Uneven area creates problems for owners of houses and suburban areas. If the irregularities on the surface of the earth are small, then this disadvantage can be used as a design element. On a sloping plot, you can create a beautiful garden and build a house.
When landscaping, leveling the land is a top priority. At the same time, the construction of country houses should be properly planned. There are some preparations you need to make before you get started.
Drawing up a plan of work on the site
It is advisable to level the site in the fall, but sometimes they do it in the spring. During the autumn and winter period, the earth will freeze, the soil will settle. In the spring it will be possible to start planting.
Much depends on the area of the site, on what kind of soil is there, how cluttered it is. In what way, with what tools to align? It depends on many factors.
Initially draw up a work plan:
- Remove debris and stones from the site, stumps must be uprooted.
- Calculate the slope angle, determine in which direction the water flows.
- Determine how to remove the sod layer. If possible, this arduous process should be avoided.

How to manually make a flat area
The best suburban area is flat. It will be easier for inexperienced summer residents to work on a flat area. When leveling a site with your own hands involves changing small differences in ground level, then you need:
- Mark the territory into squares using pegs.
- Put the pegs in the corners of the squares and pull the rope.
- Fix the rope on each peg evenly in height. This way you can see all the uneven ground.
- Cut off excess soil by hand with a shovel and add to existing holes.
- Do not touch the area for about two weeks.
- Remove the pegs and level the ground with a rake.
This is how they level the site with their own hands. If it’s hard to level the ground yourself, you can bring in equipment. For example, rent a tractor for particularly labor-intensive work.

What technique will help level the area
For a territory with a slight slope, a cultivator and a walk-behind tractor are quite suitable. A cultivator is an aggregate with which you can cultivate and level the ground. The function of a small-sized tractor will be performed by a walk-behind tractor. If you use a walk-behind tractor, then you can not remove the upper part of the soil. Alignment of the site using this device occurs in the following way:
- Attach a flat board to the back of the universal mount.
- Motoblockwalks and loosens the ground.
- The board drags along the ground behind the walk-behind tractor and levels the ground.
If you need to level a site with a fairly significant slope, then such assistants will not cope with the task. It is possible in this case to involve a mini-tractor and a grader, a mini-bulldozer and an excavator.
Leveling the site using machinery
Before starting such work, it is necessary to determine what type of irregularities on the site, what kind of equipment will be required. Leveling the territory with a large slope is carried out with the help of garden mini-equipment. The complex of land works involves moving or adding soil.
When the area is leveled with a tractor, it is necessary to remove the top layer of fertile soil and set it aside. Remove soil from high places and fill in holes and potholes.
Work can be done with a mini tractor or a mini bulldozer. In hard-to-reach places, use a mini excavator or do everything manually. Plowing the land is best done in two directions: along and across. The next step is to level the soil. This is done with a mini bulldozer, grader or cultivator.

Using makeshift fixtures
Suitable sites for building the foundation of a house, vegetable garden and garden are sites that have a slope of up to two degrees.
There is a way to help level the soil for garden plants. This is the alignment of the site with a wooden staircase. You need to tie a rope to it and repeatedly wire it.over the dug area. Then tamp with a homemade ice rink. Ice rink manufacturing order:
- A skating rink is made from a small iron barrel and pipes.
- Holes need to be made in the center of the lid and bottom. Drive a pipe into the bottom and seal end-to-end.
- To make the weight heavier, pour rubble into the barrel and add water, you can fill it with cement mortar.
- Put the cover on the pipe.
- Seal the joint, and weld the lid itself to the barrel. From reinforcement to make a handle and a frame to roll the barrel on the ground.

How to make flat land for building a house
Each suburban area is sure to expect the construction of a house. In this case, the area allotted for the construction should be flat. This is necessary so that the load on the foundation is distributed evenly. Leveling the site for construction should be carried out in calm weather, when the ground is dry. Lack of precipitation will prevent the soil from turning into mud.
First you need to remove the fertile layer of the earth. You can do this with a shovel. And on the wheelbarrow you need to move the earth to the side. The exposed soil must be leveled. Dig up the earth in those places where it rises, put it in the hollows on the site. Level the ground with a rake. If there is not enough land, you will have to purchase additional soil.
Check the evenness of the land with a building level. If there is no level at hand, then you can use a simple board. Lay it on the ground and see if it lies flat on the ground. Add if necessaryground and level.

When the site is leveled on its own, compaction of the soil is of great importance. It can be made independently. You can use a homemade hand roller. Roll it along the length and width of the site. After that, check the evenness of the surface again. At the end of the work, lay the removed earth in place and tamp again.
Preparing a site for a beautiful lawn
Before you start leveling the area under the lawn, it is required to conduct a soil analysis. To grow flower crops, you need fertile soil.
If the soil is clayey, then you need to purchase sand and distribute it throughout the site. Level with a rake. Roll with a homemade ice rink. Thus, the soil acquires a dense structure.

After leveling the site, it is necessary to dig the earth.
As soon as all work is completed, it is necessary to irrigate the entire area. Thus, you can see the holes where you need to pour the earth.
And the final touch: do not use the land for about two weeks. During this time, the soil will sag. And only after that you can plant plants.
It is necessary to learn that leveling the site in any way (whether manual or using machinery) must begin with work planning. A flat area will facilitate the care of planted plants. In such a territory, it is easier to create a cozy recreation area.