Spores and mycelium of mushrooms

Spores and mycelium of mushrooms
Spores and mycelium of mushrooms

Currently, a huge number of species of various mushrooms are known - there are more than one hundred thousand of them. Although it is assumed that in reality there are much more of them - two and a half - three hundred thousand. Most of them grow on land. They are found everywhere where there can be at least some life.


Many spores form on the fruit bodies of mushrooms. For example, in just one week on champignon, 16 billion of them ripen! When they ripen, they begin to fall out of the fruiting body. The spores of the vast majority of fungi are carried by air currents over great distances. Their distribution is facilitated by animals, rodents, slugs, flies, larvae. This phenomenon is called zoochory.

mushroom mycelium
mushroom mycelium

Getting into certain conditions, spores begin to germinate, hyphae develop, which grow very quickly in length and branch. Fungal mycelia are formed. How to grow a fruiting body - read on. Mycelium permeates the substrate in all directions. Its threads develop rapidly, assimilating nutrients from the soil. Hyphae grow from different sporesmycelium. In some areas they meet and merge. A dense knot appears at this place, from which the fruiting body develops. If the conditions are favorable, the mycelium grows continuously. When conditions worsen, it becomes numb and stops growing.

Mycelium: production technology

In order to grow mycelium on your own, you need to make a loop of wire or knitting needles. Then ignite it on fire so that foreign microorganisms do not get into it. Next, the mushroom is broken, a small piece is cut out with a loop (the upper part of the leg is used). The resulting sample is treated with hydrogen peroxide and placed in a test tube, after calcining its stopper. A container with a piece of mushroom is placed in a thermostat or a dark place.

mushroom mycelium how to grow
mushroom mycelium how to grow

The mushroom picker is mastering a new environment in two weeks. After that, it can be used to propagate the mycelium of mushrooms. How to grow from them the fruiting body of champignons and porcini mushrooms? We will talk about this a little lower, but for now let's return to our test tube. The mother culture is stored at a temperature of 1-2 degrees. Every year it can be resown on a new nutrient land. But if it is stored for too long and is often reseeded, its microbiological composition must be monitored.


The mycelium of the fungus is formed by thin colorless threads, or hyphae, which are tubules with cytoplasm. In different mushrooms, the threads intertwine in different ways, branch, grow together, form bundles and films. They have unlimited growth and lateral branches. Mycelium of mushrooms is theirvegetative body and according to its functional purpose is divided into two parts:

  • Substrate mycelium - penetrates the substrate. With its help, water is absorbed and transported with substances dissolved in it.
  • Air, or surface mycelium, rises above the substrate and forms reproductive organs.


Mycelium is more difficult to detect than spores and the fruiting body, as it is completely immersed in the substrate. The mycelium of the fungus is formed by hyphae that develop from spores. The growth of the mycelium is apical, and it branches in all directions. Mycelium has a different growth rate and life expectancy, which depends on external conditions. As for the structure, the following types of the system we are considering are distinguished:

  • Cellular mycelium - is divided into individual cells by partitions. Each cell has one or more nuclei.
  • Non-cellular mycelium of fungi - does not have partitions and is one huge cell, inside of which there are many nuclei.
The mycelium of the fungus is formed
The mycelium of the fungus is formed

The vegetative body of some fungi is budding or dividing cells. If they do not disperse, pseudomycelium may form. One can only speculate why some fungi have this type of vegetative body. Obviously, there was an adaptation to certain growing conditions: a sugary liquid in the form of the juice of forest fruits or trees could get on the mycelium. This changed the structure of the mycelium

For reference:

  • Substrate - the soil, the substances of which feedmushroom.
  • Mycelium and mycelium are one and the same. They are represented by an underground web.
  • The fruiting body is a mushroom.
  • Vegetative body - mycelium or mycelium.

Disputes and their growth

In order for spores to germinate in the substrate, it must be of a certain humidity, temperature and acidity. For different types of mushrooms, these indicators are different. When the spore enters a normal environment, it begins to germinate. The initial mycelium is formed. Its cells have one nucleus. Such mycelium of fungi is not able to form fruiting bodies. This happens when a single-nuclear cell fuses with another nucleus that has a different genetic make-up. As a result of fusion, binuclear cells are obtained. They are already able to form a mycelium that grows into a fruiting body.

