What are sporangia and spores

What are sporangia and spores
What are sporangia and spores

The reproductive organs of plants are specialized formations that perform the function of sexual or asexual reproduction. The first is carried out by flowers, antheridia, archegonia, the second - by sporangia. In this short article, we will pay special attention to the latter. So what are sporangia?

what are sporangia
what are sporangia

General concepts

Sporangia are multicellular (in higher plants) and unicellular (in algae) organs in which spores are formed. Have you ever seen mold on bread? In it, you can distinguish tiny black dots, which are also sporangia. One such sporangia can contain up to 50 thousand spores, each of which reproduces up to hundreds of millions of new spores in a few days! This is why mold grows incredibly fast.

Spores in sporangia look like small balls covered with a shell. Sporangia of horsetails, lycopsids, ferns develop on sporophylls and can be collected in sori (groups) or be single.

fern sporangia
fern sporangia

Propagation of the fern

Any fern can begrow from spores. What are fern sporangia? There are two types of heterosporous fern-like sporangia: mega- and microsporangia, producing mega- and microspores, from which female and male outgrowths are formed. On the underside of the leaf of an adult plant, small tubercles can be seen, which are arranged randomly, in strokes or rows. In extinct ferns, they were located at the ends of the branches. Fern sporangia may form a banded edge or a solid crust.

For reproduction, sori are collected along with part of the leaf and placed to dry in a paper bag, which is stored in a cool and dry room. You can store them in the refrigerator and open the package only right before sowing. The viability of spores of various fern species varies greatly, from a few days to 20 years. Spores for sowing are separated in a place protected from drafts. Without opening the package, you need to knock on it, from which the disputes will begin to get enough sleep. If this does not happen, then the sori must be scraped off with a knife. The spores are very small and look like brown powder.

spores in sporangia
spores in sporangia

Mushroom reproduction

Asexual reproduction of mushrooms occurs due to special spores that develop on special branches of the mycelium. Spores can be exogenous and endogenous. What are fungal sporangia? These are special cells, which are also called sporangiospores. Exogenous spores are formed in organs called conidiophores, and spores are called conidia. Higher fungi reproduce only by conidia, lower ones most often by spores.

Sporangia are formed on sporangiophores. These are special branches of the mycelium, which are distinguished by limited growth, greater thickness and other features.

By the way, molds release toxic substances called mycotoxins, which are potent poisons that can harm humans and animals. To do this, it is not at all necessary to eat moldy bread or other food. It is enough to open a bag or open a container with moldy food and accidentally inhale spores with air or touch mold.

We hope now you understand what sporangia are and know that spores are formed in them, with the help of which plants reproduce. Sometimes the spores can be poisonous.