Apple garden - business or hobby?

Apple garden - business or hobby?
Apple garden - business or hobby?

The best pastime is the cultivation of any earthen crops. Whether it is a garden or a vegetable garden, in spring, summer and autumn, only it occupies the heads of gardeners. As they say, with age, a person is more and more drawn to the earth, and this is true, because it is difficult to find someone over forty years old without the desire to plant at least a houseplant.

The apple orchard will become a favorite place to relax and a good idea for a business without a large investment of money. But still, it needs to be properly planted and time taken to care for trees and soil.

Apple placement methods

When planting trees, one should not just thoughtlessly plant seedlings in a chaotic manner, but take into account weather conditions, apple tree varieties, soil type and terrain. There are several types of tree planting:

  • rectangle;
  • staggered;
  • stripe;
  • outline.

There are different types of apple trees according to the ripening period, for example, if it is an early apple tree, then it will bear fruit from 06/10 to 07/01, if it is a summer apple tree, then from 07/01 to 08/10, late or autumn varieties bear fruit from 08/10 to 09/10,and finally, winter apples can be harvested from 10.09 to 20.10.

collective garden
collective garden

Before planting, it is necessary to mark the places where the trees will be. Each of them needs space. The distance between trees should be no less than 4-5 m to buildings and outbuildings, as well as no less than 5-6 m between rows. It is good if, when placing an apple orchard, combine it with a shrub, for example, currants or gooseberries. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to increase the density of planting, and leave enough space for each tree.

Features of landing

You can plant an apple orchard both in spring and autumn. Pits for seedlings should be done 15 days before planting. Pit dimensions: depth – 50 cm, width and length – 70-80 cm.

Orchard features

Under the orchard understand the presence of fruit trees and berry bushes. Even on an ordinary plot of 6 acres of land, such a garden will become a real decoration, and spring flowering and smells will drive you crazy. You can use any trees in it: pears, apples, cherries and sweet cherries, apricots, peaches. And any berry bushes: raspberries, black and red currants, blueberries, gooseberries.


It is worth choosing trees and shrubs with different ripening periods, then the fruits will delight all summer long. This is especially true for those who plant a garden for business and are going to sell fruits and berries.

If you wantarrange a garden in the country and choose a plot to buy, consider such an option as a collective garden. Land there will not cost so much, and plots are located, as a rule, in a favorable place for planting fruit trees. In addition, there you can meet people with similar interests and learn from them the necessary information on the placement and care of trees.

Apple orchard - is it a profitable business?

If you decide to go into the gardening business, you did the right thing. And it is best to start with apples, because they give a big harvest. An apple orchard does not require long-term investment. Having spent money for the first time, for example, in 2016, and having purchased different varieties of apples, in a year it will be possible to remove 10 apples from each tree, by 2018 you will have 20 tons / ha of apples, and in another year this figure will increase almost twice.

apple orchard
apple orchard

When choosing a garden in which different fruit trees will grow, you need to take into account that the harvest from apricots and pears is less, however, the fruits are more expensive. But at the same time, they are more capricious, they need to be kept in a special place and transported correctly.

time before the New Year.
