Living room with a fireplace: photos of original design solutions

Living room with a fireplace: photos of original design solutions
Living room with a fireplace: photos of original design solutions

The hearth for many is associated directly with the presence of a fireplace. The element of live fire in the room is always warm, cozy, stylish and presentable. Previously, only we althy owners of private houses could afford such a luxury. Nowadays, a living room with a fireplace is a reality that is available even to apartment owners in high-rise buildings. It is only important to choose the right type of such a stove, and the point here is not only in design, but also in functionality. Let's go find out!


To begin with, I would like to highlight the technical side of this issue. It is not necessary to say once again that in terms of its appearance and size, the fireplace should fit perfectly into the interior - everyone already knows about this. It is important to know what they are from a technical point of view. Heating source, exhaust, ventilation and other aspects. By the way, the appearance of the fireplace, its size and features of combustion may also depend on this, which will make a certain difference.note in the overall interior. In a word, it is worth proceeding from the characteristics of housing. After all, you cannot install a wood-burning fireplace in an apartment, and it makes no sense to mount a bio-model in a mansion. What can be a living room with a fireplace? What should you rely on when creating such an interior?

Living room with fireplace in loft style
Living room with fireplace in loft style

Fireplaces with different operating principles and functionality will be presented below in detail.

Electric models

Thanks to this development, the living room with a fireplace in the apartment has become a reality. From the name it is easy to understand that the fireplace is powered by electricity, does not require a ventilation system and is not connected to the hoods. This design is mobile. If desired, the fireplace can be rearranged from one place to another. It is worth remembering that the electric fireplace does not heat the room, but only slightly warms the air within a radius of a meter. It also consumes a lot of electricity and takes up a lot of space. As the photo of the living room with an electric fireplace below clearly proves to us, this model has a futuristic appearance. It will perfectly fit into any modern interior: loft, grunge, modern, etc. But it won’t be friends with classics or baroque.

electric fireplace in the interior
electric fireplace in the interior

Wood Stoves

This is a classic that keeps up with the times. Previously, with the help of such fireplaces, the giant chambers of the kings were heated, and now they can heat a very spacious room. Do you still think that such structures have an incredibly bulky appearance and fit only under a strangeinterior? You are wrong. The design of a living room with a fireplace that works by burning firewood can be both classic and modern. The stove itself can be built according to absolutely any sketch, which means that it will have the appearance that you envision. But the most important argument that plays in favor of wood-burning fireplaces is the genuine atmosphere that they give with their warmth. Unfortunately, such designs are suitable only for private houses, and there is no way to install them in an apartment.

classic stone fireplace
classic stone fireplace

Gas Fireplaces

They work on the principle of a gas stove, which is why the temperature and level of fire can be adjusted as much as you like and at any time. Such structures have a number of advantages. Firstly, you should not allocate space for a firewood shed, as this material is simply not needed. Secondly, a fireplace can be installed both in the house and in the apartment. Thirdly, it radiates heat no less than a wood-burning counterpart, moreover, you can regulate the temperature yourself. Gas fireplaces have a modern yet discreet look. They organically fit into any interior, without paying much attention to themselves, but attracting the eye with blazing flames.

gas fireplace in the interior
gas fireplace in the interior


This is an innovative development of recent years. The design is characterized by the fact that a real live fire burns in it, but it is in a vacuum, as a result of which it is not a source of danger. The system requires biofuel, which is nothas processed products (even the smoke is missing). That is why there is no chimney in the fireplace, it is mobile, it can be installed both in the house and in the apartment. The only downside to this model is the price. Additionally, it is worth noting that a living room with a fireplace of this type can be decorated in any style. Yes, this model has a lot in common with the electric one. It is also mobile, installed in all types of housing and mostly has a futuristic appearance. But recently, designers have begun to produce bio-fireplaces in various old styles, they began to organically fit into even the most luxurious interiors.

biofireplace in the interior
biofireplace in the interior

Having considered the types of fireplaces from a technical point of view, we proceed to their introduction into the interior. What are the nuances to consider?


To, as in any magazine photo, the fireplace in the interior of the living room looks organic, it is important to choose the right material for its decoration. Of course, in terms of color, it should either match the overall palette of the room, or be a bright, but appropriate accent against its background. The material also plays an important role. If the room is decorated in country style or one of the directions of classicism, it is worth using exclusively natural materials - marble, other stone, brick. When the interior of a living room with a fireplace is designed in a modern style, then the materials underlying it are metal and glass.


Similarly, it is worth picking up small details of the image of the room, in which the sense of style and comfort lies. A living room with a fireplace in a loft or high-tech style can bedecorated with modern lamps, metal futuristic knick-knacks, glass installations and other pieces of contemporary art. But the classics are perfectly complemented by forged elements. Also, against its background, wooden furniture and expensive velvet fabrics will look harmonious.

country style fireplace
country style fireplace

Around the fireplace

It is very important to properly arrange furniture and all other items around the heat source. Any fireplace, whether wood burning or electric, loves symmetry. Therefore, floor lamps, sconces, armchairs, cabinets, tables and even floor mats should either be located strictly opposite the flame, or duplicated on both sides. It is also worth paying a lot of attention to the space above the stove itself. For technical and aesthetic reasons, it is not recommended to hang a TV there. But for a mirror, a painting, an installation, or just a beautiful vase of flowers, the green light is always on. By the way, biofireplaces have an interesting feature. A variety of designs of this model allows you to use the stove itself as a suspended installation. Especially when it comes to creating a minimalist interior, this technique will come in handy.

biofireplace and modern apartment design
biofireplace and modern apartment design

A few words about furniture

Today, fireplaces can be installed both in huge rooms and in miniature ones. Many people mistakenly believe that the comfort created by living fire is multiplied by a large amount of furniture and textiles. By "stuffing" a room according to a similar program, you can achieve the opposite effect.- the fireplace will simply be lost against the background of numerous legs and pillows. It is best to adhere to the main rule of minimalism - it is better to remove than add, and this applies to all interior styles. Even if the room with a living hearth of fire is large, it is worth creating a cozy but spacious place near it, which will always be a pleasure to be in. Bulky furniture is best placed in the corners so that it does not fall into view.

Where should the fireplace be?

Despite the fact that numerous mobile models of fireplaces allow you to move them from place to place, there are certain rules for the location of the fire in the home. How to design a living room with a fireplace? In a house where a fireplace plays not only an aesthetic, but also a practical role, it should not be located on an external wall. A strong condensate will form from the temperature drop, which will later develop into mold. In all other cases, the fireplace is installed according to the following rules:

  1. There should be no "corridor" between the fire and the resting place, along which ships will go there.
  2. The fireplace should face the center of the room for both maximum warmth and attention.
  3. It is undesirable for a window to be located opposite the fireplace. But in many cases this rule is neglected.

That's all the main nuances.