break.
When using old nylon h alters, the horse can be secured with a piece of thin rope. It is inserted near the buckle of the cheek strap. When loaded, it simply breaks, freeing the buckle. And the animal will quickly be freed from the h alter.
In order for the animal to be completely safe, ammunition for horses must meet all necessary requirements.