During construction or renovation, many different materials are used. One of the most unusual of them can be called a construction cartridge, which in some sources is called assembly, industrial or construction-assembly.
General information about industrial cartridges

The construction cartridge is blank. It is used in a number of mounting piston guns for driving dowels into dense (metal, concrete, brick) surfaces. The construction cartridge is often used in repair work on industrial equipment in various industries. It is a sleeve of a certain size with a rolled tip. The construction cartridge has an igniter primer and is equipped with a small amount of smokeless powder that does not contain heavy metals (mercury, antimony, lead). On sale most often sleeves with a rim containing a capsule composition are offered. They operate on the principle of rimfire after the striker hits the edge of the flange. The impact composition of the sleeve is held by a wad made of porous pressed gunpowder. After the impact of the striker, the entire contents of the sleeve ignites sharply, releasing energy, with the help of which the dowels are clogged. Some industrial cartridges act on the principle of center-fire like "Boxer" or "Berdan".
Marking chucks

In all PC-84 construction and assembly pistols, 2 types of bulletless assembly cartridges are used. One of them has a caliber of 6.8 mm and is marked with the code "D" (long; 6.8x18 mm). The other is designated by the letter "K" (short; 6.8x11 mm). Previously, other cartridges with the letter “D” could be found on sale - 22 mm long, and with the sign “K” - 15 mm.
All industrial cartridges with the code "D" and "K" are divided by numbers depending on the amount of powder charge in them. Due to the amount of their content, they have different energies. The cartridge of each number and cipher has its own distinctive color, which is applied to its rolled tip. So, in accordance with the current specifications, the following categories are divided:
• Index - K1 (white); charge mass -0.2 g; energy efficiency - 548 J.
• K2 (yellow); 0.22 g; 603 J.
• K3 (blue); 0.25 g; 683 J.
• K4 (red); 0.29 g; 795 J.
• D1 (white); 0.31 g; 874 J.
• D2(yellow); 0.34 g; 928 J.
• D3 (blue); 0.38 g; 1037 J.
• D4 (red); 0.43 g; 1174 J.
MPU construction cartridge

In addition to the above ammunition, there are alsocartridges of the MPU family (central combat), created on the basis of a sleeve, compressed into an asterisk. They are much more powerful and are used in industrial equipment (forging presses), produced in Tula. Supplied in packs of 1 thousand pieces. Caliber construction cartridge MPU - 5, 45 mm. They come in 3 colors:
• MPU-1 index (white); charge mass - 0.6 g; energy efficiency - 1644 J.
• MPU-2 (green); 0.8 g; 2192 J.
• MPU-3 (yellow); 1.0 g; 2720 J.
Other ammunition is also used abroad. Construction cartridges of caliber 5x16 mm are rolled and recompressed cartridge cases. They can be used in the PPM mounting gun. When working with such materials, it must be remembered that they are all traumatic and flammable. They must not be subjected to shock, heat or friction.