Summer showers, which are installed in the country, can be divided into two groups (depending on the temperature of the water used in them): warm and hot. In the first devices, the temperature does not exceed sixty degrees, and in the second case, the temperature is much higher. A hot shower for a summer residence provides for heating water using a special device. To choose which of these two devices is more suitable, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account all the parameters of the residential area. These include: the availability of water in the country, its quantity and quality, equipment for creating a shower, heat sources, their power and the type of fuel with which they work.

To build a quality shower for a summer residence, you need to properly plan its placement. It should be located in the place of the site, which is as far as possible from the house. This will protect the foundation frompossible penetration of water. In addition, it is worth taking measures such as creating a concrete well to receive the water used in the shower. If a heater is used, the structure should be kept away from outbuildings made of wood and other flammable objects.

Shower to give can be of different types. The simplest and most commonly used option is a design in which water is heated exclusively with solar energy. It is quite easy to equip a building of this type from improvised materials. For a shower stall, you will need to take plastic wrap or wooden shields that will be attached to the racks. A tank for a shower in the country in this case will not be needed. Instead, you can use a watering can or bucket, which is equipped with a tap. In this case, the water will need to be heated independently, and then poured into the selected product in a warm form (immediately before taking a shower). To collect liquid after use, it is worth creating a shallow pit. Then it is covered with well-planed boards. This option can also be simplified by just pouring a layer of fine gravel. Then lattices made of wood are laid on it.

A more complex shower for a summer residence is arranged using a tank. In order for the water in it to heat up as much as possible during sunny weather, it is necessary to paint the container black. To make even better use of solar energy, a freon condenser must be attached to the tank. This isblack metal panel, which can be found on the back of the refrigerator, unusable. If this option cannot be implemented, it is best to give preference to the first.
So that the water does not cool down in cold weather, the tank is covered with plastic wrap or plexiglass. In addition, it can be heated with an electric water heater. A country shower, which is not a problem to buy in our time, has other, more complex execution technologies. If the owner of the site does not want to waste his time and effort, then the easiest way is to purchase a ready-made structure that will be installed by specialists.