Miracle tomatoes: cultivation and propagation

Miracle tomatoes: cultivation and propagation
Miracle tomatoes: cultivation and propagation

Tomatoes are sweet, fleshy fruits that have long been part of our menu and are firmly established in our gardens. According to researchers, the birthplace of this crop is South America. When these plants entered Europe in the 16th century, they were given the name "tomato", or "golden apple". To date, many varieties of tomatoes are known. Many of them have the word "miracle" in their name, tomatoes deserve it. There are objective reasons. Let's take a closer look at them.

miracle tomatoes reviews
miracle tomatoes reviews

Ripening dates

According to the growing season, several types of tomatoes are distinguished. Ultra-early varieties produce fruits on the 65-75th day after planting, in early varieties ripening occurs within 75-90 days. Mid-late varieties develop the slowest of all. They bear fruit in 90-100 days. According to the ripening time, the compactness of the bush, the height of the plant, tomatoes are isolated for cultivation in the open field and in the greenhouse. In the first case, varieties with a small bush are selected, in the second, tall varieties are preferred.

miracle land tomatoes
miracle land tomatoes

Tomato variety Miracle of the Earth

This variety is ideal for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. The sizes that Miracle Earth tomatoes have are very large. Fruits can weigh from five hundred grams to one kilogram. In this sense, the description on the bright seed bag does not lie. The largest tomatoes ripen on the lower brushes, the higher - the smaller the fruits will be. They make an excellent addition to summer salads. In height, the bush can reach from 1.7 to two meters (depending on the breeding method). In the open field, the plant will not be able to reach the same size as in a specially created environment. Bushes require pinching. They remove the side stems and leave one. In order for the fruits to form large, it is necessary to leave one or two fruits on each brush. Tomatoes are drought tolerant.

answers field of miracles variety of tomatoes
answers field of miracles variety of tomatoes

Tomato variety Miracle of the World

The variety belongs to the middle-late varieties. The bush is formed powerful. Wonder of the world - tomatoes, which have an excellent taste with a slight sourness. Tomatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene. The fruits are suitable for canning. The plant produces from four to five brushes. Each ripens from 25 to 50 fruits. They have an elongated shape, yellow color and are very reminiscent of a lemon. No wonder the second name of the variety is Lemon Liana. The weight of each fruit can be from 50 to 60 grams. The plant is resistant to diseases and tolerates adverse weather conditions, temperature extremes. Long lashes need to be tied up. These miracle tomatoes are equally suitable for growing in a greenhouse and for outdoor cultivation.

wonder of the world tomatoes
wonder of the world tomatoes

Growing at home

Vegetable lovers have an excellenta chance to breed such plants in an ordinary city apartment all year round. To do this, you just need to choose a variety that will comfortably develop at room temperature and bear fruit on the windowsill. Such can be called the Balcony miracle - tomatoes, which are early ripe. They begin breeding with growing seedlings. Seeds are sown in boxes and put in a warm place. Cover with plastic wrap on top. There is a mini greenhouse. When the seedlings grow up, the plants can be dived into separate containers, for example, into small pots with a drainage hole. This is done so that the seedlings have a better root system. On the 55th or 60th day after planting the seeds, the plants are transferred to a permanent place in ceramic pots or plastic containers. Bushes grow compact, undersized, covered with small bright red fruits. The variety is disease resistant. Mature plants can live on window sills where there is more light. In summer, it is recommended to take them out to the balcony, and in winter to provide additional light.

miracle tomatoes
miracle tomatoes

Seedling breeding

Experienced gardeners know that you need to start growing miracle tomatoes from planting seedlings. This is best done from early March to April. Early-ripening varieties should be chosen. If your choice is inclined towards a variety of late ripening tomatoes, then it is better to plant the seeds earlier, for example, in January-February. When the plants rise, become stronger, they develop a root system, they can be transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse. The best time is whenseedlings develop true three leaves. They can be transferred to a large pot. Its capacity can be one liter. In a city apartment, you can apply the following wonderful way of how to breed miracle tomatoes (he gets the best reviews). You will need to grow several plants from the purchased 10 seeds. Then, when they get stronger and grow up, they need to cut off the tops and put them in water so that they form roots. So you get more planting material. The benefits are obvious. Fewer seeds are required, and significant soil savings. In addition, plants grown in this way develop faster. Young seedlings are recommended to be fed with a weak solution of "Kristallin": for 5 liters of water, a pinch of the product on the tip of a knife.

field of miracles tomato variety
field of miracles tomato variety

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

After the warm weather sets in, and the positive temperature begins to hold even at night, covering material can be removed from the greenhouses. In the greenhouse (as well as in the open field), it is necessary to observe the measure when watering tomatoes. It should be plentiful, but moderate. Be sure to leave a barrel filled with water here so that it warms up. Do not pour cold water. Moreover, it must be poured strictly under the root, avoid getting on the leaves, flowers and ovaries. The air temperature must be maintained between 18 and 22 °C.

Outdoor cultivation

If you grow tomatoes, your garden will turn into a real field of miracles. A variety of tomatoes can be selected for every taste and color. Meetnot only pink, red, yellow, but even dark, chocolate and almost black fruits. Be sure the plants need to stepchild, this affects the yield of the bush. It is necessary to remove excess stems and leaves at a height of thirty centimeters from the ground. They must not be allowed to thicken. The plant should receive more sunlight. Watering is best done either in the morning or until the middle of the day. At this time, the temperature preponderance is inclined in favor of water relative to the state of air. As a top dressing, you can use complex fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

Reviews of gardeners about tomatoes

To the question of how you can call a garden with a rich harvest of tomatoes, lovers of six acres give answers: "Field of Miracles." A variety of tomatoes (tall, greenhouse), grown according to the Maslov method, will surprise anyone. The main principle lies in the cultivation of plants without being tied to a support. Tomatoes should creep along the ground and grow additional roots. As a result, many large fruits are tied. Of the most popular varieties of tomatoes, which are most often called by people, one can single out the Balcony Miracle and the Miracle of the Earth. These varieties deserve the trust of gardeners and collect the most favorable responses. The first variety bears fruit perfectly at home, decorates loggias and balconies. From one undersized bush you can get a crop of up to 2 kg of red small fruits. Gardeners involved in the cultivation of this crop conclude that the Miracle of the Earth tomato variety is practically devoid of flaws. Up to 4 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush. Tomatoes do not form green spotsnear the stalk, they perfectly tolerate transportation. Therefore, they are recommended to be bred if you plan to sell miracle tomatoes. It also tolerates drought well.