Mushroom spores: structure

More often fungi reproduce by spores, due to which there is a quick transition to another place and further reproduction. Part of the fungus is covered with a spore layer. Its structure is different:

  • Lamellar - when spores are formed on the plates.
  • Tubular - spores are located inside the tubules.
  • Intrafetal - the reproductive structure is inside the fungus.

Disputes: how to get them yourself?

Mushrooms need spores to reproduce. It's easy to get them. To do this, an overripe, non-wormy mushroom must be planted in the ground with a hat down to a depth of 5-10 cm. After 2-3 days, the hat is removed, and the spores will remain in the ground.

Spores and mycelium of the fungus
Spores and mycelium of the fungus

You can use another method. Forthis overripe and not wormy mushroom cap must be crushed, then soak the pieces in river water for two days and put in a dark place. The infused liquid should be poured onto the garden where it was planned to grow mushrooms. After 1-3 years, the mycelium will germinate.

Mushroom mycelium

These mushrooms are valuable food products. They are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Champignons give high yields and are a profitable crop for growing in the backyard. They prefer shady places: under the crowns of trees and shrubs, in raspberry and strawberry plantations, in the shade of outbuildings and fences. The main thing is that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on them.

Before planting mushrooms, the soil must be well loosened. Weeds and roots of various herbs can be left as long as they do not interfere with other plants. Mushroom mycelium is sown on the prepared plot. Mushrooms will not have to wait long. After 2-2, 5 months, the mycelium begins to bear fruit. Before this period, no visible changes on the surface of the landing area can be detected. The sown mycelium is covered from above with a small layer of compost.

Mushroom mycelium
Mushroom mycelium

Fruiting begins in early spring and ends in late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, mushroom mycelium can also be planted. But the best periods for this are the beginning of September - the first decade of December, the end of February - the middle of May.

During the harvest, the mushrooms should not be cut, it is better to carefully unscrew them. Then the fruiting body will not remain in the ground and will not beginrot, attracting insects. There is an opinion that it is impossible to pull out mushrooms, because this can damage the mycelium. Not at all. Champignon belongs to the group of mold fungi, it does not have a root system. All spores will remain in the ground and will not die. After you pick the mushrooms, they will grow back in two weeks.

For the period of winter cold, the plantation does not need to be insulated. Spores and mycelium of the fungus will calmly endure even very low temperatures. At this time, growth stops, spores sleep. In the spring they wake up and give a bountiful harvest.

Every year in late autumn, when the fruiting period has passed, it is recommended to sprinkle humus or humus on the mycelium. No chemical fertilizers! The mycelium lives for a long time, 8-10 years, increasing in size every year.

Cep mycelium

This mushroom can be planted indoors, but it is better - in the open field. A site is selected next to or under fruit trees. Then a hole is dug 30 cm deep. Fallen leaves, forest soil and peat must be added to it. The mycelium of porcini mushrooms is placed in the hole along with earth and moss. Sprinkled with leaves and spruce debris brought from the forest. From above, the mycelium is covered with boards. This will maintain a certain humidity.

Mycelium of porcini mushrooms
Mycelium of porcini mushrooms

In dry weather, water the mycelium twice a week. Microorganisms can be added to the water to increase the likelihood of emergence. During the winter cold, the area with mycelium should be covered from above with fallen leaves, straw, spruce branches or moss. With the onset of spring, the mulch is removed.

Chitin mycelium - what's the use?

The special healing properties of mushrooms are associated with the glucans and polysaccharides contained in them, including chitin. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • The mycelium of the fungus is formed by chitin fibers, which have anti-cancer activity and wound healing ability.
  • Dried mycelium applied to burns. Wounds heal faster and do not fester.
  • Chitin fibers are of particular interest - as an analogue of food.
The mycelium of the fungus is formed by chitinous fibers
The mycelium of the fungus is formed by chitinous fibers
  • They are increasingly being used in medicine - used for preventive purposes.
  • In agriculture, preparations containing chitin are used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds. After it, they give good germination.
